Versions Compared


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As the DSpace 7 User Interface is built on, it aligns with many of the best practices of that platform & the surrounding community.  One example is that Configuration files (along with much of the UI code) use our UI uses the TypeScript language.  That said, you do NOT need to be deeply familiar with TypeScript to edit the themes or other configuration files. Much of the syntax is very similar to JSON, which is a common configuration format.

titleIn DSpace 7.2 and above, the UI Configuration format changed to support runtime configuration loading

As of DSpace 7.2, the UI configuration format has changed to YAML in order to support runtime configuration.  This means that reloading configurations now simply requires restarting the UI (which generally takes a few seconds).

In DSpace 7.1 and below, you had to rebuild the UI anytime you modified a configuration setting.  The UI configuration format was Typescript which required recompiling each time a setting changed.



File Format

In DSpace 7.2 and above, the Configuration format is now YAML and is located at ./config/config.*.yaml.  If you are upgrading from 7.0 or 7.1 to 7.2 (or later), you will either need to migrate your old configuration file (from Typescript to YAML) or start fresh.  You can migrate your old (7.0 or 7.1) "environment.*.ts" configuration file to the new "config.*.yml" format by running:

Code Block
yarn env:yaml [relative-path-to-environment.ts] [optional-relative-path-to-YAML]

# For Example, to migrate an old file to the new
# yarn env:yaml src/environments/ config/

In DSpace 7.1 and 7.0, the Configuration format was a Typescript file and was located at ./src/environments/environment.*.ts.  The structure of this file was essentially a JSON like format.

Configuration Override

In 7.2 or above

The UI configuration files reside in the ./config/ folder in the Angular UI source code.  The default configuration is provided in config.yml.

To change the default configuration values, you simply create (one or more) local files that override the parameters you need to modify. You can use  config.example.yml  as a starting point.

  • For example, create a new  file in  config/  for a  development  environment;
  • For example, create a new  file in config/  for a  production  environment;

The "ui" and "rest" sections of the configuration may also be overridden separately via one of the following

  • By setting any of the following environment variables in your system:

    Code Block
    # "ui" settings environment variables
    DSPACE_UI_HOST # The host name of the angular application
    DSPACE_UI_PORT # The port number of the angular application
    DSPACE_UI_NAMESPACE # The namespace of the angular application
    DSPACE_UI_SSL # Whether the angular application uses SSL [true/false]
    # "rest" settings environment variables
    DSPACE_REST_HOST # The host name of the REST application
    DSPACE_REST_PORT # The port number of the REST application
    DSPACE_REST_NAMESPACE # The namespace of the REST application
    DSPACE_REST_SSL # Whether the angular REST uses SSL [true/false]

  • Or, by creating a .env (environment) file in the project root directory and setting the environment variables in that location.

The override priority ordering is as follows (with items listed at the top overriding all other settings)

  1. Environment variables
  2. The .env file
  3. The ./config/, ./config/ or ./config/config.test.yml files (depending on current mode)
  4. The ./config/config.yml file
  5. The hardcoded defaults in ./src/config/default-app-config.ts

In 7.1 or 7.0

The UI configuration files reside in the ./src/environments/ folder in the Angular UI source code.  The default configuration are in environment.common.ts in that directory.

To change the default configuration values, you simply create (one or more) local files that override the parameters you need to modify. You can use  environment.template.ts  as a starting point.

  • For example, create a new  file in  src/environments/  for a  development  environment;
  • For example, create a new  file in  src/environments/  for a  production  environment;

The "ui" and "rest" sections of the configuration may also be overridden separately via one of the following

  • By setting any of the following environment variables in your system:


The UI configuration files reside in the ./src/environments/ folder in the Angular UI source code.  The default configuration are in environment.common.ts in that directory.

To change the default configuration values, you simply create (one or more) local files that override the parameters you need to modify. You can use  environment.template.ts  as a starting point.

