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Attendees: Tim, Steven, Lynette, Jason, Simeon

Regrets: none!Huda, Greg

Action from 2020-07-17 24 Cornell LD4P3 Meeting notes


  • LD4 Conference highlights (in addition to those noted on 7/10 and 7/17 and 7/24)
    • Huda did a great job with her discover talk (excellently moderated by Steven too)
    • Emma Boettcher from U Chicago discussed grad students interviewed, and relationship to linked data
    • Steven provided tech support for yesterday and today
    • Wikidata began yesterday with intro sessions, creating account, creating data, end sessions talked about starting projects, best practices for coordination etc.. More Wikidata today which then ends the conference
    • Michelle has sent out a survey which is being distributed to conference attendees and other listsCarnegie Hall data lab presentation, demos very good
  • LD4P2 wrap up
    • Discovery: Much documentation completed.  Still to do: Indexing Processes (DONE unless people suggest further info).  Committing to doing demo intro/closing today to be done with it (Using wham! autosuggest video Tim sent earlier).
    • slides linked above include use cases, questions we wanted to address and info on indexing. Huda Khanwill be adding more (only if someone asks for more info). Demo video has some walk thru of indexing. 
    • intro and closing for technical demo will be done today (Huda commits to this) (I did this in fact)
    • Huda closed out the project on github, created ld4p2 branch
    • We should put copies of google docs content on the wiki (PDF dumps) just to record a copy
    • Greg has been working on getting the 4 green buttons working. Has 3 working but can get the syllabus browse going. Huda is going to follow up John Skinner to understand that
    • Greg has also looked at combining Solr additions with Blacklight Solr. Found out that is isn't trivial to combine data from aux standalone-Solr and the blacklight Solr-cloud, Suggestion from the net is to re-index -→ Lynette notes possible implication for container work, we will need to build an index for the right type of Lucene setupHuda will post video draft link on slack for comment
  • LD4P3 planning questions (kickoff)(proposal)
    • WP2 - A key element of this work package is a sustainable solution that others can deploy. Questions of budget for deployment. Need to get all code into LD4P repository. What would a good end-product look like both for our maintenance and for others to use
      • Cache Containerization Plan - no significant updates this week, plan to look at containerization next weekACTION - Simeon to organize meeting of Lynette/Greg/Steven/Dave/Simeon
        Had 2020-07-24 : Meeting with Dave this pm
      • Coordination
        • Questions about how to host these containers
        • Discussion of boundary between Dave's work and ours
        • QA itself has clearer path to containerization
        • Decision to focus on LC Demographics - modest size and widely used (no wonky alarm), new vocab so folks are working out how to integrate 
      • meeting including Dave, agreed on some revisions to this plan with a prioritization of containers
      • Lynette has started containerization process for QA service. Some tricky stuff with docker compose. Have web app coming up, still need to get mysql going. Would like people to choose which authorities go in a container but that is currently is code rather than external config – still need to work that out but that can be a next step
      • Open sustainability questions about who runs authorities where.
      • First PCC Sinopia profiles meeting this week, focus was logistics and scope. Looking at previous work on BSR (bibliographic standard record - monograph but also special collections records) and CSR (CONSER standard record - the one for serials) and what makes them PCC things. Agreement that the group will focus on monograph and serials
      • Also discussions of how to coordinate with Sinopia development work (coordinated via Nancy Lorimer who is a stakeholder in Sinopia dev meetings)
      • Monday is the next meeting of the Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working groupSF- reached out to Jennifer Baxmeyer and Nancy Lorimer about PCC prioritization of QA work. Current thinking acknowledges that we need POCO/others to make leadership decisions about core vocabs to make sure are serviceable, and also possibly fold in QA UX questions into the larger Sinopia UX discussion.
    • WP3 - Which parts of LD4P2 should we take forward? What is a good candidate for production? Are there new areas of user research?
      • ACTION: look at Blacklight and Cornell meeting notes to better understand what people liked... and what is near-to production.
      • Started brainstorming document after all
      • Question: If considering a "deep dive" meeting, who would need to be there that hasn't already been in a preliminary meeting?  Project directors? Other LD4P3ers? (Follow on meetings will happen and have to have continuing "DOG" meetings on a regular basis but wondering from the point of view of the entire grant team as a whole)
      • ACTION - Huda to reach out to CUL staff who expressed interest at March session for informal discussion
      • ACTION - Discuss possible organization of brainstorming session with CUL staff on directions
        • what data sources are useful? what interactions do we want to facilitate?
        • suggestion to start with some big/open question - may be fruitful, may be quiet
        • have some of our ideas too
        • be ready to switch to examples from work so far and where we might take it
      • ACTION - Work out plan for auto-suggest
        • auto-suggest work has progressed since March and would be worth showing to folks again - want to get this on D&A agenda
        • Need to be very clear of value proposition for our approach
        • Need to understand what would be require in order to get this into production
      • Should there be a partner deep-dive on WP3? Yes 
        • ACTION - Huda to work with Michelle on setting this up
  • LD4P3 demo blacklight site
    • Greg wonders whether worthwhile working on full CI/deploy
    • ACTION - Huda to check that is going to be continuing repo
    • Need to work out whether we want to resync our fork of BL with the current Cornell code – better to start with a new fork and then port in anything we want to keep
      • ACTION - Greg/Tim/Huda to design github branching strategy for LD4P3 work
    • Note that various browse buttons on LD4P3 demo site do not point to the correct Solr indices (but perhaps we don't worry about this if we're starting from a fresh copy of the production code)
  • What are Cornell's functional requirements in order to move toward linked data? C.f. Stanford functional requirements document:
    • What does success look like? And then how do we get there? 
    • Jason Kovari : will start organizing thoughts around this and will speak more next week
  • Other Topics
    • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group
      • Huda did UI tests and saw wikibase instance with search tasks. Very familiar because of wikidata, use top right search box that has auto-complete. Focus on people 
      • Also API access
    • Steven filled out cohort survey on Sinopia pointing out strengths weaknesses with the profile approach.
  • SWIB 2020 - Deadline extended to July 27
    • ACTION - Lynette will submit a proposal
    • Huda submitted revised proposal
    • Steven reached out to PCC Application Profile Group about a possible proposal that would highlight scheduled work over the summer.
