Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The dspace.cfg contains basic information about a DSpace installation, including system path information, network host information, and other like items.  It is the default configuration file for DSpace, used by DSpace when it is actively running.  However, as noted above, any of these default configurations may be overridden in your own local.cfg configuraiton configuration file.

Main DSpace Configurations




Example Value:

mail.server =

Informational Note:

The address on which your outgoing SMTP email server can be reached.



Example Value:

mail.server.username = myusername

Informational Note:

SMTP mail server authentication username, if required. This property is optional.



Example Value:

mail.server.password = mypassword

Informational Note:

SMTP mail server authentication password, if required. This property is optional.



Example Value:

mail.server.port = 25

Informational Note:

The port on which your SMTP mail server can be reached. By default, port 25 is used. Change this setting if your SMTP mailserver is running on another port. This property is optional.



Example Value:

mail.from.address =

Informational Note:

The "From" address for email. Change the '' to the site's host name.



Example Value:

feedback.recipient =

Informational Note:

When a user clicks on the feedback link/feature, the information will be sent to the email address of choice. This configuration is currently limited to only one recipient. This is also the email address displayed on the contacts page.



Example Value:

mail.admin =

Example Value:

Email address of the general site administrator (Webmaster).  System notifications/reports and other sysadmin emails are sent to this email address.
Example = DSpace Administrator
Example Value:Name associated with the mail.admin email address.



Example Value:

alert.recipient =

Informational Note:

Enter the recipient for server errors and alerts. This property is optional and defaults to the ${mail.admin} setting



Example Value:

registration.notify =

Informational Note:

Enter the recipient that will be notified when a new user registers on DSpace. This property is optional & defaults to no value.



Example Value:

mail.charset = UTF-8

Informational Note:

Set the default mail character set. This may be over-ridden by providing a line inside the email template '#set($charset = "encoding")'.  Otherwise this default is used.



Example Value:

mail.allowed.referrers = localhost

Informational Note:

A comma separated list of hostnames that are allowed to refer browsers to email forms. This property is optional.  UNSUPPORTED in DSpace 7.0



Example Value:

Code Block
mail.extraproperties = mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=465, \, \

Informational Note:

If you need to pass extra settings to the Java mail library. Comma separated, equals sign between the key and the value. This property is optional.



Example Value:

mail.server.disabled = false

Informational Note:

An option is added to disable the mailserver. By default, this property is set to 'false'. By setting value to 'true', DSpace will not send out emails. It will instead log the subject of the email which should have been sent. This is especially useful for development and test environments where production data is used when testing functionality. This property is optional.


Example Value: = myDSpace

Informational Note:

Specifies the name of a javax.mail.Session object stored in JNDI under java:comp/env/mail.  The default value is "Session".



Example Value:

default.language = en_US

Informational Note:

If no other language is explicitly stated in the submission-forms.xml, the default language will be attributed to the metadata values.

Example Value:

mail.message.headers = subject

mail.message.headers = charset

Informational Note:When processing a message template, setting a Velocity variable whose name is one of the values of this configuration property will add or replace a message header of the same name, using the value of the variable as the header's value.  See "Templates can set message headers".


Creative Commons licensing is optionally available and may be configured for any given collection that has a defined submission sequence, or be part of the "default" submission process. This process is described in the Submission User Interface section section of this manual. There is a Creative Commons step already defined (step 5), but it is commented out, so enabling Creative Commons licensing is typically just a matter of uncommenting the CC License that step.

Since DSpace 5.6 Creative Commons licensing is captured in exactly the same way in each UI. The Creative Commons REST When enabled, the Creative Commons public API is utilized. This allows DSpace to store metadata references to the selected CC license, while also storing the CC License as a bitstream. The following CC License information are captured:

  • The URL of the CC License is stored in the "dc.rights.uri" metadata field (or whatever field is configured in the "cc.license.uri" setting below)
  • The name of the CC License is stored in the "dc.rights" metadata field (or whatever field is configured in the "" setting below). This only occurs if "cc.submit.setname=true" (default value)
  • The RDF version of the CC License is stored in a bitstream named "license_rdf" in the CC-LICENSE bundle (as long as "cc.submit.addbitstream=true", which is the default value)


titleBehaviour change

Since DSpace 5.6 Creative Commons licensing is captured in exactly the same way in each UI and some fix has been introduced.

