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This is a wiki page for DSpace REST API addon. The project is in development phase, but can be tested by the users. The complete version is expected to be published during October October before the end of 2010.

Table of Contents


At the end of the current stage of this project as a bonus task (if time constraints allow) the examples of usage will be provided for several languages, the use-cases will be presented (example of integration in other software, e.g. LMS) and optionally simple client system demonstrating UI customization will be demonstrated (e.g. Flex or JavaFX like).

How to install and test the module?

Here I will show two ways to install and test this module.

For both approaches you should have Apache Maven installed. Then proceed using Subversion and check out the code from

1) This way assumes you are running DSpace under Tomcat. Locate src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml (under directory you just downloaded DSpace REST API). Find variable named dspace-config and alter it to point to current location of dspace.cfg file of your DSpace instance. Position into the root directory of the REST API and type maven package. If everything goes well, in target directory will be packaged dspace.war. Use this file and deploy it to your current Tomcat instance. The application will be available under http://localhost:8080/rest/ by default.

2) You can run REST API under Jetty container. Proceed with the same steps as under #1. Then instead to deploy .war file to Tomcat web server, from the root of REST API source tree issue command mvn jetty:run-war. This will run REST support under Jetty and the web point will be available at http://localhost:8080/dspace-rest/ by default.

Possible problems:

 - If you have troubles starting the application, try to check dspace-config variable and make it to point to location dspace.cfg using absolute addressing (take a look at commented line in configuration file).

 - If you already run some other application on port 8080 try instead to start Jetty container with the following line: mvn jetty:run-war -Djetty.port=9090 for port 9090.

Please take a note that this is still experimental module so there may be bugs/errors in processing. You use it at your own risk. 

I would highly appreciate user input. If you have comments or feature requests or anything else you can post it on this wiki in comments section. Additionally for the bugs/errors/issues found you can use JIRA at to report or contact me directly via emal.

Information for developers
