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AIP Backup & Restore for DSpace

Background & Overview


Additional background information available in the Open Repositories 2010 Presentation entitled Improving DSpace Backups, Restores & Migrations


  • Allows folks to more easily move entire Communities or Collections between DSpace instances.
  • Allows for a potentially more consistent backup of this hierarchy (e.g. to DuraCloud, or just to your own local backup system), rather than relying on synchronizing a backup of your DB (metadata/relationships) and assetstore (bitstreams).
  • Provides a way for people to more easily get their data out of DSpace (whatever the purpose may be).
  • Provides a relatively standard format for people to migrate entire hierarchies (Communities/Collections) into DSpace (from another system).

How does this work help DSpace interact with DuraCloud?

This work is entirely about exporting DSpace content objects to a location on a local filesystem. So, this work doesn't interact solely with DuraCloud, and could be used by any backup storage system to backup your DSpace contents.


(These backup/restore processes may change as we go forward and investigate more use cases. This is just the initial plan.)

Makeup and Definition of AIPs

AIPs are Archival Information Packages.

  • AIP is a package describing one archival object in DSpace.
    • The archival object may be a single Item, Collection, Community, or Site (Site AIPs contain site-wide information). Bitstreams are included in an Item's AIP.
    • Each AIP is logically self-contained, can be restored without rest of the archive. (So you could restore a single Item, Collection or Community)
    • Collection or Community AIPs do not include all child objects (e.g. Items in those Collections or Communities), as each AIP only describes one object. However, these container AIPs do contain references (links) to all child objects. These references can be used by DSpace to automatically restore all referenced AIPs when restoring a Collection or Community.
    • AIPs are only generated for objects which are currently in the "in archive" state in DSpace. This means that in-progress, uncompleted submissions are not described in AIPs and cannot be restored after a disaster. Permanently removed objects will also no longer be exported as AIPs after their removal. However, withdrawn objects will continue to be exported as AIPs, since they are still considered under the "in archive" status.
    • AIPs with identical contents will always have identical checksums. This provides a basic means of validating whether the contents within an AIP have changed. For example, if a Collection's AIP has the same checksum at two different points in time, it means that Collection has not changed during that time period.
    • AIP profile favors completeness and accuracy rather than presenting the semantics of an object in a standard format. It conforms to the quirks of DSpace's internal object model rather than attempting to produce a universally understandable representation of the object. When possible, an AIP tries to use common standards to express objects.
    • An AIP can serve as a DIP (Dissemination Information Package) or SIP (Submission Information Package), especially when transferring custody of objects to another DSpace implementation.
    • In contrast to SIP or DIP, the AIP should include all available DSpace structural and administrative metadata, and basic provenance information. AIPs also describe some basic system level information (e.g. Groups and People).

AIP Structure / Format

Generally speaking, an AIP is an Zip file containing a METS manifest and all related content bitstreams.

For more specific details of AIP format / structure, along with examples, please see DSpaceAIPFormat

Running the Code

Exporting AIPs

Export Modes & Options

All AIP Exports are done by using the Dissemination Mode (-d option) of the packager command.


  • Single AIP (default, using -d option) - Exports just an AIP describing a single DSpace object. So, if you ran it in this default mode for a Collection, you'd just end up with a single Collection AIP (which would not include AIPs for all its child Items)
  • Hierarchy of AIPs (using the -d --all or -d -a option) - Exports the requested AIP describing an object, plus the AIP for all child objects. Some examples follow:
    • For a Site - this would export all Communities, Collections & Items within the site into AIP files (in a provided directory)
    • For a Community - this would export that Community and all SubCommunities, Collections and Items into AIP files (in a provided directory)
    • For a Collection - this would export that Collection and all contained Items into AIP files (in a provided directory)
    • For an Item – this just exports the Item into an AIP as normal (as it already contains its Bitstreams/Bundles by default)

Exporting just a single AIP

To export in single AIP mode (default), use this 'packager' command template:


The above code will export the object of the given handle (4321/4567) into an AIP file named "". This will not include any child objects for Communities or Collections.

