Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Metadata Field


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="98a3f343d94f4398-ac52ac22-4d974477-99178b35-6e26868d602c1a57bdd5d47d"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[


Handle of Site (format: [handle_prefix]/0)



Name of Site (from dspace.cfg '' config)


Metadata Field


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="3d633579c03903ee-7a16dc61-474d4e9d-8670ba66-6e575acee34f56200cac3185"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[


Site Handle (format: [handle_prefix]/0)



Metadata Field



Contains Bitstream direct URL


Always set to "File"


Contains MD5 Checksum of Bitstream


Contains File Format information of Bistream


Contains original name of file


All DSpace Groups and EPeople objects are translated into a custom DSPACE-ROLES XML Schema. This XML Schema is a very simple representation of the underlying DSpace database model for Groups and EPeople. The DSPACE-ROLES Schemas is generated by DSpace's RoleCrosswalk.

Only the following DSpace Objects utilize the DSPACE-ROLES Schema in their AIPs:

  • Site AIP – all Groups and EPeople are represented in DSPACE-ROLES Schema
  • Community AIP – only Community-based groups (e.g. COMMUNITY_1_ADMIN) are represented in DSPACE-ROLES Schema
  • Collection AIP – only Collection-based groups (e.g. COLLECTION_2_ADMIN, COLLECTION_2_SUBMIT, etc.) are represented in DSPACE-ROLES Schema

In the METS structure, DSPACE-ROLES metadata always appears within a techMD inside an <mdWrap MDTYPE="OTHER" OTHERMDTYPE="DSPACE-ROLES"> element. For example:

Code Block

  <amdSec ID="amd_2068"> 
      <techMD ID="techMD_2070">

By default, DSPACE-ROLES metadata is always included in AIPs. It is controlled by the following configuration in your dspace.cfg:

Code Block

aip.disseminate.techMD = PREMIS, DSPACE-ROLES

Example of DSPACE-ROLES Schema

Below is a general example of the structure of a DSPACE-ROLES XML file.

Code Block

    <Group ID="1" Name="Administrator">
        <Member ID="1" Name="" />
    <Group ID="0" Name="Anonymous" />
    <Group ID="70" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_ADMIN">
        <Member ID="1" Name="" />
    <Group ID="75" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_DEFAULT_READ">
        <MemberGroup ID="0" Name="Anonymous" />
    <Group ID="71" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_SUBMIT">
        <Member ID="1" Name="" />
    <Group ID="72" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_WORKFLOW_STEP_1">
        <MemberGroup ID="1" Name="Administrator" />
    <Group ID="73" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_WORKFLOW_STEP_2">
        <MemberGroup ID="1" Name="Administrator" />
    <Group ID="74" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_WORKFLOW_STEP_3">
        <MemberGroup ID="0" Name="Anonymous" />
    <Group ID="8" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/6703_DEFAULT_READ" />
    <Group ID="9" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_ADMIN">
        <Member ID="1" Name="" />
    <Group ID="14" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_DEFAULT_READ" />
    <Group ID="13" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_SUBMIT" />
    <Group ID="10" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_1" />
    <Group ID="11" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_2" />
    <Group ID="12" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_3" />
    <Person ID="1">
      <Netid />
      <CanLogin />
titleGroup Names with Handles

You may have noticed several odd looking group names in the above example, where a Handle is embedded in the name (e.g. "COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_SUBMIT"). This is a translation of a Group name which included a Community or Collection Internal ID (e.g. "COLLECTION_5_SUBMIT"). Since you are exporting these Groups outside of DSpace, the Internal ID may no longer be valid or be understandable. Therefore, before export, these Group names are all translated to include an externally understandable identifier, in the form of a Handle.

METSRights Schema