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Due to the Dspace Maven structure discussed in previous sections, all the tests belonging to any module (dspace-api, dspace-xmlui-api, etc) must be stored in the module dspace-test. This module enables us to apply common configuration, required by all tests, in a single area thus avoiding duplication of code. Related to this point is the requirement for Dspace to run using a database and a certain file system structure. We have created a base class that initializes this structure via a in-memory database (using H2) and a temporary copy of the required file system.


The integration tests also make use of ContiPerf to evaluate the performance of the system. We believe it doesn't make sense to add this layer to the unit tests, as they are tested in isolation and we care about performance not on individual calls but on certain tasks that can only be emulated by integration testing.


Integration tests use the same structure as Unit tests. A class has been created, called AbstractIntegrationTest, that inherits from AbstractUnitTest. This provides the integration tests with the same temporal file system and in-memory database as the unit tests. The class AbstractIntegrationTest is created just in case we may need some extra scaffolding for these tests. All integration tests should inherit from it to both distinguish themselves from unit tests and in case we require specific changes for them.

Classes that contain the code for Integration Tests are named <class>


Events Concurrency Issues

We have detected There is an issue with the integration tests, related to the Context class. In this class, the List of events was implemented as an ArrayList<Event>. The issue here is that ArrayList is not a safe class for concurrency. Although this would not be a problem while running the application in a JEE container, as there will be a unique thread per request (at least in normal conditions), we can't be sure of the kind of calls users may do to the API while extending DSpace.

To avoid the issue we have to wrap the List into a synchronized stated via [Collections.synchronizedList|] . This, along a synchronized block, will ensure the code behaves as expected.

We have detected the The following classes are affected by this behavior:


If you want to add code that it's executed once per test class, edit the parent AbstractUnitTest and its methods initOnce and destroyOnce. Be aware these methods contain code used to recreate the structure needed to run DSpace tests, so be careful when adding or removing code there. Our suggestion is to add code at the end of initOnce and at the beginning of destroyOnce, to minimize the risk of interferences between components.

How to run the tests

The tests can be activated using the commands


Be aware that this command will launch both unit and integration tests.

Code Analysis Tools

Due to comments in the GSoC meetings, some Some static analysis tools have been added to the project. The tools are just a complement, a platform like Sonar should be used as it integrates better with the structure of DSpace and we could have the reports linked to Jira.We have added the following reportsare included in the project. The following reports are available:

  • FindBugs : static code bug analyser
  • PMD and CPD: static analyser and "copy-and-paste" detector
  • TagList: finds comments with a certain annotation (like XXX or TODO)
  • Testability Explorer: detects issues in classes that difficult the creation of unit tests

These reports can't replace a Quality Management tool like Sonar but can give you an idea of the status of the project and of issues to be solved.
