Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Version 1.5.1

We invite developers to help with the next maintenence release of DSpace. Contributors are strongly
encouraged to obtain the source code using SubVersion. This is very straightforward,
and we've published a guide to doing so here:



Release Coordination

Timeline and Proceeding

Please assign yourself to the trackers on SF and put anything you want to get done in the wiki.


If you want to provide a test instance for 1.5 development, check out code from the 1.5x branch:

 svn co
No Format

Continuous Integration

We now have ContinuousIntegration Support via the valiant efforts of Elliot Metsger. This means that the most current integration build is available for download and testing at the following URL's


  • #2102617 X509Authentication fails to assign appropriate specialgroups
  • #2102580 Duplicate Handle exception when replacing bitstreams
  • Documentation is not accurate to the version. Documentation shifted out to the website and docbook versions are generated/stored in SVN
  • DSpace Statistics system does not work with Manakin UI (should it? Not sure...) fixed - GT. note that pre-1.5.1, Manakin does not log enough information for generating the stats
  • #1970852 - XMLUI: Browse by Issue Date "Type in Year" doesn't work
  • Collection subscriptions not sent if items have author metadata (missing message key)
  • Author ordering incorrect in JSP browse interface
  • Can download bitstream from withdrawn item in XMLUI
  • Browse page caching in XMLUI
  • Clean up session usage to only use Serializable objects (to allow application server clustering)
  • Clean up resource 'leaks' in database use and XMLUI logging code
  • Invalid XML characters in FeedServlet and XHTML HEAD elements
  • Oracle compatibility issues
  • Fixed Generated dspace/modules/sword webapp is missing lib files
  • Fixed Some of the dspace/modules/<projects> need to have dependencies added to their poms to ease customization of java classes
  • XMLUI now displays collection/community strengths (item counts), assuming strength caching is enabled in dspace.cfg.
  • #2013921 - Movement in Submission Workflow Causes Skipped Steps (XMLUI)
  • #2015988 - Configurable Submission bug in SubmissionController (JSPUI)
  • #2034372 - Resorting Search Results in JSPUI always gives no results