For JSPUI users this mean:

  • The full (HTML) text of the CC License is not longer stored in a bitstream named "license_txt" in the CC-LICENSE bundle
  • Previous existent license_txt remain untouched but new item will not receive such bitstream

For XMLUI users:


serverDuraSpace JIRA
  • )


The following configurations (in dspace.cfg) relate to the Creative Commons license process:



Example Value:

cc.api.rooturl =

Informational Note:

Generally will never have to assign a different value - this is the base URL of the Creative Commons service API.



Example Value:

cc.license.uri = dc.rights.uri

Informational Note:

The field that holds the Creative Commons license URI. If you change from the default value (dc.rights.uri), you will have to reconfigure the XMLUI for proper display of license data


Example Value: = dc.rights

Informational Note:

The field that holds the Creative Commons license Name. If you change from the default value (dc.rights), you will have to reconfigure the XMLUI for proper display of license data



Example Value:

cc.submit.setname = true

Informational Note:

If true, the license assignment will add the field configured with the "" with the name of the CC license; if false, only "cc.license.uri" field is added.



Example Value:

cc.submit.addbitstream = true

Informational Note:

If true, the license assignment will add a bitstream with the CC license RDF; if false, only metadata field(s) are added.



Example Value:

cc.license.classfilter = recombo,mark

Informational Note:

This list defines the values that will be excluded from the license (class) selection list, as defined by the web service at the URL:



Example Value:

cc.license.jurisdiction = nz

Informational Note:

Should a jurisdiction be used? If so, which one? See for a list of possible codes (e.g. nz = New Zealand, uk = England and Wales, jp = Japan)

Commenting out this field will cause DSpace to select the latest, unported CC license (currently version 4.0). However, as Creative Commons 4.0 does not provide jurisdiction specific licenses, if you specify this setting, your DSpace will continue to use older, Creative Commons 3.0 jurisdiction licenses.

Example Value:cc.license.locale = en
Informational Note:Locale to be used (in the form: language or language_country), e.g. "en" or "en_US"
If no default locale is defined the Creative Commons default locale will be used.

WEB WEB User Interface Configurations

General Web User Interface Configurations
In this section of Configuration, we address the agnostic WEB User Interface that is used for JSPUI and XMLUI. Some of the configurations will give information towards customization or refer you to the appropriate documentation.

This is the brand text that will appear with the image


Example Value: = false

Informational Note:

Sets whether to display the contents of the license bundle (often just the deposit license in the standard DSpace installation). UNSUPPORTED in DSpace 7.0



Example Value: maxwidth = true80

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum width of generated thumbnails that are being displayed on item pages.



Example Value:

thumbnail.maxheight = 80

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum height of generated thumbnails that are being displayed on item pagesControls whether to display thumbnails on browse and search result pages. If you have customized the Browse columnlist, then you must also include a "thumbnail" column in your configuration. (This configuration property key is not used by XMLUI. To show thumbnails using XMLUI, you need to create a theme which displays them).



Example Value:

webui.browsepreview.thumbnail.maxheight maxwidth = 80600

Informational Note:

This property determines sets the maximum height of the browse/search thumbnails in pixels (px). This only needs to be set if the thumbnails are required to be smaller than the dimensions of thumbnails generated by MediaFilter.width for the preview image.  Only used for BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter



Example Value:

webui.browsepreview.thumbnail.maxwidth maxheight = 80600

Informational Note:

This determines property sets the maximum width of the browse/search thumbnails in pixels (px). This only needs to be set if the thumbnails are required to be smaller than the dimensions of thumbnails generated by MediaFilter.height for the preview image.  Only used for BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand = My Institution Name

