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Attendees:  Greg, Jason, Tim, Steven, Huda, Lynette, Simeon

Regrets:  no regrets!

Actions from 2020-09-25 Cornell LD4P3 Meeting notes


  • Discovery (WP3)
    • for issues etc. 
    • Preliminary draft of a discovery plan- intended to get feedback:
    • Strand 1: production piece (i.e.: picking features we've already worked on to then push those into production): discogs, autosuggest. Feature branches in the code to work on features in isolation. Still need to discuss discogs with Tracey (post- 9/2). Preliminary pass with discogs features using latest production (from a few days ago) successful (tried on dev vm and will try on ld4p3 demo using continuous integration later)
      • Steps:
        • Discussion with Tracey re. use case and benefit – DONE
        • LTS engagement re. metadata - DONE
        • Production requirements and functionality – Production decision points
        • Demo and discussion with D&A User Reps and dev team – See actions above from last week
    • Strand 2: research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index - what decisions are needed. What are the data sources for each (e.g.: how many Cornell faculty in wikidata)? Present: reviewing data sources and questions. Should have more worked out in a week or two. Main areas of concern: browsing and dashboard... and anything we can do to help patrons navigate our collections and how we can highlight an entity... and what does that mean for the index? How do we capture the relevant bits of the graph for an index? Is there a repo for this? Not yet... but can use discovery repo ( we already have to capture any queries or related work.
      • Research decision points
      • Use cases - first review 2020-09-18
        • Interest in the dashboard idea (full page for entity) that extends on the idea of an embedded knowledge panel
      • Discovery Affinity Group is looking at design ideas
      • Dashboard design meeting kickoff notes
    • Can we get Blacklight fork to not hit the production catalog every time we do a pull request? Not clear way to specify that all pull requests should go to the fork rather than the main branch from which you forked. Huda is investigating with input from Code4Lib inquiry
    • LD4P3 demo blacklight site 
      • 2020-09-25 Issues with Solr updates resolved, fixed deployment to see JavaScript files but still issues with images in assets directory (not sure of issue). VPN issue - try CUL VPN as opposed to CU?
  • Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2) - A key element of this work package is a sustainable solution that others can deploy. Questions of budget for deployment. Need to get all code into LD4P repository. What would a good end-product look like both for our maintenance and for others to use
    • Qa Sinopia Collaboration
      • 2020-09-25 - Next meeting with ShareVDE will be next 10-01
        • Meeting with ShareVDE this week (09-29)
        on how to access CKB, whether through cache or direct through ShareVDE API.  API structure tentative.  Trying to encourage them toward creating a QA compatible API, but even if they are compatible, there are some concerns about whether it will be performant
        • .  ShareVDE will provide download for CKB and Dave will cache.  Dave plans to do a combined search index for all institution data.  There was a discussion on change management for CKB.  I provided them with documentation on issues related to Change Management.
        • Added local authorities for property_type and property_attribute per request from Sinopia dev team.
    • Cache Containerization Plan
      • 2020-09-25 - Getting authority configurations from an external volume.  Sensitive data is coming from .env.  Greg is working on deployment to AWS using the latest changes.  I am working on updating the deploy instructions.
    • Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group is still working through use cases, this seems very important to take sufficient time
      • 2020-09-25
        • Will be meeting this Monday and  continuing work on developer user stories.  Consistent participants include LC, OCLC, ISNI, ShareVDE, Mesh, Harvard, Stanford, and Cornell
        • Need to get contact information from Steven to share with PCC.  Looking at creating a survey that will allow for prioritization by PCC and the working group.  Should the user stories for PCC only be the cataloger user stories?
  • Developing Cornell's functional requirements in order to move toward linked data
  • Other Topics
    • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group
      • Discussion of comprehensiveness and accuracy, "Minimum Viable Entity". There was a presentation at DCMI
    • PCC Sinopia Profiles Working group
      • 2020-09-18 - Still going through large spreadsheet comparing Sinopia profiles with BSR and CSR, close to having a comparison, will be part of report to POCO, still on target to complete in October
    • PCC Task Group on Non-RDA Entities
      • 2020-09-11 - Preliminary report went to POCO suggesting a small vocabulary of entity types, discussion about how to host/implement
      • 2020-09-25 Now have a short list if possibilities and close to decision
    • website - 