SVN Repository



<table border=1>


<td>Fix for SF bug #2095402 - Non-interactive Submission Steps don't work in JSPUI 1.5 (also added some previous SF bugs I fixed since 1.5 to our "CHANGES" document)</td>
<td>Fix for SF bug #2078324 xmlui hardcoded strings used in UI in General-Handler.xsl</td>
<td>Applied SF patch #2076066 Review in jspui submission non-dc metadata</td>
<td>Fix for SF Bug #2081930 xmlui hardcoded strings in</td>
<td>Fix for SF Bug #2080319 jspui hardcoded strings in browse</td>
<td>Patch for SF bug #2078305 xmlui hardcoded strings used in UI in xmlui-api</td>
<td>Fix for SF Bug #2090761 Statistics wrong use of dspace.dir for log location</td>
<td>Fix problem with CLI caused in previous commit</td>
<td>Switch container encoding to ISO-8859-1 per requirements of the servlet specification.</td>
<td>Move DSpace Initialization Code to Share DSpaceContextListener in dspace-api. add deprecation to Existing InitServlets and remove obsolete initialization cases from web.xml.</td>
<td>Integrate doc changes from foundation's backlog of submissions, and regenerate the docbook, html, and pdf. </td>
<td>(Stuart Lewis) Fix for SF bug #2055941 LDAP authentication fails for new users in SWORD and Manakin</td>
<td>(Stuart Lewis) Fix for SF bug #2055941 LDAP authentication fails for new users in SWORD and Manakin</td>
<td>Update the docbook conversion script. Move the legacy html to a subdirectory. Prepare for 1.5.1Beta release. </td>
<td>Corrected missing escape of quotations in localized help links</td>
<tr height=65>
<td height=65>3042</td>
<td>An initial conversion of the html documents to docbook, the script to do that conversion, and the resulting html and pdf documents. All of the work is done in subdirectories. This is for review, comment, and adjustment. Still to be done: - Integrate the docbook to html and pdf into the Maven build. - Merge changes from the Foundation version of docs into HTML. - Remove the legacy HTML source. - Remove the generated html and pdf once the build does it. - Various small formatting cleanups. </td>
<td>Prepare a location for docbook version of documentation. </td>
<td>Add missing close() calls to use of TableRowIterator, also add close() to ItemIterator (to close underlying TableRowIterator) </td>
<td>Fix build problem from missing imports</td>
<td>Fix various problems with resources potentially not being freed, and other minor fixes suggested by FindBugs</td>
<td>Added better debugging/logging capabilities, option to allow test runs, and correct bug in retrieval of date accessioned metadata value.</td>
<td>Replace URLEncoder with StringEscapeUtils for better fix of escaping the hidden query field</td>
<td>(Sands Fish) Add "Select Primary Bitstream" functionality to submission workflow and fix typos and file formating in messages.xml.</td>
<td>SF Bug #1983859 added Foreign Lucene Analyzers to poms</td>
<td>SF Bug #1989916 - missing LDAP authentication key</td>
<td>Fix #2034372 - Resorting in JSPUI gives no results</td>
<td>Guard against Community/Collection metadata having only whitespace characters and eliminate cases where null pointer exceptions would be thrown.</td>
<td>Fix to Bug #2015988 - Configurable Submission bug in SubmissionController</td>
<tr height=65>
<td height=65>3020</td>
<td>Bug Fix for SF# 2013921 - Movement in Submission Workflow Causes Skipped Steps This changes the Submission workflow to use URLs of the form handle///submit/*.continue (where the final part is the continuation id). In addition, the submission process also makes use of Cocoon's Page Local functionality to save the state of individual pages in the submission process. This ensures that if the user clicks the browser "back button", previous state information can be reloaded (so the flow no longer gets confused as to the current state).</td>
<td>Modified XMLUI DIM-Handler to display Collection/Community strengths if they exist within the DIM section of the METS document.</td>
<tr height=39>
<td height=39>3015</td>
<td>Updates to Community/Collection Item Counts (i.e. strengths) for XMLUI. After talking with Scott Phillips, it was decided the should only be enabled when the "webui.strengths.cache" flag is enabled in dspace.cfg. Added a note to dspace.cfg to document this..</td>
<tr height=39 style='page-break-before:always'>
<td height=39>3014</td>
<td>Enabling Community/Collection Item Counts (i.e. strengths) for XMLUI. These counts are stored in the "dc.format.extent" DIM field of the METS document generated for Communities/Collections. By default these counts are NOT displayed by the out-of-the-box themes. However, now they are available for custom themes.</td>
<tr height=39>
<td height=39>3013</td>
<td>Improve DSIndexer logic in both branches to support removal of items from index when withdrawn from repository. Remove decision making logic in SearchConsumer to allow DSIndexer to make the decisions where its more appropriate.</td>
<td>Improve debug logging and correct null pointer errors in Browse and Search Consumers.</td>
<tr height=39>
<td height=39>3006</td>
<td>(Sands Fish) Provides fix for AuthenticationUtil where users ID's are not properly compared. As corrects issue with logged in user not having appropriate rights to be in this particular flowscript once logged in as. Eliminates need for user to do "double-logout".</td>
<td>Correct Problems where Search and Browse Consumers do not properly update Indexes when Items are Added or Removed from Collections.</td>
<td>Correct documentation on PDFBox temp file contents.</td>
<td>Fix NullPointerException cause by nullified Context object in LNI map item to new collection.</td>
<td>Fix #1714851 - set eperson.subscription.onlynew in dspace.cfg to only include items that are new to the repository, otherwise any modified items will be included</td>
<td>(Stuart Lewis) Updated upgrade instructions to include step for copying the new registration email</td>
<td>1.) Adjust Logging in DAVServlet so that errors can actually be seen in the server logs. 2.) Remove throws ServletException from DAVResource API where it is never ever thrown.</td>
<td>Block Basic Authentication "details" from being exposed in dspace logs.</td>
<td>Fix issue where the browse and search indexes will not be updated correctly if you move an Item, and the Collection you are moving it from is not the owning collection.</td>
<td>(Scott Phillips) Fixed bug where users could not finish registering nor reset their password because the authentication method signatures were changed. This patch has only been tested against 1.5 branch.</td>