Informational Note:

This is the brand text that will appear with the image.  Only used for BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter



Example Value: abbrev = trueMyOrg

Informational Note:

This determines whether or not to display the thumbnail against each bitstream. (This configuration property key is not used by XMLUI. To show thumbnails using XMLUI, you need to create a theme which displays them).An abbreviated form of the full Branded Name. This will be used when the preview image cannot fit the normal text.  Only used for BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter



Example Value:

webui.browsepreview.thumbnailbrand.linkbehavior height = item20

Informational Note:

This determines where clicks on the thumbnail in browse and search screens should lead. The only values currently supported are "item" or "bitstream", which will either take the user to the item page, or directly download the bitstream.

The height (in px) of the brand.  Only used for BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter





Example Value:

thumbnail.maxwidth = 80webui.preview.brand.font = SansSerif

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum width of generated thumbnails that are being displayed on item pages.font for your Brand text that appears with the image.  Only used for BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter



Example Value:

thumbnail.maxheight = 80webui.preview.brand.fontpoint = 12

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum height of generated thumbnails that are being displayed on item pages.font point (size) for your Brand text that appears with the image.  Only used for BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter



Example Value:

webui.preview.enabled dc = falserights

Informational Note:

Whether or not the user can "preview" the image.The Dublin Core field that will display along with the preview. This field is optional. Only used for BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter



Example Value:

webui.previewstrengths.maxwidth cache = 600false

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum width for the preview image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.maxheight = 600

Informational Note:

This property sets the maximum height for the preview image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand = My Institution Name

Informational Note:

When showing the strengths (i.e. item counts), should they be counted in real time, or fetched from the cache. Counts fetched in real time will perform an actual count of the index contents every time a page with this feature is requested, which may not scale. If you set the property key is set to cache ("true"), the counts will be cached on first load  

Browse Index Configuration

The browse indexes for DSpace can be extensively configured. These configurations are used by Discovery. This section of the configuration allows you to take control of the indexes you wish to browse, and how you wish to present the results. The configuration is broken into several parts: defining the indexes, defining the fields upon which users can sort results, defining truncation for potentially long fields (e.g. authors), setting cross-links between different browse contexts (e.g. from an author's name to a complete list of their items), how many recent submissions to display, and configuration for item mapping browse.




Example Value:

webui.previewbrowse.brandindex.abbrev = MyOrg

Informational Note:

An abbreviated form of the full Branded Name. This will be used when the preview image cannot fit the normal text.

1 = dateissued:item:dateissued



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand.height = 20index.2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text

Informational Note:

The height (in px) of the brandThis is an example of how one "Defines the Indexes". See "Defining the Indexes" in the next sub-section.



Example Value:

webui.previewitemlist.brandsort-option.font = SansSerif1 = title:dc.title:title

Informational Note:

This property sets the font for your Brand text that appears with the imageis an example of how one "Defines the Sort Options". See "Defining Sort Options" in the following sub-section.

Defining the storage of the Browse Data


Optionally, you may configure a custom implementation use for the Browse DAOs both for read operations (create/update operations are handled by Event Consumers). However, as of DSpace 6, DSpace only includes one out-of-the-box option:

  • SOLR Browse Engine (SOLR DAOs), default since DSpace 4.0 - This enables Apache Solr to be utilized as a backend for all browsing of DSpace. This option requires that you have Discovery (Solr search/browse engine) enabled in your DSpace.



Example Value:

webui.preview.brand.fontpoint = 12browseDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.SolrBrowseDAO

Informational Note:

This property sets the font point (size) for your Brand text that appears with the image.



Example Value:

webui.preview.dc = rights

Informational Note:

The Dublin Core field that will display along with the preview. This field is optional.


Example Value: = false

Informational Note:

Determines if communities and collections should display item counts when listed. The default behavior if omitted, is false.



