Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Notice that you are running this command in "Force Replace" mode (-r -f). This is necessary as your empty DSpace install will already include a few default groups (Administrators and Anonymous) and your initial administrative user. You need to replace these groups in order to restore your prior DSpace contents completely.
  • <eperson> should be replaced with the Email Address of the initial Administrator (who you created when you reinstalled DSpace).
  • <site-handle-prefix> should be replaced with your DSpace site's assigned Handle Prefix. This is equivalent to the handle.prefix setting in your dspace.cfg
  • /full/path/to/your/ is the full path to the AIP file which represents your DSpace SITE. This file will be named whatever you named it when you actually DSPACE:exported your entire site. All other AIPs are assumed to be referenced from this SITE AIP (in most cases, they should be in the same directory as that SITE AIP).


  • Wiki Markup
    {{aip.disseminate.<setting> = <mdType>:<DSpace-crosswalk-name> \[DSPACE:, ...\]}}
    • <setting> is the setting name (see below for the full list of valid settings)
    • <mdType> is optional. It allows you to specify the value of the @MDTYPE or @OTHERMDTYPE attribute in the corresponding METS element.
    • <DSpace-crosswalk-name> is required. It specifies the name of the DSpace Crosswalk which should be used to generate this metadata.
    • Zero or more <label-for-METS>:<DSpace-crosswalk-name> may be specified for each setting


  • mets.xsd.<abbreviation> = <namespace> <local-file-name>
    • <abbreviation> is a unique abbreviation (of your choice) for this schema
    • <namespace> is the Schema namespace
    • Wiki Markup
      {{<local-file-name>}} the full name of the cached schema file (which should reside in your {{\[DSPACE:dspace\]/config/schemas/}} directory, by default this directory does not exist -- you will need to create it)

Wiki Markup
The default settings are all commented out.  But, they provide a full listing of all schemas currently used during validation of AIPs.  In order to utilize them, uncomment the settings, download the appropriate schema file, and save it to your {{\[DSPACE:dspace\]/config/schemas/}} directory (by default this directory does not exist -- you will need to create it) using the specified file name:


  • (tick) Restore existing Deposit License from AIP – i.e. do not add a new license (or change the license) during restore/replace
  • (tick) Restore existing CC License(s)
  • (/)(tick) Restore item mappings to multiple collections (for items which are mapped to several collections)
  • (tick) Restore withdrawal state
  • (tick) Restore embargo state
  • (tick) Restore permissions & roles (user/group permissions) on Items, Bundles & Bitstreams
  • (tick) Restoring metadata in a custom Metadata Field (i.e. non-default "dc" field)
  • Restoring metadata in a custom Metadata Schema (i.e. not "dc")
  • Options to restore just metadata or just particular bitstreams/bundles?
  • Will not restore items which have not made it into the "archived" state. In other words, at this time, there are no plans to restore items which are still in an approval workflow (WorkflowItems) or items which are unfinished submissions (WorkspaceItems). WorkspaceItems and WorkflowItems are never exported as AIPs.


Admin UI work

As part of the CurationTaskProposal (led by Richard Rodgers & MIT), a new Curation Framework is in the works. This Curation Framework will have a Command Line interface initially. However, the goal for 1.7, is to also have Administrative UI tools which are able to kick off various "curation tools". Among these curation tools will be the ability to export/import AIPs via the Admin UI.