Exporting AIP Hierarchy

To export an AIP hierarchy, use the -a (or --all) package parameter.


  • File Name Format: <Obj-Type>@<Handle-with-dashes>.zip
    • e.g.,,
    • This general file naming convention ensures that you can easily locate an object to restore by its name (assuming you know its Object Type and Handle).
  • Alternatively, if object doesn't have a Handle, it uses this File Name Format: <Obj-Type>@internal-id-<DSpace-ID>.zip (e.g.
Exporting Entire Site

To export an entire DSpace Site, pass the packager the Handle <site-handle-prefix>/0. For example, if your site prefix is "4321", you'd run a command similar to the following:


Again, this would export the DSpace Site AIP into the file "", and export AIPs for all Communities, Collections and Items into the same directory as the Site AIP.

Ingesting / Restoring AIPs

Ingestion Modes & Options

Ingestion of AIPs is a bit more complex than Dissemination, as there are several different "modes" available:


  • Single AIP (default) - Ingests just an AIP describing a single DSpace object. So, if you ran it in this default mode for a Collection AIP, you'd just create a DSpace Collection from the AIP (but not ingest any of its child objects)
  • Hierarchy of AIPs (by including the --all or -a option after the mode) - Ingests the requested AIP describing an object, plus the AIP for all child objects. Some examples follow:
    • For a Site - this would ingest all Communities, Collections & Items based on the located AIP files
    • For a Community - this would ingest that Community and all SubCommunities, Collections and Items based on the located AIP files
    • For a Collection - this would ingest that Collection and all contained Items based on the located AIP files
    • For an Item – this just ingest the Item (including all Bitstreams & Bundles) based on the AIP file.
The difference between "Submit" and "Restore/Replace" modes

It's worth understanding the primary differences between a Submission (specified by -s parameter) and a Restore (specified by -r parameter).


  • Restore / Replace Mode (-r mode) - restores a previously existing object (as if from a backup)
    • By default, the Handle specified in the AIP is restored
      • However, for restores, you can force a new handle to be generated by specifying -o ignoreHandle=true as one of your parameters. (NOTE: Doesn't work for replace mode as the new object always retains the handle of the replaced object)
      • (info) Although a Restore/Replace does restore Handles, it will not necessarily restore the same internal IDs in your Database.
    • By default, the object is restored under the Parent specified in the AIP
      • However, for restores, you can force it to restore under a different parent object by using the -p parameter. (NOTE: Doesn't work for replace mode, as the new object always retains the parent of the replaced object)
    • Always skips any Collection workflow approval processes when restoring/replacing an Item in a Collection
    • Never adds a new Deposit License to Items (rather it restores the previous deposit license, as long as it is stored in the AIP)
    • Never adds new DSpace System metadata to Items (rather it just restores the metadata as specified in the AIP)

Submitting AIP(s) to create a new object

Submitting a Single AIP
titleAIPs treated as SIPs

This option allows you to essentially use an AIP as a SIP (Submission Information Package). The default settings will create a new DSpace object (with a new handle and a new parent object, if specified) from your AIP.


If you leave out the -p parameter, the AIP package ingester will attempt to install the AIP under the same parent it had before. As you are also specifying the -s (submit) parameter, the packager will assume you want a new Handle to be assigned (as you are effectively specifying that you are submitting a new object). If you want the object to retain the Handle specified in the AIP, you can specify the -o ignoreHandle=false option to force the packager to not ignore the Handle specified in the AIP.

Submitting an AIP Hierarchy
titleAIPs treated as SIPs

This option allows you to essentially use a set of AIPs as SIPs (Submission Information Packages). The default settings will create a new DSpace object (with a new handle and a new parent object, if specified) from each AIP


The above command will ingest the package named "" as a top-level community (i.e. the specified parent is "4321/0" which is a Site Handle). Again, the resulting object is assigned a new Handle. In addition, any child AIPs referenced by "" are also recursively ingested (a new Handle is also assigned for each child AIP).

