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Actions from 2020-10-30 Cornell LD4P3 Meeting notes

  • Steven Folsom will reconcile the list with existing issues and work out what isn't being looked at - DONE. Most concerns are being address by one or more issues in the QA and/or Sinopia efforts. Some issues lack enough information to know how or if we're already acting to improve on the experience.
  • Jason Kovari (from 2020-10-30 meeting) will kick off work on functional requirements for discussion Nov 6
  • E. Lynette Rayle to finalize the survey for cataloger user stories for PCC feedback and ranking by working group, check with IRB


Discovery (WP3)

  • for issues etc. 
  • Draft of a discovery plan:
  • Strand 1: production piece 
    • Steps:
      • Discussion with Tracey re. use case and benefit – DONE
      • LTS engagement re. metadata - DONE
      • Production requirements and functionality – Production decision points
      • Demo and discussion with D&A User Reps and dev team – DONE
      • Following up after user reps meeting
        • ACTION - Tim will sort out code in LD4P3 repo and look at adding button to highlight Discogs field next week
          • 2020-10-30 Tim is been working on this. Worked to improve speed by moving code from JavaScript to Rail but that had significant slowdown (~1s). Now doing search in the controller and then doing second call in JavaScript. Image comes back with first call. Thinking about timeout to avoid problems if Discogs response is slow
        • Tim hopes to demo to the User Reps on the Nov 5 meeting
          • 2020-10-30 Still planning to do this
  • Strand 2: research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
    • Research decision points
    • Use cases - first review 2020-09-18
      • First goal: DASH! dashboard (full page for entity) that extends on the idea of an embedded knowledge panel, aim to have functional prototype for end of year
    • DASH! (Displaying Authorities Seamlessly Here)
      • Dashboard design meeting kickoff notes - will also try to understand what our data will support or connections to other data sources
      • 2020-10-23 Demo! Huda will continue to work on design elements for the dashboard, wondering about additional data connections, get to a sufficiently good prototype to start to get some feedback. Next Tuesday there will be a discussion in DAG of data connections to support particular user tasks
        • Dev/Design exploration: Worked on highlighting the selected period in the timeline.  (Attempts at triggering card selection didn't seem to work at all.)  Leaflet map inclusion to also display location for entity and to also display all the PeriodO locations.
          • Next steps:  Linking back information to the catalog.  Noting where performance isn't great (the timeline can get "stuck").  May be sufficient for a working prototype
          • Jason: Useful to include information from other sources, showing how users may still get to resources from BorrowDirect/WorldCat/IvyPlus. 
          • Steven: Including options for user to go from the timeline/map and search collections, search the bento box
          • Simeon: Timeline and map linked? Clicking on location, for example, also loads the subject display above and the timeline, etc.?


  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration – Support and evolve QA+cache instance for use with QA
    • 2020-10-30 Didn't meet this week.  Lynette at conference. Steven has been working with Dave on index improvements for Getty TGN, indexing is complex because of the highly nested data structures
  •  Cache Containerization Plan - Develop a sustainable solution that others can deploy
    • 2020-10-30 - QA Server container deployment on AWS now works (hurrah!). Some cleanup to do in the repo then now need to turn this into a real ci/cd circle. When cleanup and testing done then think about how to switch over instance to AWS container version
  • Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group 
    • 2020-10-30
      • Meeting - 2020-10-26 - Completed developer user stories.  Showed a preview of the survey to send to the group and PCC to prioritize the cataloger user stories.  The UI for the sorting into bins is bad.  The bins don't stay on the screen as you scroll up and down to view all the user stories.  This will make moving stories into bins difficult.  I'm exploring CSS that might make this better.  Next meeting will start on Provider user stories.
      • ACTION: Lynette needs to finalize the survey for cataloger user stories for PCC feedback and ranking by working group. 
      • Steven suggests SInopia User group for feedback too
      • In discussion we don't think we need the personal information, could advertize where the results will be published and we note there should be IRB review (will be trivial)

Developing Cornell's functional requirements in order to move toward linked data
