Versions Compared


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Because DSpace 1.5 consists of many "modules" (see above), it lends itself to being worked with as several separate Eclipse projects! However, you do have some choice in how you want to work with DSpace 1.5 in Eclipse. Overall, there seems to be three main options (feel free to add more if you have other ideas):

  1. The One-Big-Project Approach] (RECOMMENDED - easiest to setup)
    • Advantage(s): Only a single project in your Eclipse workspace. Can perform debugging through Eclipse Tomcat Plugin (but only for ONE user interface). Can have multiple DSpace 1.5.x versions running side-by-side in one Eclipse Workspace.
    • Disadvantage(s): Can only debug ONE user interface at a time. This is a limitation of the Eclipse Tomcat Plugin, which only allows you to define a single Tomcat 'context' per Eclipse project. Slower build times since you are compiling all of the DSpace modules from source.
  2. The One-Project-Per-Module Approach (A little more complex to setup, but allows more flexibility)
    • Advantage(s): Can use the Eclipse Tomcat Plugin for debugging, and debug multiple interfaces at the same time (e.g. JSPUI side-by-side with XMLUI, OAI-PMH and/or LNI)
  3. Disadvantage(s): Since each Eclipse project must be named the same as the corresponding DSpace module, you*cannot have two DSpace 1.5.x (or above) versions running side-by-side in the same Eclipse Workspace.
  4. The Combined Approach (More difficult to setup. Need to verify if this route still works - 27 Mar 2008)
    • Advantage(s): Can use the Eclipse Tomcat Plugin for debugging. Tries to combine the above two approaches to allow you to have different versions of modules checked out as separate projects in Eclipse. It also allows you to simultaneously debug multiple user interfaces (XML-UI, JSP-UI, OAI-PMH, and/or LNI) in Eclipse via the Tomcat Plugin.
    • Disadvantage(s): It's definitely a little "messy" as far as Eclipse is concerned, since you will have several Eclipse projects within a primary project (and Eclipse favors a "flat" structure for its Projects). In addition, you must checkout and work with DSpace 1.5 code into a location not under your normal Eclipse workspace.
