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ipranges = , 192.168.2


Example Value =

Informational Note

Enter the host name without the port number. Only currently used for Creative Commons licensing feature (to contact their API), and Sitemap generation (to ping search server regarding updates)



Example Value

http.proxy.port = 2048

Informational NoteEnter the port number for the proxy server. Only currently used for Creative Commons licensing feature (to contact their API), and Sitemap generation (to ping search server regarding updates)



Example Value:

useProxies = true

Informational Note:

As of DSpace 7 (and above), this setting defaults to true. If "useProxies" is enabled, the authentication and statistics logging code will read the X-Forwarded-For header in order to determine the correct client IP address.

As the User Interface uses Angular Universal (for SEO support), the proxy server that comes with Angular Universal is always enabled. By default, only your local server ( is and the public IP address of `dspace.ui.url` are "trusted" as a proxy. If your DSpace instance is protected by external proxy server, you may need to update the "proxies.trusted.ipranges" property below.

This also affects IPAuthentication, and should be enabled for that to work properly if your installation uses a proxy server.



Example Value:

proxies.trusted.ipranges =

Informational Note:

By default, only proxies running on localhost ( and the dspace.ui.url (public IP address) are "trusted". This allows our Angular User Interface to communicate with the REST API via a trusted proxy on your local server., which is required for Angular Universal (for SEO support). 

Leave this property empty to trust X-Forwarded-For values of all requests. You can specify a range by only listing the first three ip-address blocks, e.g. 128.177.243
You can list multiple IP addresses or ranges by comma-separating them.If you are running REST & UI on different servers, you should add the UI servers (range) as a proxy.
For example :

Example Value:proxies.trusted.include_ui_ip = true
Informational Note:This setting specifies whether to automatically trust IP address of the dspace.ui.url as a proxy. By default, this is always set to true to ensure the UI is fully trusted by the backend. However, if you are not using the Angular UI, you may choose to set this to "false" in order to only trust proxies running on localhost ( by default.
Example Value:server.forward-headers-strategy = FRAMEWORK
Informational Note:

This is a Spring Boot setting which may be overridden/specified in your local.cfg.  By default, Spring Boot does not automatically use X-Forwarded-* Headers when generating links (and similar) in the REST API. When using a proxy in front of the REST API, you may need to modify this setting:

  • NATIVE = allows your web server to natively support standard Forwarded headers
  • FRAMEWORK = enables Spring Framework's built in filter to manage these headers in Spring Boot. (This value may be useful to set for DSpace if you find that X-Forwarded headers are not working)
  • NONE = default value. Forwarded headers are ignored

For more information see the Spring Boot docs at 