Example Value:

webui.strengths.cache = false

Informational Note:

When showing the strengths (i.e. item counts), should they be counted in real time, or fetched from the cache. Counts fetched in real time will perform an actual count of the index contents every time a page with this feature is requested, which may not scale. If you set the property key is set to cache ("true"), the counts will be cached on first load  

Browse Index Configuration

The browse indexes for DSpace can be extensively configured. These configurations are used by Discovery. This section of the configuration allows you to take control of the indexes you wish to browse, and how you wish to present the results. The configuration is broken into several parts: defining the indexes, defining the fields upon which users can sort results, defining truncation for potentially long fields (e.g. authors), setting cross-links between different browse contexts (e.g. from an author's name to a complete list of their items), how many recent submissions to display, and configuration for item mapping browse.



Example Value:

webui.browse.index.1 = dateissued:item:dateissued
webui.browse.index.2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text

Informational Note:

This is an example of how one "Defines the Indexes". See "Defining the Indexes" in the next sub-section.



Example Value:

webui.itemlist.sort-option.1 = title:dc.title:title

Informational Note:

This is an example of how one "Defines the Sort Options". See "Defining Sort Options" in the following sub-section.

Defining the storage of the Browse Data


Optionally, you may configure a custom implementation use for the Browse DAOs both for read operations (create/update operations are handled by Event Consumers). However, as of DSpace 6, DSpace only includes one out-of-the-box option:

  • SOLR Browse Engine (SOLR DAOs), default since DSpace 4.0 - This enables Apache Solr to be utilized as a backend for all browsing of DSpace. This option requires that you have Discovery (Solr search/browse engine) enabled in your DSpace.



Example Value:

browseDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.SolrBrowseDAO

Informational Note:

This property configures the Java class that is used for READ operations by the Browse System. You need to have Discovery enabled (this is the default since DSpace 4.0) to use the Solr Browse DAOs

Defining the Indexes


If you make changes in this section be sure to update your SOLR indexes running the Discovery Maintenance Script, see Discovery

DSpace comes with four default indexes pre-defined: author, title, date issued, and subjects. Users may also define additional indexes or re-configure the current indexes for different levels of specificity. For example, the default entries that appear in the dspace.cfg as default installation:

Code Block
webui.browse.index.1 = dateissued:item:dateissued
webui.browse.index.2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text
webui.browse.index.3 = title:item:title
webui.browse.index.4 = subject:metadata:dc.subject.*:text
#webui.browse.index.5 = dateaccessioned:item:dateaccessioned

There are two types of indexes which are provided in this default integration:

  • "item" indexes which have a format of webui.browse.index.<n> = <index-name> : item : <sort-type> : (asc | desc)
  • "metadata" indexes which have a format of webui.browse.index.<n> = <index-name> : metadata : <comma-separated-list-of-metadata-fields> : (date | text) : (asc | dec) : <sort-type>

 Please notice that the punctuation is paramount in typing this property key in the dspace.cfg file. The following table explains each element:

configures the Java class that is used for READ operations by the Browse System. You need to have Discovery enabled (this is the default since DSpace 4.0) to use the Solr Browse DAOs

Defining the Indexes


If you make changes in this section be sure to update your SOLR indexes running the Discovery Maintenance Script, see Discovery

DSpace comes with four default indexes pre-defined: author, title, date issued, and subjects. Users may also define additional indexes or re-configure the current indexes for different levels of specificity. For example, the default entries that appear in the dspace.cfg as default installation:

Code Block
webui.browse.index.1 = dateissued:item:dateissued
webui.browse.index.2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text
webui.browse.index.3 = title:item:title
webui.browse.index.4 = subject:metadata:dc.subject.*:text
#webui.browse.index.5 = dateaccessioned:item:dateaccessioned

There are two types of indexes which are provided in this default integration:

  • "item" indexes which have a format of webui.browse.index.<n> = <index-name> : item : <sort-type> : (asc | desc)
  • "metadata" indexes which have a format of webui.browse.index.<n> = <index-name> : metadata : <comma-separated-list-of-metadata-fields> : (date | text) : (asc | dec) : <sort-type>

 Please notice that the punctuation is paramount in typing this property key in the dspace.cfg file. The following table explains each element:


Definition and Options (if available)


n is the index number. The index numbers must start from 1 and increment continuously by 1 thereafter. Deviation from this will cause an error during install or a configuration update. So anytime you add a new browse index, remember to increase the number. (Commented out index numbers may be used over again).


