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Table of Contents


The method developed to integrate a new linguistic context into VIVO is an Agile one that involves a development cycle punctuated by evolutionary iterations whose purpose is the introduction of new language into VIVO. Source code control aspects are deliberately not dealt with in this methodology in order to leave each team free to deal with this subject according to the governance rules specific to the institution leading the project.

Development Cycle

The figure below shows the five generic steps in the cycle of integrating a new language into VIVO that are performed at each iteration.

la figure ci-dessous schématise la méthodologie d'intégration de nouveaux langages dans VIVO. The cyclical, incremental and evolutionary methodology allows a segmentation of the tasks to be carried out. From the cyclical point of view, the methodology is segmented in five steps. At each iteration, the five steps punctuate the development cycle. Each iteration targets a specific point to be addressed which is defined in the goal to be reached in the iteration. Si

The figure below shows the five generic steps in the cycle of integrating a new language into VIVO that are performed at each iteration.

Image AddedImage Removed

Vivo's internationalization process is a five-step cycle:


The development of VIVO's internationalization is an iterative process that requires several iterations before full internationalization is achieved. Each iteration runs through the development cycle we discussed earlier. In the following section we will present the different iterations by demonstrating the internationalization of the French Canadian. Each iteration will contain a section describing the purpose of the iteration, a section demonstrating each stage of the development cycle, and in conclusion a summary explaining the highlights of the iteration.


Iteration 1: Initial Start - Preparing and initializing the development environment


This itération consists in setting up the software elements necessary to run an VIVO instance on a local host and prepare directories to undertake the task of internationalizing VIVO's content.



1) Start TOMCAT

After making the appropriate configurations move to the TOMCAT executables directory and launch the application.

Code Block
./ jpda start

2) Monitoring the execution

after running the "taill -f" command you can do ^C to stop the Monitoring 

Code Block
tail - f 

.createCacheHeaders=true, languages.selectableLocales=en_US, de_DE, orcid.api=sandbox, orcid.apiVersion=2.0, orcid.clientId=APP-MWPTQ7Z850AY2GCH, orcid.clientPassword=5eeb8f1e-05fd-4aa3-af3f-3bf12911f683, orcid.externalIdCommonName=Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al, orcid.webappBaseUrl=http://locahost:8080/vivo/, proxy.eligibleTypeList=,,, rootUser.password=Vivo2435...., rootUser.passwordChangeRequired=false, rp.multiple=config, selfEditing.idMatchingProperty=http://localhost:8080/ns#networkId, , vitro.local.solr.url=http://localhost:8983/solr/vivocore_i18n}]
2020-09-23 15:32:27,278 INFO [RevisionInfoBean] Revision info [build date: 20-09-23 22 h 18, level info: [[VIVO, 1.11.2-SNAPSHOT, d3e9606]]]
2020-09-23 15:32:27,321 WARN [StartupStatus] From FreemarkerEmailFactory$Setup: Invalid SMTP host: '': host name is not recognized - Email functions are disabled.
2020-09-23 15:32:27,383 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/dataGetterLabels.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,384 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/displayModelListViews.rdf
2020-09-23 15:32:27,386 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/homePageDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,388 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/localeSelectionGUI.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,389 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/n3ModelChangePreprocessors.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,390 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/orcidInterfaceDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,392 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/pageList.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,393 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/permissions.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,399 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/searchIndexerConfigurationVitro.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,404 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/searchIndexerConfigurationVivo.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,410 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vitroSearchProhibited.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,411 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoConceptDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,414 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoListViewConfig.rdf
2020-09-23 15:32:27,426 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoOrganizationDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,431 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoQrCodeDataGetter.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,434 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoSearchProhibited.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,440 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/displayTbox/everytime/displayTBOX.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,450 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/displayDisplay/everytime/displayDisplay.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,453 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/auth/everytime/permission_config.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,464 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/tbox/everytime/initialTBoxAnnotations_de_DE.nt
2020-09-23 15:32:27,490 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/tbox/everytime/initialTBoxAnnotations_en_US.nt
2020-09-23 15:32:28,738 INFO [FileGraphSetup] Read 12 abox file graphs
2020-09-23 15:32:29,173 INFO [FileGraphSetup] Read 6 tbox file graphs

3) Observing the execution

After logging in to VIVO and passing the smocktest you should see a presentation similar to this one. If you don't observe people in the faculties make sure that the example files are copied to the right place as indicated above or that Solr has been started



Iteration 2: Creating the directory structure of the target language context


The objective goal of this iteration is to set up the directory structure to host the files needed to integrate the new linguistic context in VIVO. At the end of the iterations, the execution of VIVO will allow the texts to be presented according to the chosen linguistic context.add the French Canadian linguistic context to the VIVO language selector. This goal includes the sub goal of initiating the implementation of the directory structure necessary to integrate the files needed to manage French Canadian in VIVO.

The entry point of this iteration is step three

Step 3) Searching for the problematic file in the VIVO source code

The first functionality addressed in the internationalization and language management assumed by VIVO's language selector. As shown in the image below, the selector in its current state does not manage French Canadian. This iteration therefore consists in introducing French Canadian into the VIVO language selector.

Image Added

Step 4) Editing the problematic file

Step 5) If necessary reset the various VIVO's indexes and databases

Step 1) Compile and deploye a new/corrected instance of VIVO and start it


Step 2) Running VIVO for testing and/or finding an i18n problem

For this iteration there is nothing to be done at this stage.

Step 3) Searching for the problematic file in the VIVO source code

Step 4) Editing the problematic file


Iteration summary


Iteration 2:
