Versions Compared


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./apiJava source for the webapp
./homeRDF and other files needed to load the webapp
./installerFiles used by the Maven installer
./legacyLegacy directories and filespaperThe "'VIVO: a system for research discovery' tags" paper

VIVO Selenium Tests. See

./webappTemplates and other files for building the webapp


./api/src/mainVIVO source files. Will not be present in the binary distribution
./api/src/testVIVO source test files (java files and resources). Will not be present in the binary distribution
./api/target/generatedsurefire-sourcesreports JUnit test reports
./api/target/generated-test-sourcesclasses  Compiled ./api/target/maven-archiver 
./api/target/test-classes src/test classes and resources
./home/rdf/abox  Data about specific named “individuals” and their relationships (the “assertion box” or ABox)
./home/rdf/applicationMetadata  Data for configuring the VIVO initial site information, class and property groups
./home/rdf/auth  Data for configuring permissions for the VIVO application










 Data for configuring the VIVO application display options - menu, profile page, etc.
./home/rdf/tbox Data about the structure of ontologies (the “terminological box” or TBox)
./home/upgrade/knowledgeBase Files used for migration of data between different versions of VIVO 
./home/uploads/file_storage_root Images and other assets preserved in the VIVO application
Resources for initial building of VIVO_HOME directory by using ./home resources./installer/solr/target 
./selenium/test-output/Command line suite 
Resources for initial building of web application by using ./webapp resources
./paper The paper entitled "'VIVO: a system for research discovery' tags" defined in the Markdown markup language.
./selenium/src The selenium Java source files
 The selenium test reports
./webapp/src/main Source files for building VIVO UI 
The compiled and built VIVO UI./webapp/target/war