<td>(Stuart Lewis / Claudia Juergen) Updated installation and configuration documents for new statistics scripts, and removed references to Perl</td>
<td>Making search field descriptions more specific to Communities and Collections.</td>
<td>(Bill Hays, Mark Diggory -MIT Libraries) Close InputStreamReaders explicitly to release any file handles back to OS. Originally based on patch provided by Bill Hays.</td>
<tr height=104>
<td height=104>2976</td>
<td>Fix problem with SWORD not accepting multiple concurrent submissions - DSpaceSWORDServer as originally written was not re-entrant (DSpace Context was stored as a member variable) As the deposit / servicedocument servlets maintained a handle to an instance of the DSpaceSWORDServer as a private member, this had the effect of making all concurrent requests use the same instance of DSpaceSWORDServer. Each attempt to get the servicedocument or make a deposit would therefore overwrite the Context, so requests currently processing would be attempting to use the wrong Context insance. This revision moves the Context to variables within the servicedocument / deposit methods. These are passed as parameters to the called private methods, making this class re-entrant. </td>
<td>(Stuart Lewis) Changed SWORD config key from server-class to sword-server-class to bring it in line with the master SWORD code in the SWORD-APP SVN repository.</td>
<td>Jay Paz (SF#1898241) Additional fixes to patch to enable reuse of methods.</td>
<tr height=39>
<td height=39>2971</td>
<td>(ScottPhillips) Added the ability to manage sessions with site wide alerts to prevent users from authenticating. This will help administrators when the system requires maintaince. They can leave the site up and functioning while restricting logins to ensure that no items are submitted or other state changes.</td>
<td>ScottPhillips: Fixes a bug where the ability to edit an item durring workflow step 2 is not displayed.</td>
<td>Jay Paz (SF#1898241) Add item Export from jspui and xmlui.</td>
<td>ScottPhillips: Fixes a bug where community and collection logos do not appear because they do not have names.</td>
<td>(Stuart Lewis) Corrected one line of upgrade instructions (incorrect path for stat files to copy)</td>
<td>Add missing key org.dspace.eperson.Subscribe.authors (subscriptions where the items have authors are broken otherwise)</td>
<tr style='page-break-before:always'>
<td>correct linking on pages when xmlui is the ROOT webapplication</td>
<td>(Zuki Ebetsu / Stuart Lewis) 1990660 SWORD Service Document are malformed / Corrected Atom publishing MIME types</td>
<td>Stuart Lewis - [ 1947036 ] Patch for SF Bug1896960 SWORD authentication and LDAP + [ 1989874 ] LDAPAuthentication pluggable method broken for current users</td>
<td>Fix #1963060 Authors listed in reverse order</td>
<td>Fix #1970852 - XMLUI: Browse by Issue Date "Type in Year" doesn't work</td>
<td>Statistics viewer for XMLUI, based on existing DStat. Note that this generates the view from the analysis files (.dat), does not require HTML report generation.</td>
<td>Stuart Lewis - Fixed issue reported by Gary Browne relating to old messages still appearing in the stat scripts.</td>
<tr height=39>
<td height=39>2953</td>
<td>correct issue with sitemap redirection of mydspace uri. Better solution, move up into webapp sitemap where it can be caught and issued prior to aspect activation. Placing in aspects is effected by aspect ordering. Its not possible to predictably redirect from within aspect
<td>Added cleanup listeners. Updated Fileupload and IO dependencies to fix occassional upload problems, and improve application cleanup. </td>
<td>1.5 upgrade instructions were missing Metadata Registry updates necessary to support SWORD.</td>
<td>Fixed incorrect downloading of bitstream on withdrawn item Fixed caching of browse pages Added addtional logging (JSP compatible)</td>
<td>To be consistent with JSPUI Only show top level communities at top level search.</td>
<td>Add JSPUI compatible log messages to XMLUI transformers</td>
<td>Add serlet-api to overlay wars to reduce compile time errors when adding classes</td>
<td>Make RequestInfo Serializable as it is stored in the current session - otherwise prevents clustering</td>
<td>Make config Serializable as it is stored in the current session - otherwise prevents clustering</td>
<td>Correct issues in feed generation where description value is overwritten and only the first instance of a field is included in the description.</td>
<td>redirect mydspace to submissions if encountered (approval notices from workflow still contain this path).</td>
<td>Adjust Advanced Search to use search properties from dspace.cfg for determining terms available to users. Add common Messages for some commonly used search indexes.</td>
<td>PRotect against null pointer when bitstrema has no name. See:;aid=1939278&amp;group_id=19984&amp;atid=119984Image Modified</td>
<td>Update db dependencies to remove problem with Thread creation / locking in -pool</td>
<td>Slight cleanup of how DBCP driver is referenced</td>
<td>Improved cleanup of database resources when web
application is unloaded</td>
<td>Clean up use of ThreadLocal with finally block in DSpaceCocoonServlet and more recent revision of logkit</td>
<td>Despite being available configs in 1.5, these two 'pdffilter.' configurations were missing from the 1.5 dspace.cfg file. I've added them, but they are commented out by default.</td>
<td>(Scott Phillips) Added an activity viewer to the Control Panel showing the current user activity on the repository.</td>
<td>(Scott Phillips) Added easy support for google analytics statistics, if you want to use analytics simple provide your key in the parameter "".</td>
<td>(Scott Phillips) Added the ability for super admins to login as other users. This is controled by the parameter xmlui.user.assumelogin, default value is false.</td>
<td>Fix potential server error in FeedServlet with invalid XML characters</td>
<td>Fix potential server error when incorrect parameters are passed</td>
<td>Stop JDOM errors if we try to output metadata with
illegal characters</td>
<td>Fix bug #1931799 - duplicate "FROM metadatavalue"</td>
<td>Correct bug in Body.toSAX where startElement is called instead of end element.</td>
<td>Correct issue with libraries being excluded</td>
<td>Fixed Oracle bugs with ILIKE operators and LIMIT/OFFSET clauses</td>


See DSpace + Release + 1.5.2 + Notes for the next minor release cycle...</html>