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Table of Contents

DSpace System Documentation: DRI Schema Reference

Table of Contents

Digital Repository Interface (DRI) is a schema that governs the structure of a Manakin DSpace page when encoded as an XML Document. It determines what elements can be present in the Document and the relationship of those elements to each other. This reference document explains the purpose of DRI, provides a broad architectural overview, and explains common design patterns. The appendix includes a complete reference for elements used in the DRI Schema, a graphical representation of the element hierarchy, and a quick reference table of elements and attributes.


Code Block
<document version=1.0>
  <meta> ... </meta>
    <div n="division-example1"
    <div n="division-example2" id="XMLExample.div.division-example2"
	interactive="yes" action=""
  <options> ... </options>


  • disabled: optionalAccepted values are √¨yes√Æ, √¨no√Æ. Determines whether the field allows user input. Rendering of disabled fields may vary with implementation and display media.
  • id: requiredA unique identifier for a field element.
  • n: requiredA non-unique local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings within an interactive division. This is the name of the field use when data is submitted back to the server.
  • rend: optionalA rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • required: optionalAccepted values are √¨yes√Æ, √¨no√Æ. Determines whether the field is a required component of the form and thus cannot be left blank.
  • type: requiredA required attribute to specify the type of value. Accepted types are:
    • button: A button input control that when activated by the user will submit the form, including all the fields, back to the server for processing.
    • checkbox: A boolean input control which may be toggled by the user. A checkbox may have several fields which share the same name and each of those fields may be toggled independently. This is distinct from a radio button where only one field may be toggled.
    • file: An input control that allows the user to select files to be submitted with the form. Note that a form which uses a file field must use the multipart method.
    • hidden: An input control that is not rendered on the screen and hidden from the user.
    • password: A single-line text input control where the input text is rendered in such a way as to hide the characters from the user.
    • radio: A boolean input control which may be toggled by the user. Multiple radio button fields may share the same name. When this occurs only one field may be selected to be true. This is distinct from a checkbox where multiple fields may be toggled.
    • select: A menu input control which allows the user to select from a list of available options.
    • text: A single-line text input control.
    • textarea: A multi-line text input control.
    • composite: A composite input control combines several input controls into a single field. The only fields that may be combined together are: checkbox, password, select, text, and textarea. When fields are combined together they can posses multiple combined values.
      Code Block
        <hi> ... </hi>
        <xref> ... </xref>
        <figure> ... </figure>
         <field id="" n="name" type="text"
          <params size="16" maxlength="32"/>
          <help>Some help text with <i18n>localized
          <value type="raw">Default value goes


Text Container

Structural Element


  • url: requiredA url to the external metadata file.
  • repositoryIdentifier: requiredA reference to the repositoryIdentifier of the repository.
  • type: optionalDescription of the reference object's type.
    Code Block
                <includeSet n="browse-list"
                 <reference url="/metadata/handle/123/4/mets.xml"
    	repositoryID="123" type="DSpace
    	Item"/> <reference url="/metadata/handle/123/5/mets.xml"
    	repositoryID="123" />


Metadata Reference Element


  • authenticated: requiredAccepted values are "yes", "no". Determines whether the user has been authenticated by the system.
    Code Block
            <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="email">
            <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="firstName"> Bob
            <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="lastName"> Jones
            <metadata element="rights"
            <metadata ...> ... </metadata>
            <trail source="123456789/6"> A bread crumb item
            <trail ...> ... </trail>
        <pageMeta> ... </pageMeta>


  • optionSelected: optionalAn optional attribute for select, checkbox, and radio fields to determine if the value is to be selected or not.
  • optionValue: optionalAn optional attribute for select, checkbox, and radio fields to determine the value that should be returned when this value is selected.
  • type: requiredA required attribute to specify the type of value. Accepted types are:
    • raw: The raw type stores the unprocessed value directly from the user of other source.
    • interpreted: The interpreted type stores the value in a format appropriate for display to the user, possibly including rich text markup.
    • default: The default type stores a value supplied by the system, used when no other values are provided.
      Code Block
        <hi> ... </hi>
        <xref> ... </xref>
        <figure> ... </figure>
        <field id="" n="name" type="text"
          <params size="16" maxlength="32"/>
          <help>Some help text with <i18n>localized
           <value type="default">Author,


Text Container

Structural Element