The name by which the index will be identified. In order for the DSpace UI to display human-friendly description for this index, you'll need to update either your (JSPUI) or messages.xml (XMLUI) with new message keys referencing this <index-name>.

JSPUI Example (

  • browse.type.metadata.<index-name> = My New Field

XMLUI Example


Definition and Options (if available)


n is the index number. The index numbers must start from 1 and increment continuously by 1 thereafter. Deviation from this will cause an error during install or a configuration update. So anytime you add a new browse index, remember to increase the number. (Commented out index numbers may be used over again).


The name by which the index will be identified. In order for the DSpace UI to display human-friendly description for this index, you'll need to update either your (JSPUI) or messages.xml (XMLUI) with new message keys referencing this <index-name>.

JSPUI Example (

  • browse.type.metadata.<index-name> = My New Field

XMLUI Example (messages.xml):

  • <message key= "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.Navigation.browse_<index-name>" >My New Fields</message>
  • <message key= "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.title.metadata.<index-name>" >Browsing { 0 } by My New Field { 1 }</message>
  • <message key= "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.trail.metadata.<index-name>" >Browsing { 0 } by My New Field</message>
  • <message key= "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.<index-name>.column_heading" >My New Field</message>


Only two options are available: "metadata" or "item"

  • "metadata" indexes allow you to index all items based on one or more metadata fields. The list of fields should be provided as part of the "metadata" configuration. Only items which have values for these fields will appear in this index (e.g. if you have a "metadata" index for "dc.subject.*", an item will not appear in that browse/search if it doesn't have a "dc.subject.*" value). The browse index will have to parts: first it lists all values of the specified metadata fields. If the user select one of these values the index lists all items in which the specified metadata field is assigned with the selected value.
    • Note: If you set a <sort-type> to be used, this sort type is not used on the values of the metadata fields but on the order of the items when listing all items that have a specific value of the metadata field.
  • "item" indexes provide you with a browseable list of ALL items in the site, sorted by a particular metadata field. The field this index is sorted by is referenced by <sort-option-name> (which should refer to a corresponding "webui.itemlist.sort-option.<n>" setting... see Defining Sort Options below for more information)


(Only for "metadata" indexes) The schema used for the field to be index. The default is dc (for Dublin Core).


(Only for "metadata" indexes) The schema element. In Dublin Core, for example, the author element is referred to as "Contributor". The user should consult the default Dublin Core Metadata Registry table in Appendix A.


(Only for "metadata" indexes) This is the qualifier to the <element> component. The user has two choices: an asterisk "" or a proper qualifier of the element. The asterisk is a wildcard and causes DSpace to index all types of the schema element. For example, if you have the element "contributor" and the qualifier "" then you would index all contributor data regardless of the qualifier. Another example, you have the element "subject" and the qualifier "lcsh" would cause the indexing of only those fields that have the qualifier "lcsh". (This means you would only index Library of Congress Subject Headings and not all data elements that are subjects.


(Optional, should be set for "item" indexes) This refers to the sort type / data type of the field:

  • date the index type will be treated as a date object and sorted as such
  • text the index type will be treated as plain text and sorted as such
  • (any other value refers to a custom <sort-type> which should be defined in a corresponding webui.itemlist.sort-option.<n> setting. See Defining Sort Options below for more information.)


