Versions Compared


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  • Site AIP (Sample:
    • METS contains basic metadata about DSpace Site and persistent IDs referencing all Top Level Communities
    • METS also contains a list of all Groups and EPeople information defined in the DSpace system.
  • Community AIP (Sample:
    • METS contains all metadata for Community and persistent IDs referencing all members (SubCommunities or Collections). Package may also include a Logo file, if one exists.
    • METS contains any Group information for Commmunity-specific groups (e.g. COMMUNITY_<ID>_ADMIN group).
    • METS contains all Community permissions/policies (translated into METSRights schema)
  • Collection AIP (Sample:
    • METS contains all metadata for Collection and persistent IDs referencing all members (Items). Package may also include a Logo file, if one exists.
    • METS contains any Group information for Collection-specific groups (e.g. COLLECTION_<ID>ADMIN, COLLECTION<ID>_SUBMIT, etc.).
    • METS contains all Collection permissions/policies (translated into METSRights schema)
  • Item AIP (Sample:
    • METS contains all metadata for Item and references to all Bundles and Bitstreams. Package also includes all Bitstream files.
    • METS contains all Item/Bundle/Bitstream permissions/policies (translated into METSRights schema)


  • Bitstreams and Bundles are second-class archival objects; they are recorded in the context of an Item.
  • BitstreamFormats are not even second-class; they are described implicitly within Item technical metadata, and reconstructed from that during restoration

What is NOT in AIPs

  • EPeople are only defined in Site AIP, but may be referenced from Community or Collection AIPs
  • Groups may be defined in Site AIP, Community AIP or Collection AIP. Where they are defined depends on whether the Group relates specifically to a single Community or Collection, or is just a general site-wide group.

What is NOT in AIPs

  • DSpace Groups, EPeople and Policies (access rights) are currently not described in AIPs. However, there is hope to include them in a future version.
  • Wiki Markup
    DSpace Site configurations (\[dspace\]/config/ directory) or customizations are not described in AIPs
  • DSpace Database model (or customizations therein) is not described in AIPs


