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Audio and Chat Log


Wiki Markup
\[11:02\] <Asger>  I have a sound problem
\[11:02\] <Asger>  will join the meeting as soon as it is resolved
\[11:02\] \* kstrnad  ( has  joined #duraspace
\[11:02\] <Asger>  had a usb headset attached, and now the normal headset does not work
\[11:04\] \* Asger  (~82e119ae@gateway/web/freenode/x-wnmyjfvbbfhenjzy) Quit (Client Quit)
\[11:07\] \* Asger  (~55519939@gateway/web/freenode/x-qjrqhhllmglccvkv) has joined  #duraspace
\[11:17\] <Asger> [|../../jira/browse/FCREPO-688]
\[11:23\] <cwilper>  Action: Create issue for JSON on REST api (fcrepo-568 covers risearch)
\[11:30\] \* birkland  (~4a4f2e41@gateway/web/freenode/x-qxrlyjhbyuhekmik) has joined  #duraspace
\[11:32\] \* pvillega  (~pvillega@ Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
\[11:32\] \* pvillega  (~pvillega@ has joined #duraspace
\[11:57\] \* Davetaz  (~dt302@2001:630:d0:f111:230:48ff:fe72:7d08) has joined #duraspace
\[11:57\] \*  pvillega\_ (~pvillega@ has joined #duraspace
\[11:58\] \* Davetaz  wonders if anyone is awake yet?
\[12:00\] \* pvillega  (~pvillega@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
\[12:16\] \*  grahamtriggs (~trig01@ has left #duraspace
\[12:42\] \* pvillega\_  (~pvillega@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
\[12:44\] <Asger> [|../../jira/browse/FCREPO-586]