Restoring/Replacing using AIP(s)

Restoring is slightly different than just submitting. When restoring, we make every attempt to restore the object as it used to be (including its handle, parent object, etc.).


titleRestoring a Single AIP

All of the below examples show how to restore an entire hierarchy of objects (using -a option). To restore a single object, you can use the same commands, but remove the -a option.

Default Restore Mode

By default, the restore mode (-r option) will rollback all changes if any object is found to already exist. The user will be informed if which object already exists within their DSpace installation.


titleHighly Recommended to Update Database Sequences after a Large Restore

Wiki Markup
In some cases, when you restore a large amount of content to your DSpace, the internal database counts (called "sequences") may get out of sync with the Handles of the content you just restored.   As a best practice, it is *highly recommended to always* re-run the "update-sequences.sql" script on your DSpace database after a larger scale restore.  This database script can be run while the system is online (i.e. no need to stop Tomcat or PostgreSQL).  The script can be found in the following locations for PostgreSQL and Oracle, respectively:

Restore, Keep Existing Mode

When the "Keep Existing" flag (-k option) is specified, the restore will attempt to skip over any objects found to already exist. It will report to the user that the object was found to exist (and was not modified or changed). It will then continue to restore all objects which do not already exist.


In the above example, the package "" is restored to the DSpace installation with the Handle provided within the package itself (and added as a child of the parent object specified within the package itself). In addition, any child AIPs referenced by "" are also recursively restored (the -a option specifies to also restore all child AIPs). They are also restored with the Handles & Parent Objects provided with their package. If any object is found to already exist, it is skipped over (child objects are also skipped). All non-existing objects are restored.

Force Replace Mode

When the "Force Replace" flag (-f option) is specified, the restore will overwrite any objects found to already exist in DSpace. In other words, existing content is deleted and then replaced by the contents of the AIP(s).


If any error occurs, the script attempts to rollback the entire replacement process.

Restoring Entire Site

In order to restore an entire Site from a set of AIPs, you must do the following:


  • Notice that you are running this command in "Force Replace" mode (-r -f). This is necessary as your empty DSpace install will already include a few default groups (Administrators and Anonymous) and your initial administrative user. You need to replace these groups in order to restore your prior DSpace contents completely.
  • <eperson> should be replaced with the Email Address of the initial Administrator (who you created when you reinstalled DSpace).
  • <site-handle-prefix> should be replaced with your DSpace site's assigned Handle Prefix. This is equivalent to the handle.prefix setting in your dspace.cfg
  • /full/path/to/your/ is the full path to the AIP file which represents your DSpace SITE. This file will be named whatever you named it when you actually exported your entire site. All other AIPs are assumed to be referenced from this SITE AIP (in most cases, they should be in the same directory as that SITE AIP).
titleHighly Recommended to Update Database Sequences after a Large Restore

Wiki Markup
In some cases, when you restore a large amount of content to your DSpace, the internal database counts (called "sequences") may get out of sync with the Handles of the content you just restored.   As a best practice, it is *highly recommended to always* re-run the "update-sequences.sql" script on your DSpace database after a larger scale restore.  This database script can be run while the system is online (i.e. no need to stop Tomcat or PostgreSQL).  The script can be found in the following locations for PostgreSQL and Oracle, respectively:

Additional Packager Options

In additional to the various "modes" settings described under "Running the Code" above, the AIP Packager supports the following packager options. These options allow you to better tweak how your AIPs are processed (especially during ingests/restores/replaces).


Ingest or Export

Default Value





Tells the AIP ingester to automatically create any metadata fields which are found to be missing from the DSpace Metadata Registry. When 'true', this means as each AIP is ingested, new fields may be added to the DSpace Metadata Registry if they don't already exist. When 'false', an AIP ingest will fail if it encounters a metadata field that doesn't exist in the DSpace Metadata Registry. (NOTE: This will not create missing DSpace Metadata Schemas. If a schema is found to be missing, the ingest will always fail.)



