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  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration
    • 2020-10-23  - Dave's new approach to indexing
    • 2020-10-23 Ongoing discussion with Sinopia team and SVDE folks about integrations. We are not yet clear about whether SVDE will provide a direct search API or appropriappropriate incremental mechanisms for using Dave's cache
  • Cache Containerization Plan
    • 2020-10-23 - See notes above.
  • Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group 
    • 2020-10-23
      • Next meeting - 2020-10-26
      • ACTION: Lynette needs to put together survey for cataloger user stories for PCC feedback and ranking by working group. 
        • Started.  Requested feedback on prioritization wording, but received no comments.

          Code Block
          As a cataloger, I want to … a user story will go here…
           * REQUIRED - The system is unusable without the feature represented in the user story
           * HIGH USE - The feature represented by the user story would be used a lot.
           * NICE TO HAVE - The feature represented by the user story would be helpful, but the system is useful without it.
           * DON’T NEED - I do not expect to use the feature represented by the user story.

        • Suggestions:
          • Change from ranking to sorting.  Might be problematic with the number of user stories (> 20).  
          • Going to look into a combination approach where there are 5 bins sorting from High to Low and each bin has a limit on the number of allowed user stories.
  • From 2020-01-19 Sinopia call

Developing Cornell's functional requirements in order to move toward linked data

Other Topics

  • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group
  • PCC Sinopia Profiles Working group
    • 2020-10-02 - Submitted interim report yesterday. Feedback requested before deciding on a few directions and working to stay compatible with LC work. Some discussion of how to align with SHARE-VDE data which uses a rather different profile. Committee is supposed to wrap by the end of October
    • 2020-10-
  • 09 Almost done, questions about role of item template which doesn't fall within PCC scope
    • 23 Serials profile done, final report being written up, will be discussed at POCO next week, deadline in November 
  • PCC Task Group on Non-RDA Entities
    • 2020-10-09 Discussions of how reconcile RDA list with Non-RDA entities. Possible effects on
    • 2020-10-23 Outline for final report done and will be assigning writing...
  • Default branch name - WAIT until we can use github tools January 2021


    • SWIB
    • .  Call for Proposals - Special Issue: "The Metadata Issue: Metadata as Knowledge".  Due January 2021 (abstract 300-500 words).  Includes "The use of linked open data to facilitate the interaction between metadata and bodies of knowledge" and "Cultural heritage organization (libraries, archives, galleries, and museums) and academic projects that contribute to or leverage open knowledge platforms such as Wikidata"