  • mets element
    • @PROFILE fixed value="" (this is how we identify an AIP manifest)
    • @OBJID URN-format persistent identifier (i.e. Handle) if available, or else a unique identifier. (e.g. "hdl:123456789/1")
    • @LABEL title if available
    • @TYPE DSpace object type, one of "DSpace ITEM", "DSpace COLLECTION", "DSpace COMMUNITY" or "DSpace SITE".
    • @ID is a globally unique identifier, such as dspace67075091976862014717971209717749394363.
  • mets/metsHdr element
    • @CREATEDATE timestamp that AIP was created.
    • @LASTMODDATE last-modified date for a DSpace Item, or nothing for other objects.
    • agent element:
      • @ROLE = "CUSTODIAN",
      • @TYPE = "OTHER",
      • @OTHERTYPE = "DSpace Archive",
      • Wiki Markup
        {{name}} = _Site handle_.  (Note: The Site Handle is of the format {{\[handle_prefix\]/0}}, e.g. "123456789/0")
    • agent element:
      • @ROLE = "CREATOR",
      • @TYPE = "OTHER",
      • @OTHERTYPE = "DSpace Software",
      • name = "DSpace <version>" (Where "<version>" is the specific version of DSpace software which created this AIP)
  • mets/dmdSec element
    • By default, two dmdSec elements are included for all AIPs:
      1. object's descriptive metadata crosswalked to MODS (specified by mets/dmdSec/mdWrap@MDTYPE="MODS")
      2. object's descriptive metadata in DSpace native DIM intermediate format, to serve as a complete and precise record for restoration or ingestion into another DSpace. (specified by mets/dmdSec/mdWrap@MDTYPE="OTHER",@OTHERMDTYPE="DIM")
    • When the mdWrap @TYPE value is OTHER, the element MUST include a value for the @OTHERTYPE attribute which names the crosswalk that produced (or interprets) that metadata, e.g. AIP-TECHMD.
  • First mets/amdSec element - admin (technical, source, rights, and provenance) metadata for the entire archival object.
    • rightsMD elements of the following TYPEs
      • DSpaceDepositLicense if the object has a deposit license, it is contained here. (mdWrap@MDTYPE="OTHER",@OTHERMDTYPE="DSpaceDepositLicense")
      • CreativeCommonsRDF If the object is an Item with a Creative Commons license expressed in RDF, it is included here. (mdWrap@MDTYPE="OTHER",@OTHERMDTYPE="CreativeCommonsRDF")
      • CreativeCommonsText If the object is an Item with a Creative Commons license in plain text, it is included here. (mdWrap@MDTYPE="OTHER",@OTHERMDTYPE="CreativeCommonsText")
    • sourceMD elements - recorded twice, once in DSpace native format, once in PREMIS:
      NOTE: PREMIS is only implemented for Bitstreams at the moment, and for the forseeable future.
      • DSpace native format: MDTYPE="OTHER" OTHERMDTYPE="AIP-TECHMD" (see Metadata in METS section below for details)
      • PREMIS expression of this technical metadata for archival object. (To be done later.)
    • digiprovMD
      • Not used at this time.
  • Additional mets/amdSec elements - technical metadata for each of an Items's Bitstreams, both in PREMIS and DIM formats
    • techMD element - PREMIS technical metadata, expanded from SIP, for each of an Item's Bitstreams.
    • sourceMD element, type is AIP-TECHMD.
      • Bitstream-specific metadata not all of which is explicitly encoded in PREMIS, i.e.
      • name (dc.title)
      • description (dc.descripton)
      • userFormatDescription (dc.format)
      • BitstreamFormat, including short name, MIME type, extension. (dc.format.medium)
          • Why are we recording the file format support status? That's a DSpace property, rather than an Item property. Do DSpace instances rely on objects to tell them their support status?
          • Format support and other properties of the BitstreamFormat are recorded here in case the Item is restored in an empty DSpace that doesn't have that format yet, and the relevant bits of the format entry have to be reconstructed from the AIP. --lcs
  • mets/fileSec element
    • For archival objects of type ITEM:
      • Each distinct Bundle in an Item goes into a fileGrp. The fileGrp has a @USE attribute which corresponds to the Bundle name.
      • Bitstreams in bundles become file elements under fileGrp.
      • mets/fileSec/fileGrp/file element
        • Set @SIZE to length of the bitstream. There is a redundant value in the techMD but it is more accessible here.
        • Set @MIMETYPE, @CHECKSUM, @CHECKSUMTYPE to corresponding bitstream values. There is redundant info in the techMD. (For DSpace, the @CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5")
        • SET @SEQ to bitstream's SequenceID if it has one.
    • For archival objects of types COLLECTION and COMMUNITY:
      • Only if the object has a logo bitstream, there is a fileSec with one fileGrp child of @USE="LOGO".
      • The fileGrp contains one file element, representing the logo Bitstream. It has the same @MIMETYPE, @CHECKSUM, @CHECKSUMTYPE attributes as the Item content bitstreams, but does NOT include metadata section references or a @SEQ attribute.
      • See the main structMap for the fptr reference to this logo file.
  • mets/structMap - Primary structure map, @LABEL="DSpace Object", @TYPE="LOGICAL"
    • For ITEM objects:
      1. Top-Level div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents".
        • For every Bitstream in Item it contains a div with @TYPE="DSpace BITSTREAM". Each Bitstream div has a single fptr element which references the bitstream location.
      • If Item has primary bitstream, put it in structMap/div/fptr (i.e. directly under the div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents")
    • For COLLECTION objects:
      1. Top-Level div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents".
        • For every Item in the Collection, it contains a div with @TYPE="DSpace ITEM". Each Item div has up to two child mptr elements:
          1. One linking to the Handle of that Item. Its @LOCTYPE="HANDLE", and @xlink:href value is the raw Handle.
          2. (Optional) one linking to the location of the local AIP for that Item (if known). Its @LOCTYPE="URL", and @xlink:href value is a relative link to the AIP file on the local filesystem.
      • If Collection has a Logo bitstream, there is an fptr reference to it in the very first div.
    • For COMMUNITY objects:
      1. Top-Level div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents".
        • For every Sub-Community in the Community it contains a div with @TYPE="DSpace COMMUNITY". Each Community div has up to two mptr elements:
          1. One linking to the Handle of that Community. Its @LOCTYPE="HANDLE", and @xlink:href value is the raw Handle.
          2. (Optional) one linking to the location of the local AIP file for that Community (if known). Its @LOCTYPE="URL", and @xlink:href value is a relative link to the AIP file on the local filesystem.
        • For every Collection in the Community there is a div with @TYPE="DSpace COLLECTION". Each Collection div has up to two mptr elements:
          1. One linking to the Handle of that Collection. Its @LOCTYPE="HANDLE", and @xlink:href value is the raw Handle.
          2. (Optional) one linking to the location of the local AIP file for that Collection (if known). Its @LOCTYPE="URL", and @xlink:href value is a relative link to the AIP file on the local filesystem.
      • If Community has a Logo bitstream, there is an fptr reference to it in the very first div.
    • For SITE objects:
      1. Top-Level div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents".
        • For every Top-level Community in Site, it contains a div with @TYPE="DSpace COMMUNITY". Each Item div has up to two child mptr elements:
          1. One linking to the Handle of that Community. Its @LOCTYPE="HANDLE", and @xlink:href value is the raw Handle.
          2. (Optional) one linking to the location of the local AIP for that Community (if known). Its @LOCTYPE="URL", and @xlink:href value is a relative link to the AIP file on the local filesystem.
  • mets/structMap - Structure Map to indicate object's Parent, @LABEL="Parent", @TYPE="LOGICAL"
    • Contains one div element which has the unique attribute value TYPE="AIP Parent Link" to identify it as the older of the parent pointer.
      • It contains a mptr element whose xlink:href attribute value is the raw Handle of the parent object, e.g. 1721.1/4321.


Metadata Field


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="bd5460903740a730-7ce0ae31-4bfa4e8e-b71a82cf-a2c5f23dfa07d5aacbeff8e8"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[


Handle of Site (format: [handle_prefix]/0)



Name of Site (from dspace.cfg '' config)


Metadata Field


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="910f1c214f3c818d-b28b67b3-44cc4b66-afc7b047-052b8b5815cd906b58273b04"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[


Site Handle (format: [handle_prefix]/0)
