Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above
  # Amount of years to display using jumps of one year (current year - oneYearLimit)
  oneYearLimit: 10
  # Limit for years to display using jumps of five years (current year - fiveYearLimit)
  fiveYearLimit: 30
  # The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
  defaultLowerLimit: 1900

# NOTE: The "types" section no longer exists, as it is determined dynamically via the REST API


Both the "item" edit and "collection" edit screens allow you to undo changes within a specific time.  This is controlled by these settings:

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above
    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0
item: {
  edit: {
    undoTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds
collection: {
  edit: {     
    undoTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds


The "themes" section allows you to configure which theme(s) are enabled for your DSpace site (with the default theme being the "dspace" one).  You can enable a single theme across all pages, and/or enable specific alternative themes based on a specific Community, Collection or Item (by UUID or Handle), or based on a Regex match of a URL pattern.  This allows you fine grained control over how your site looks, including the ability to customize it per Community or Collection or even per specific pages in the site.  See User Interface Customization for details of how to create a new, custom theme.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above
themes: [
  //# Add additional themes here. In the case where multiple themes match a route, the first one
  //# in this list will get priority. It is advisable to always have a theme that matches
  //# every route as the last one

  // {#
  //# #  // A theme with a handle property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  //   //# # handle, and all collections and/or items within it
  //#  - name: 'custom',
  //#   handle: '10673/1233'
  // },#
  // {
  //   //# # A theme with a regex property will match the route using a regular expression. If it
  //# #  // matches the route for a community or collection it will also apply to all collections
  //   //# # and/or items within it
  //# -  name: 'custom',
  //#   regex: 'collections\/e8043bc2.*'
  // },#
  // {
  //   //# # A theme with a uuid property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  //# #  // ID, and all collections and/or items within it
  //# -  name: 'custom',
  //#   uuid: '0958c910-2037-42a9-81c7-dca80e3892b4'
  // },#
  //# {
  //    // Using the "extends" property allows a theme to extend/borrow from # The extends property specifies an ancestor theme (by name).
  //    // Wherever Whenever a themethemed component is nownot found
  # # in the thiscurrent themestheme, its ancestor theme(s) will be checked 
  //    // recursively before falling back to default.
  //# -   name: 'custom-A',
  // #   extends: 'custom-B',
  //#    //# Any of the matching properties above can be used
  //#    handle: '10673/34,'
  // },#
  // {
  //   # - name: 'custom-B',
  // #   extends: 'custom',
  // #   handle: '10673/12,'
  // },#
  // {
  //   // # # A theme with only a name will match every route
  //  # name: 'custom'
  // },#
  //# {
# This //theme will  // This theme will use use the default bootstrap styling for DSpace components
  //#  - name: BASE_THEME_NAME
  // },#
    // The default dspace theme
    - name: 'dspace'
    // # Whenever this theme is active, the following tags will be injected into the <head> of the page.
    //# Example use case: set the favicon based on the active theme. 
    headTags: [
    - tagName: link
     // Insert <link rel="icon" href=": icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico" sizes="any"/> into the <head> of the page.
        sizes: any
       - tagName: 'link',
        attributes: {
          'rel': 'icon',
          'href': 'assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico',
        type: image/svg+xml
    - 'sizes'tagName: 'any',link
  rel: apple-touch-icon
],href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png
    - tagName: link
        rel: manifest
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/manifest.webmanifest

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0
themes: [
  // Add additional themes here. In the case where multiple themes match a route, the first one
  // in this list will get priority. It is advisable to always have a theme that matches
  // every route as the last one

  // {
  //   // A theme with a handle property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  //   // handle, and all collections and/or items within it
  //   name: 'custom',
  //   handle: '10673/1233'
  // },
  // {
  //   // A theme with a regex property will match the route using a regular expression. If it
  //   // matches the route for a community or collection it will also apply to all collections
  //   // and/or items within it
  //   name: 'custom',
  //   regex: 'collections\/e8043bc2.*'
  // },
  // {
  //   // A theme with a uuid property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  //   // ID, and all collections and/or items within it
  //   name: 'custom',
  //   uuid: '0958c910-2037-42a9-81c7-dca80e3892b4'
  // },
  // {
  //    // Using the "extends" property allows a theme to extend/borrow from an ancestor theme (by name).
  //    // Wherever a theme component is now found in this themes, its ancestor theme(s) will be checked 
  //    // recursively before falling back to default.
  //    name: 'custom-A',
  //    extends: 'custom-B',
  //    // Any of the matching properties above can be used
  //    handle: 10673/34,
  // },
  // {
  //    name: 'custom-B',
  //    extends: 'custom',
  //    handle: 10673/12,
  // },
  // {
  //   // A theme with only a name will match every route
  //   name: 'custom'
  // },
  // {
  //   // This theme will use the default bootstrap styling for DSpace components
  //   name: BASE_THEME_NAME
  // },
    // The default dspace theme
    name: 'dspace'
    // Whenever this theme is active, the following tags will be injected into the <head> of the page.
    // Example use case: set the favicon based on the active theme.
    headTags: [
        // Insert <link rel="icon" href="assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico" sizes="any"/> into the <head> of the page.
        tagName: 'link',
        attributes: {
          'rel': 'icon',
          'href': 'assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico',
          'sizes': 'any',

Media Media Viewer Settings

The DSpace UI comes with a basic, out-of-the-box Media Viewer (disabled by default).  You can choose to enable it for "image/*" or "video/*" MIME types, or both.for "image/*" or "video/*" MIME types, or both.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above
# Whether to enable media viewer for image and/or video Bitstreams (i.e. Bitstreams whose MIME type starts with 'image' or 'video').
# For images, this enables a gallery viewer where you can zoom or page through images.
# For videos, this enables embedded video streaming
  image: false
  video: false

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0
// Whether to enable media viewer for image and/or video Bitstreams (i.e. Bitstreams whose MIME type starts with "image" or "video").
// For images, this enables a gallery viewer where you can zoom or page through images.
// For videos, this enables embedded video streaming
mediaViewer: {
  image: false,
  video: false,