Restore/Replace Mode defaults to 'false',
Submit Mode defaults to 'true'

If 'true', the AIP ingester will ignore any Handle specified in the AIP itself, and instead create a new Handle during the ingest process (this is the default when running in Submit mode, using the -s flag). If 'false', the AIP ingester attempts to restore the Handles specified in the AIP (this is the default when running in Restore/replace mode, using the -r flag).



Restore/Replace Mode defaults to 'false',
Submit Mode defaults to 'true'

If 'true', the AIP ingester will ignore any Parent object specified in the AIP itself, and instead ingest under a new Parent object (this is the default when running in Submit mode, using the -s flag). The new Parent object must be specified via the -p flag (run dspace packager -h for more help). If 'false', the AIP ingester attempts to restore the object directly under its old Parent (this is the default when running in Restore/replace mode, using the -r flag).



defaults to "all"

This option can be used to limit the Bundles which are exported to AIPs for each DSpace Item. By default, all file Bundles will be exported into Item AIPs. You could use this option to limit the size of AIPs by only exporting certain Bundles. WARNING: any bundles not included in AIPs will obviously be unable to be restored. This option expects a comma separated list of bundle names (e.g. "ORIGINAL,LICENSE,CC_LICENSE,METADATA"), or "all" if all bundles should be included.
(NOTE: If you choose to no longer export LICENSE or CC_LICENSE bundles, you will also need to disable the License Dissemination Crosswalks in the aip.disseminate.rightsMD configuration for the changes to take affect)




If 'true', the AIP Disseminator will export an AIP which only consists of the METS Manifest file (i.e. result will be a single 'mets.xml' file). This METS Manifest contains URI references to all content files, but does not contain any content files. This option is experimental, and should never be set to 'true' if you want to be able to restore content files.




If 'true' (and the 'DSPACE-ROLES' crosswalk is enabled, see #AIP Metadata Dissemination Configurations), then the AIP Disseminator will export user password hashes (i.e. encrypted passwords) into Site AIP's METS Manifest. This would allow you to restore user's passwords from Site AIP. If 'false', then user password hashes are not stored in Site AIP, and passwords cannot be restored at a later time.




If 'skip', the AIP Disseminator will skip over any unauthorized Bundle or Bitstream encountered (i.e. it will not be added to the AIP). If 'zero', the AIP Disseminator will add a Zero-length "placeholder" file to the AIP when it encounters an unauthorized Bitstream. If unspecified (the default value), the AIP Disseminator will throw an error if an unauthorized Bundle or Bitstream is encountered.




This option works as a basic form of "incremental backup". This option requires that an ISO-8601 date is specified. When specified, the AIP Disseminator will only export Item AIPs which have a last-modified date after the specified ISO-8601 date. This option has no affect on the export of Site, Community or Collection AIPs as DSpace does not record a last-modified date for Sites, Communities or Collections. For example, when this option is specified during a full-site export, the AIP Disseminator will export the Site AIP, all Community AIPs, all Collection AIPs, and only Item AIPs modified after that date and time.



Export defaults to 'true',
Ingest defaults to 'false'

If 'true', every METS file in AIP will be validated before ingesting or exporting. By default, DSpace will validate everything on export, but will skip validation during import. Validation on export will ensure that all exported AIPs properly conform to the METS profile (and will throw errors if any do not). Validation on import will ensure every METS file in every AIP is first validated before importing into DSpace (this will cause the ingestion processing to take longer, but tips on speeding it up can be found in the "AIP Configurations To Improve Ingestion Speed while Validating" section below). DSpace recommends minimally validating AIPs on export. Ideally, you should validate both on export and import, but import validation is disabled by default in order to increase the speed of AIP restores.

