Versions Compared


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This document presents the process required to develop a new language to be integrated into VIVO and Vitro. It is intended for any developer who wishes to develop a new integrated language. The development process requires a good knowledge of the VIVO internal structure and its internal working mechanisms. This document describes the development cycle of new languages as well as the components required for this development.

The project of adding a new language requires diverse and varied skills. Therefore, it requires the involvement of a multidisciplinary team composed of software developers, linguists and ontologists. It is therefore necessary to allow a few days or even a few weeks, depending on the computer skills of the team, to complete all the iterations presented in this guide. La maîtrise du cycle de développement présenté ci-dessous ainsi que des actions informatiques associées à chacun des étapes du cycle doivent être maîtrisé par l'ensemble des membres de l'équipe. Il sera donc nécessaire d'offrir un support informatique adéquat au personnel non informaticiens travaillant sur la traduction des textes contenus dans les divers fichiers. Pour simplifier ce travail nous recommandons fortement l'usage de UQAM-DEV R.3 : An Interoperable UQAM Development Environment for VIVO (UQAM-DEV) 


Development Cycle



1) Start TOMCAT

After making the appropriate configurations move to the TOMCAT executables directory and launch the application.

Code Block
./ jpda start

2) Monitoring the execution

after running the "taill -f" command you can do ^C to stop the Monitoring 

Code Block
tail - f 

.createCacheHeaders=true, languages.selectableLocales=en_US, de_DE, orcid.api=sandbox, orcid.apiVersion=2.0, orcid.clientId=APP-MWPTQ7Z850AY2GCH, orcid.clientPassword=5eeb8f1e-05fd-4aa3-af3f-3bf12911f683, orcid.externalIdCommonName=Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al, orcid.webappBaseUrl=http://locahost:8080/vivo/, proxy.eligibleTypeList=,,, rootUser.password=Vivo2435...., rootUser.passwordChangeRequired=false, rp.multiple=config, selfEditing.idMatchingProperty=http://localhost:8080/ns#networkId, , vitro.local.solr.url=http://localhost:8983/solr/vivocore_i18n}]
2020-09-23 15:32:27,278 INFO [RevisionInfoBean] Revision info [build date: 20-09-23 22 h 18, level info: [[VIVO, 1.11.2-SNAPSHOT, d3e9606]]]
2020-09-23 15:32:27,321 WARN [StartupStatus] From FreemarkerEmailFactory$Setup: Invalid SMTP host: '': host name is not recognized - Email functions are disabled.
2020-09-23 15:32:27,383 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/dataGetterLabels.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,384 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/displayModelListViews.rdf
2020-09-23 15:32:27,386 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/homePageDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,388 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/localeSelectionGUI.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,389 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/n3ModelChangePreprocessors.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,390 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/orcidInterfaceDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,392 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/pageList.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,393 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/permissions.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,399 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/searchIndexerConfigurationVitro.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,404 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/searchIndexerConfigurationVivo.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,410 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vitroSearchProhibited.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,411 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoConceptDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,414 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoListViewConfig.rdf
2020-09-23 15:32:27,426 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoOrganizationDataGetters.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,431 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoQrCodeDataGetter.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,434 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/display/everytime/vivoSearchProhibited.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,440 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/displayTbox/everytime/displayTBOX.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,450 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/displayDisplay/everytime/displayDisplay.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,453 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/auth/everytime/permission_config.n3
2020-09-23 15:32:27,464 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/tbox/everytime/initialTBoxAnnotations_de_DE.nt
2020-09-23 15:32:27,490 INFO [RDFFilesLoader] Loading rdf/tbox/everytime/initialTBoxAnnotations_en_US.nt
2020-09-23 15:32:28,738 INFO [FileGraphSetup] Read 12 abox file graphs
2020-09-23 15:32:29,173 INFO [FileGraphSetup] Read 6 tbox file graphs

3) Observing the execution

After logging in to VIVO and passing the smocktest you should see a presentation similar to this one. If you don't observe people in the faculties make sure that the example files are copied to the right place as indicated above or that Solr has been started


1) Compile and deploye a new/corrected instance of VIVO and start it
