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h1. Dspace 1.6.x on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL5)


}Hi Dspace community, I'll be adding documentation here that outlines how to get Dspace 1.6.x up and running on a RHEL5 system emphasizing sustainability. (No small accomplishment.) The documentation is complete, but I need to translate from our internal documentation and wiki format to the format supported here. In the mean time feel free to email me any questions regarding this documentation or our build.
  \--\- Jamin Ragle, Systems Administrator, University of New Mexico



h2. Install{panel} *Official Dspace 1.6 Install Documentation:* [


]\\ (_for reference purposes and the instructions I used to write this document




_) {panel}

h5. Assumptions

* *Standard RHEL5 (32-bit) server* \- This build/document assumes you are running RHEL5_, but it could possibly be adapted to a CentOS5 system.


**  *RHEL Supplementary channel* (v. 5 for 32-bit x86) - This is what provides a source for Sun Java updates. It is assumed you have a valid Red Hat Network account that you can manage your systems.


* *Package Management* \- All required software for DSpace is provided and managed using package management, in our case RPM's. It is assumed software from external repositories used get regular updates, are trusted as secure, and all packages are maintained regularly.



*Goals:* This build is targeted for resolving the dependency problems of the  past between RHEL and JPackage, remove the 'dspace' user, and to install  Dspace 1.6.2.

The hardest issues to resolve are finding the prerequisite packages for *Maven2* and *Ant 1.7,* *resolving the dependencies,* _AND_ still *use RPMs* to maintain the packages. The following is my attempt to use an  external repository (JPackage) with RHEL5 and the only unmaintained  packages are Dspace itself and possibly the Java JAI.



h5. Check and Install Pre-requisite software


| _Login as_ *{_}root{_}* _if you are not already.


_ |

* *Requirement -* Perl (no version listed.) -- *{_}RHEL5{_}* _currently provides perl 5.8.8._ and was Installed by our default RHEL5 build.


* *Requirement -* Sun Java 1.5 or better, we will install Sun Java 1.6 -


(*{_}RHEL5{_}* _currently provides Sun Java 1.5 & 1.6_ through the RHEL Supplementary (v. 5 for 32-bit x86) channel)


*# *Requires* RHEL Supplementary (v. 5 for 32-bit x86) channel to get access to the Sun Java.


This is done through the web interface @ [


*# Install Sun Java 6:




}yum install java-1.6.0-sun java-1.6.0-sun-devel -y



This excerpt will be recorded, but will not be displayed on the page.


Notice here, it installs the jpackage-utils 1.7 which is maintained by Red Hat, which will be replaced by the JPackage maintained version later and can/will cause some problems after we install the jpackage repo.


{code}{footnote}This excerpt will be recorded, but will not be displayed on the page.{footnote}
{note}Notice here, it installs the jpackage-utils 1.7 which is maintained by Red Hat, which will be replaced by the JPackage maintained version later and can/will cause some problems after we install the jpackage repo.{note}
* *Requirement -* Relational Database, PostgreSQL 7.4 or later - (*RHEL5* currently provides postgres 8.1.18(default) and 8.4 is available too.)


*# Install Postgresql:




}yum install postgresql-server -y


titleClean Install

We have a Clean install, using only RHEL provided packages, up to this point.

Install and Configure the JPackage repository

(Ok, this is somewhat dirty and I don't know if this work work in a sustainable way, but here goes the experiment.)


{code}{_}This will install the postgresql dependency._

{tip:title=Clean Install}
We have a Clean install, using only RHEL provided packages, up to this point.

h5. Install and Configure the JPackage repository

(_Ok, this is somewhat_ *{_}dirty{_}* _and I don't know if this work work in a sustainable way, but here goes the experiment._)

| *Objective Statement:* +Only+ packages that are +specifically+ needed, either explicitly or to resolve a dependency on JPackage will be used, otherwise the RHEL channel provided package will be used.((I go into detail why I didn't use __yum-priorities__ in my more ideal install attempt:[\#alternative_install_methodyum-protectbase|Alternative Install method: yum-protectbase].)) |