How to use these options

These options can be passed in two main ways:


Code Block
PackageParameters params = new PackageParameters;
params.addProperty("createMetadataFields", "false");
params.addProperty("ignoreParent", "true");

Configuration in 'dspace.cfg'

The following new configurations relate to AIPs:

AIP Metadata Dissemination Configurations

The following configurations allow you to specify what metadata is stored within each METS-based AIP. In 'dspace.cfg', the general format for each of these settings is:


  • aip.disseminate.techMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <techMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: PREMIS, DSPACE-ROLES)
    • The PREMIS crosswalk generates PREMIS metadata for the object specified by the AIP
    • The DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk exports DSpace Group / EPerson information into AIPs in a DSpace-specific XML format. Using this crosswalk means that AIPs can be used to recreated Groups & People within the system. (NOTE: The DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk should be used alongside the METSRights crosswalk if you also wish to restore the permissions that Groups/People have within the System. See below for more info on the METSRights crosswalk.)
  • aip.disseminate.sourceMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <sourceMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: AIP-TECHMD)
    • The AIP-TECHMD Crosswalk generates technical metadata (in DIM format) for the object specified by the AIP
  • aip.disseminate.digiprovMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <digiprovMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: None)
  • aip.disseminate.rightsMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <rightsMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: DSpaceDepositLicense:DSPACE_DEPLICENSE, CreativeCommonsRDF:DSPACE_CCRDF, CreativeCommonsText:DSPACE_CCTEXT, METSRights)
    • The DSPACE_DEPLICENSE crosswalk ensures the DSpace Deposit License is referenced/stored in AIP
    • The DSPACE_CCRDF crosswalk ensures any Creative Commons RDF Licenses are reference/stored in AIP
    • The DSPACE_CCTEXT crosswalk ensures any Creative Commons Textual Licenses are referenced/stored in AIP
    • The METSRights crosswalk ensures that Permissions/Rights on DSpace Objects (Communities, Collections, Items or Bitstreams) are referenced/stored in AIP. Using this crosswalk means that AIPs can be used to restore permissions that a particular Group or Person had on a DSpace Object. (NOTE: The METSRights crosswalk should always be used in conjunction with the DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk (see above) or a similar crosswalk. The METSRights crosswalk can only restore permissions, and cannot re-create Groups or EPeople in the system. The DSPACE-ROLES can actually re-create the Groups or EPeople as needed.)
  • aip.disseminate.dmd - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <dmdSec> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: MODS, DIM)
    • The MODS crosswalk translates the DSpace descriptive metadata (for this object) into MODS. As MODS is a relatively "standard" metadata schema, it may be useful to include a copy of MODS metadata in your AIPs if you should ever want to import them into another (non-DSpace) system.
    • The DIM crosswalk just translates the DSpace internal descriptive metadata into an XML format. This XML format is proprietary to DSpace, but stores the metadata in a format similar to Qualified Dublin Core.

AIP Ingestion Metadata Crosswalk Configurations

The following configurations allow you to specify what DSpace Crosswalks are used during the ingestion/restoration of AIPs. These configurations also allow you to ignore areas of the METS file (in the AIP) if you do not want that area to be restored.


titleMore Info on Default Crosswalks used

If unspecified in the above settings, the AIP ingester will automatically use the Crosswalk which is named the same as the @MDTYPE or @OTHERMDTYPE attribute for the metadata section. For example, a metadata section with an @MDTYPE="PREMIS" will be processed by the DSpace Crosswalk named "PREMIS".

AIP Ingestion EPerson Configurations

The following setting determines whether the AIP Ingester should create an EPerson (if necessary) when attempting to restore or ingest an Item whose Submitter cannot be located in the system. By default it is set to "false", as for AIPs the creation of EPeople (and Groups) is generally handled by the DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk (see #AIP Metadata Dissemination Configurations for more info on DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk.)

  • mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.createSubmitter = false

AIP Configurations To Improve Ingestion Speed while Validating

It is recommended to validate all AIPs on ingestion (when possible). But validation can be extremely slow, as each validation request first must download all referenced Schema documents from various locations on the web (sometimes as many as 10 schemas may be necessary to download in order to validate a single METS file). To make matters worse, the same schema will be re-downloaded each time it is used (i.e. it is not cached locally). So, if you are validating just 20 METS files which each reference 10 schemas, that results in 200 download requests.
