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titleStatus: Development

This document is currently being developed. An update is forthcoming featuring step-by-step instructions for creating the prerequisites at Google.

Configuring a Google OAuth integration in the Circulation Manager will allow users to sign into the Admin interface with their Google/GMail credentials.

Configure the Google OAuth Service

Initial instructions in previous versions (v2.2.9 and older) of the Admin interface (to be revised):

  • To use this integration, visit the Google developer console. Create a project, click 'Create Credentials' in the left sidebar, and select 'OAuth client ID'. If you get a warning about the consent screen, click 'Configure consent screen' and enter your library name as the product name. Save the consent screen information.
  • Choose 'Web Application' as the application type.
  • Leave 'Authorized JavaScript origins' blank, but under 'Authorized redirect URIs', add the url of your circulation manager followed by '/admin/GoogleAuth/callback', e.g. ''.
  • Click create, and you'll get a popup with your new client ID and secret. Copy these values and enter them in the form below.


Step-by-step guide

(In development)