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DSpace METS Document Profile for Submission Information Packages (SIP)


This profile specifies how METS documents organizing Items for submission to DSpace should be encoded.

Creation Date

16 April 2007, 15:34:00 EDT

Contact Information

Robert Wolfe
DSpace Federation
77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 253-0604

Related Profile

Extension Schema

1.MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema), version 3
Elements from MODS are used to express descriptive metadata for the DSpace Item and its constituent files.


3.PREMIS Preservation Metadata Schema
Elements from the PREMIS Preservation Metadata Schema: Object are used to express the DSpace Required Technical Metadata Element Set.

Rules of Description

1. The official descriptive metadata record for the DSpace Item must conform to the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) defined at .


3. Technical metadata for DSpace Items and Bitstreams occurring in the techMD element should conform to the DSpace Required Technical Metadata Element Set defined at This metadata should be encoded using the PREMIS Data Dictionary.

Controlled Vocabularies

<strong>name:</strong> DSpace Bundle Types






Structural Requirements

1. A conforming METS document must represent only one DSpace Item.


28. DSpace implementations will ignore the behaviorSec element, its attributes, child elements and their attributes.

Technical Requirements of Content, Behavior and Metadata Files

1. The list of allowable content files that may be referenced in conforming documents via the FLocat element is restricted to those files each DSpace instance has agreed to support.
