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Attendees:  Greg, Jason, Lynette, Steven, Huda, Tim, Simeon

Regrets:  none!

Actions from 2020-10-23 Cornell LD4P3 Meeting notes

  • Jason Kovarito ask Tracey if she has the capacity to discuss librarian instruction at CUL re. possible use cases. Question had come up in the context of the dashboard use case "Instructional librarians want to teach users how to navigate library materials using subject headings.  Combined with Classification/LCSH taxonomy mapping"
    • 2020-10-23 Tracey is happy to help but wait until November
  • Greg Delisleto explore how to get the container version that Lynette has on her laptop up on AWS. Question about how to handle environment variables outside of the checked in docker container so that users can config
    • 2020-10-09 On laptop Lynette had an entrypoint script which worked fine to allocate assets and connect to mysql etc., this doesn't work on AWS. Lynette is trying to move these processes into the Docker file. Works for bundling but not for precompile, has some input from Justin, Greg will look into the DB connection. Some concern that we are having to make many changes for AWS, will the new version work on laptop or other VM? (changes so far do work on laptop too)
    • 2020-10-23 Greg has pulled Lynette's branch and had a quick look, will have more time next week. Lynette comments that the precompile is the key problem
    • 2020-10-30 QA Server container deployment now works (hurrah!). Some cleanup to do in the repo then now need to turn this into a real ci/cd circle
  • ACTION: Steven will reconcile the list with existing issues and work out what isn't being looked at - DONE. Most concerns are being address by one or more issues in the QA and/or Sinopia efforts. Some issues lack enough information to know how or if we're already acting to improve on the experience.


Discovery (WP3)

  • for issues etc. 
  • Preliminary draft of a discovery plan- intended to get feedback:
  • Strand 1: production piece (i.e.: picking features we've already worked on to then push those into production): discogs, autosuggest. Feature branches in the code to work on features in isolation. Still need to discuss discogs with Tracey (post- 9/2). Preliminary pass with discogs features using latest production (from a few days ago) successful (tried on dev vm and will try on ld4p3 demo using continuous integration later)
    • Steps:
      • Discussion with Tracey re. use case and benefit – DONE
      • LTS engagement re. metadata - DONE
      • Production requirements and functionality – Production decision points
      • Demo and discussion with D&A User Reps and dev team – DONE
      • Following up after user reps meeting
        • ACTION - Tim will sort out code in LD4P3 repo and look at adding button to highlight Discogs field next week
        • Steven notes possibility of generalizing the highlight button functionality to other external data, not currently in scope. Book covers come in dynamically through ISBN. ToC is being looked at for addition to index (so slightly different)
        • Tim hopes to demo to the User Reps on the Nov 5 meeting
  • Strand 2: research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index - what decisions are needed. What are the data sources for each (e.g.: how many Cornell faculty in wikidata)? Present: reviewing data sources and questions. Should have more worked out in a week or two. Main areas of concern: browsing and dashboard... and anything we can do to help patrons navigate our collections and how we can highlight an entity... and what does that mean for the index? How do we capture the relevant bits of the graph for an index? Is there a repo for this? Not yet... but can use discovery repo ( we already have to capture any queries or related work.
    • Research decision points
    • Use cases - first review 2020-09-18
      • Interest in the dashboard idea (full page for entity) that extends on the idea of an embedded knowledge panel
      • Goal of functional prototype for end of year
      • How will we test it? Remote testing would work but will students want/have-time to talk with us? Can we pay them?
    • Discovery Affinity Group is looking at design ideas
    • DASH! (Displaying Authorities Seamlessly Here)
      • Dashboard design meeting kickoff notes - will also try to understand what our data will support or connections to other data sources
      • 2020-10-23 Demo! Huda will continue to work on design elements for the dashboard, wondering about additional data connections, get to a sufficiently good prototype to start to get some feedback. Next Tuesday there will be a discussion in DAG of data connections to support particular user tasks
      • Steven notes Matt Miller work on connections between library authority work and wikidata, also PCC has wikidata pilot project which has some people creating wikidata entities and linking to them from MARC. Most work in special collections so generalization not always immediate