(Optional) The default sort order. Choose asc (ascending) or desc (descending).  Ascending is the default value, but descending may be useful for date-based indexes (e.g. to display most recent submissions first)




Example Value:

webui.browse.index.tagcloud.1 = true

Informational Note:

 Enable/Disable tag cloud in browsing for a specific index. ‘n’ is the index number of the specific index which needs to be of type ‘metadata’.

Possible values: true, false

Default value is false.

If no option exists for a specific index, it is assumed to be false.

You do not have to re-index discovery when you change this configuration


Tag cloud configuration

The appearance configuration for the tag cloud is located in the Discovery xml configuration file (dspace/config/spring/api/discovery.xml). Without configuring the appearance, the default one will be applied to the tag cloud



Should display the score of each tag next to it? Default: false


Should display the tag as center aligned in the page or left aligned? Possible values: true | false. Default: true


How many tags will be shown. Value -1 means all of them. Default: -1


The letter case of the tags.




If the 3 css classes of the tag cloud should be independent of score (random=yes) or based on the score. Possible values: true | false . Default: true


The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any decimal. Default: 1.1


The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any decimal. Default: 3.2


The score that tags with lower than that will not appear in the rag cloud. Possible values: any integer from 1 to infinity. Default: 0


The ordering letter case of the tags (based either on the name or the score of the tag).

Possible values: Tag.NameComparatorAsc | Tag.NameComparatorDesc | Tag.ScoreComparatorAsc | Tag.ScoreComparatorDesc

Default: Tag.GreekNameComparatorAsc

When tagCloud is rendered there are some CSS classes that you can change in order to change the tagcloud appearance.

tagcloudGeneral class for the whole tagcloud
tagcloud_1Specific tag class for tag of type 1 (based on score)
tagcloud_2Specific tag class for tag of type 2 (based on score)
tagcloud_3Specific tag class for tag of type 3 (based on score)

Author (Multiple metadata value) Display

This section actually applies to any field with multiple values, but authors are the define case and example here.


Example Value: = dc.contributor.*

Informational Note:

This defines which field is the author/editor, etc. listing.

Replace dc.contributor.* with another field if appropriate. The field should be listed in the configuration for webui.itemlist.columns, otherwise you will not see its effect. It must also be defined in webui.itemlist.columns as being of the datatype text otherwise the functionality will be overridden by the specific data type feature. (This setting is not used by the XMLUI as it is controlled by your theme).

Now that we know which field is our author or other multiple metadata value field we can provide the option to truncate the number of values displayed by default. We replace the remaining list of values with "et al" or the language pack specific alternative. Note that this is just for the default, and users will have the option of changing the number displayed when they browse the results. See the following table:




If the 3 css classes of the tag cloud should be independent of score (random=yes) or based on the score. Possible values: true | false . Default: true


The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any decimal. Default: 1.1


The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any decimal. Default: 3.2


The score that tags with lower than that will not appear in the rag cloud. Possible values: any integer from 1 to infinity. Default: 0


The ordering of the tags (based either on the name or the score of the tag)

Possible values: Tag.NameComparatorAsc | Tag.NameComparatorDesc | Tag.ScoreComparatorAsc | Tag.ScoreComparatorDesc

Default: Tag.GreekNameComparatorAsc

When tagCloud is rendered there are some CSS classes that you can change in order to change the tagcloud appearance.

tagcloudGeneral class for the whole tagcloud
tagcloud_1Specific tag class for tag of type 1 (based on score)
tagcloud_2Specific tag class for tag of type 2 (based on score)
tagcloud_3Specific tag class for tag of type 3 (based on score)


Example Value: = < n >

Informational Note:Where < n > is an integer number of values to be displayed. Use -1 for unlimited (the default value).

Links to Other Browse Contexts

We can define which fields link to other browse listings. This is useful, for example, to link an author's name to a list of just that author's items. The effect this has is to create links to browse views for the item clicked on. If it is a "single" type, it will link to a view of all the items which share that metadata element in common (i.e. all the papers by a single author). If it is a "full" type, it will link to a view of the standard full browse page, starting with the value of the link clicked on.