  • For example, create a new  file in  src/environments/  for a  development  environment;
  • For example, create a new  file in  src/environments/  for a  production  environment;

The "ui" and "rest" sections of the configuration may also be overridden separately via one of the following

  • By setting any of the following environment variables in your system:

    Code Block
    # "ui" settings environment variables
    DSPACE_HOST # The host name of the angular application
    DSPACE_PORT # The port number of the angular application
    DSPACE_NAMESPACE # The namespace of the angular application
    DSPACE_SSL # Whether the angular application uses SSL [true/false]
    # "rest" settings environment variables
    DSPACE_REST_HOST # The host name of the REST application
    DSPACE_REST_PORT # The port number of the REST application
    DSPACE_REST_NAMESPACE # The namespace of the REST application
    DSPACE_REST_SSL # Whether the angular REST uses SSL [true/false]
  • Or, by creating a .env (environment) file in the project root directory and setting the environment variables in that location.

The override priority ordering is as follows (with items listed at the top overriding all other settings)

  1. Environment variables
  2. The ".env" file
  3. The "", "" or "environment.test.ts"
  4. The "environment.common.ts"

Configuration Reference

The following configurations are available in ./src/environments/environment.common.ts These settings may be overridden as described above

Production Mode

When Production mode is enabled, this enables Angular's runtime production mode and compresses the built application. This should always be enabled in Production scenarios.

Code Block
production: true

UI Core Settings

The "ui" (user interface) section defines where you want Node.js to run/respond. It may correspond to your primary/public URL, but it also may not (if you are running behind a proxy). In this example, we are setting up our UI to just use localhost, port 4000. This is a common setup for when you want to use Apache or Nginx to handle HTTPS and proxy requests to Node.js running on port 4000.

  •  [true/false]

  • Or, by creating a .env (environment) file in the project root directory and setting the environment variables in that location.

The override priority ordering is as follows (with items listed at the top overriding all other settings)

  1. Environment variables
  2. The ".env" file
  3. The "", "" or "environment.test.ts"
  4. The "environment.common.ts"

Configuration Reference

The following configurations are available in ./src/environments/environment.common.ts These settings may be overridden as described above

Production Mode

titleOnly valid for 7.1 or 7.0

As of 7.2 and above, Angular production mode is automatically enabled whenever you are running the app in Production mode (NODE_ENV=production, or 'yarn start:prod' or 'yarn serve:ssr').  Angular production mode is automatically disabled when you are running the app in Development mode (NODE_ENV=development, or 'yarn start:dev" or 'yarn serve')

When Production mode is enabled, this enables Angular's runtime production mode and compresses the built application. This should always be enabled in Production scenarios.

Code Block
production: true

UI Core Settings

The "ui" (user interface) section defines where you want Node.js to run/respond. It may correspond to your primary/public URL, but it also may not (if you are running behind a proxy). In this example, we are setting up our UI to just use localhost, port 4000. This is a common setup for when you want to use Apache or Nginx to handle HTTPS and proxy requests to Node.js running on port 4000.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above
  ssl: false
  host: localhost
  port: 4000
  # NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
  nameSpace: /
  # The rateLimiter settings limit each IP to a 'max' of 500 requests per 'windowMs' (1 minute).
    windowMs: 60000 # 1 minute
    max: 500 # limit each IP to 500 requests per windowMs

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0
ui: {
  ssl: false,
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 4000,
  // NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
  nameSpace: '/',
  // The rateLimiter settings limit each IP to a "max" of 500 requests per "windowMs" (1 minute).
  rateLimiter: {
    windowMs: 1 * 60 * 1000,   // 1 minute
    max: 500 // limit each IP to 500 requests per windowMs


The DSpace UI requires that a corresponding language pack file (named with the language code and ending in ".json5") be placed in ./src/assets/i18n/.  See also DSpace 7 Translation - Internationalization (i18n) - Localization (l10n) for information about how to create and contribute these files.

Browse By Settings

titleOnly valid for 7.1 and below

This section was removed in DSpace 7.2, as "Browse By" settings are now loaded dynamically from the REST API.  Therefore, in DSpace 7.2 and above, you can modify the Browse By settings by simply configuring additional indexes using Discovery

The "browseBy" section allows you to customize which "Browse by" options appear in the "All of DSpace" header menu at the top of your DSpace site.  The "id" MUST correspond to the name of a valid Browse index available from your REST API (see documentation on the REST API /api/discover/browses endpoint).  It is possible to configure additional indexes on the Backend using Discovery, and any configured index appears in your REST API.
