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The following new configurations relate to AIPs:



Metadata Dissemination




The following configurations allow you to specify what metadata is stored within each METS-based AIP. In dspace.cfg, the general format for each of these settings is:

  • field = <label
    {{aip.disseminate.<setting> = <mdType>:<DSpace-crosswalk-name> \[, ...\]}}
    • field <setting> is the setting name (see below for the full list of valid settings)
    • <mdType> <label-for-METS> is optional. It allows you to specify the value of the @OTHERTYPE @MDTYPE or @OTHERMDTYPE attribute in the corresponding METS element.
    • <DSpace-crosswalk-name> is required. It specifies the name of the DSpace Crosswalk which should be used to generate this metadata.
    • Zero or more <label-for-METS>:<DSpace-crosswalk-name> may be specified for each setting

It is recommended to minimally use the default settings when generating AIPs. DSpace can only restore information that is included within an AIP. Therefore, if you choose to no longer include some information in an AIP, DSpace will no longer be able to restore that information from an AIP backup

  • aip.disseminate.techMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <techMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: PREMIS)
    • The PREMIS Crosswalk generates PREMIS metadata for the object specified by the AIP
  • aip.disseminate.sourceMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <sourceMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: AIP-TECHMD)
    • The AIP-TECHMD Crosswalk generates technical metadata (in DIM format) for the object specified by the AIP
  • aip.disseminate.digiprovMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <digiprovMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: None)
  • aip.disseminate.rightsMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <rightsMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: DSpaceDepositLicense:DSPACE_DEPLICENSE, CreativeCommonsRDF:DSPACE_CCRDF, CreativeCommonsText:DSPACE_CCTEXT)
    • The DSPACE_DEPLICENSE crosswalk ensures the DSpace Deposit License is referenced/stored in AIP
    • The DSPACE_CCRDF crosswalk ensures any Creative Commons RDF Licenses are reference/stored in AIP
    • The DSPACE_CCTEXT crosswalk ensures any Creative Commons Textual Licenses are referenced/stored in AIP
  • aip.disseminate.dmd - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate the <dmdSec> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: MODS, DIM)
    • The MODS crosswalk translates the DSpace descriptive metadata (for this object) into MODS. As MODS is a relatively "standard" metadata schema, it may be useful to include a copy of MODS metadata in your AIPs if you should ever want to import them into another (non-DSpace) system.
    • The DIM crosswalk just translates the DSpace internal descriptive metadata into an XML format. This XML format is proprietary to DSpace, but stores the metadata in a format similar to Qualified Dublin Core.

AIP Ingestion Metadata Crosswalk Configurations

The following configurations allow you to specify what DSpace Crosswalks are used during the ingestion/restoration of AIPs. These configurations also allow you to ignore areas of the METS file (in the AIP) if you do not want that area to be restored.

In dspace.cfg, the general format for each of these settings is:

  • mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.<mdType> = <DSpace-crosswalk-name>
    • <mdType> is the type of metadata as specified in the METS file. This corresponds to the value of the @MDTYPE attribute (of that metadata section in the METS). When the @MDTYPE attribute is "OTHER", then the <mdType> corresponds to the @OTHERMDTYPE attribute value.
    • <DSpace-crosswalk-name> specifies the name of the DSpace Crosswalk which should be used to ingest this metadata into DSpace. You can specify the "NULLSTREAM" crosswalk if you specifically want this metadata to be ignored (and skipped over during ingestion).

By default, the settings in dspace.cfg are:

Code Block

mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.DSpaceDepositLicense = NULLSTREAM
mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.CreativeCommonsRDF = NULLSTREAM
mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.CreativeCommonsText = NULLSTREAM

The above settings tell the ingester to ignore any metadata sections which reference DSpace Deposit Licenses or Creative Commons Licenses. These metadata sections can be safely ignored as long as the "LICENSE" and "CC_LICENSE" bundles are included in AIPs (which is the default setting). As the Licenses are included in those Bundles, they will already be restored when restoring the bundle contents.

AIP Ingestion EPerson Configurations

The following setting determines whether the AIP Ingester should create an EPerson (if necessary) when attempting to restore or ingest an Item whose Submitter cannot be located in the system. By default it is set to "false"

  • mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.createSubmitter = false

AIP Configurations To Improve Ingestion Speed while Validating

It is recommended to validate all AIPs on ingestion (when possible). But validation can be extremely slow, as each validation request first must download all references Schema documents from the web. In order to perform validations in a speedy fashion, you can pull down a local copy of all schemas. Validation will then use this local cache, which can sometimes increase the speed up to 10X.

To use a local cache of XML schemas when validating, use the following settings in 'dspace.cfg'. The general format is:

  • mets.xsd.<abbreviation> = <namespace> <local-file-name>
    • <abbreviation> is a unique abbreviation (of your choice) for this schema
    • <namespace> is the Schema namespace
    • Wiki Markup
      {{<local-file-name>}} the full name of the cached schema file (which should reside in your {{\[dspace\]/config/schemas/}} directory)

Wiki Markup
The default settings are all commented out.  But, they provide a full listing of all schemas currently used during validation of AIPs.  In order to utilize them, uncomment the settings, download the appropriate schema file, and save it to your {{\[dspace\]/config/schemas/}} using the specified file name:

Code Block

#mets.xsd.mets = mets.xsd
#mets.xsd.xlink = xlink.xsd
#mets.xsd.mods = mods.xsd
#mets.xsd.xml = xml.xsd
#mets.xsd.dc = dc.xsd
#mets.xsd.dcterms = dcterms.xsd
#mets.xsd.premis = PREMIS.xsd
#mets.xsd.premisObject = PREMIS-Object.xsd
#mets.xsd.premisEvent = PREMIS-Event.xsd
#mets.xsd.premisAgent = PREMIS-Agent.xsd
#mets.xsd.premisRights = PREMIS-Rights.xsd

To-Do List – What remains to be done!
