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  • Continuing to make progress towards Fedora 6

    • first alpha release is out, not feature complete, but very close

      • any features missing are likely not used features

      • please pull it down and test

      • next version of alpha will be out next week

    • what is the criteria for putting out beta release

      • proposed

        • feature complete

        • migration tooling (3, 4, 5 -> 6)

        • validation tool

          • initially this will only exist for Fedora 3 and development will begin next week

          • If we need further validation tooling, we can create it, but based on surveys this didn't seem to be necessary (migration tooling for Fedora 4, 5)

        • documented expectations performance/scale criteria

          • rates for migration (size of content should migrate in ___ time)

          • collections of ____ size should get a response time of _____

          • need collaboration to get people to run these tests and create the expectations for these tests

        • documentation complete

      • Jira items

    • what is the criteria for putting out 6.0 production release

      • proposed

        • Stakeholder sign-off

        • Migration tooling - stakeholder sign-off

        • Validation tool stakeholder sign-off

        • Validation of integration -

          • samvera

          • islandora

        • F6 documentation complete

        • Performance/Scale results documented

      • Discussion on configuration of F6

        • new version created with any change to the file, version is created automatically

        • new version created only when it's told to create a new version by the application sitting on top of it

          • If this is the configuration there is an outstanding pull request to define this extended functionality within the context of OCFL


            • We could use a review and feedback on this pull request, please encourage team to look at this.

            • Not positive on the level of desire of this feature and what makes the most sense. We need feedback on this to understand the level of interest to the priority.

            • We need comments and feedback on the extension and pull requests and a particular focus on the technical details on this PR

    • Four Actions coming out of this:

IMLS Fedora migration grant:

  • David: good progress. Starting migration tooling next week with sample data. Full production set up next year. Noting dependency on Fedora 6 development - delays in Fedora 6 might affect meeting grant deadline. We can continue working on other grant-related things while we wait for Fedora 6 dev to advance.

Membership Model Proposal

    • summary "With the current state of membership renewals, it has been proposed that changes need to be made to the current membership model to ensure recurring income. Through extensive discussion, 3 proposals were generated to assist with short, medium, and long-term actions. We will break into smaller groups to discuss the recommendations with the goal of approving short-term actions and refining the proposed medium-term actions."
    • Rosy: motivated by concerns about reduction in members and member $$.
      • Revenue ops: looking at value-added initiatives, membership levels, services related to migration. What do our users need and want?
      • if you need receipt language changed to say something to meet your orgs needs, let us know
      • medium-term: looking to understand fedora installations and what data we have and could collection. Who is using fedora? Where are they? Can we collect this data in a more automated way? This data will help us better understand what users need/want and what we might charge for.
      • Data will be handed off to Governance group - please join us in that group to help with this work. Rosy will send an email reminder.
        • Emily will join the governance group
    • Small group discussions about what data we want to collect about installations, to help us better understand our membership:

Action Items