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Description: Patron borrows an audiobook

Main Flow

iOS Design
Android Design
Alternate Flow
1patronBrowses or searches for an audio book

Patron searches for an audiobook (see alternate flow for borrowing from details page):

Audio books display in search results with:

  • 'Get' button if available for download
  • 'Reserve' button if not available for immediate download

Screenreader should:

  • reads "get"
  • (nice to have) reads "get" plus the title of book when there is focus on the button 

Patron navigates to the details page:

    • 'Get' button if available for download
    • 'Reserve' button if not available for immediate download
    • Message displays in banner: "This book is available to borrow."
2patronclicks 'Get'
  • System checks out book
  • System displays:
    • 'Listen' button
      • Accessibility: focus stays on the button and new button state is announced
    • Number of days left displays
      • with focus still on the button, number of days left is announced (just on the immediate state change)

(From a User perspective flow should be identical to borrowing ebooks.)


For a screen reader user, the focus should stay on the same part of the page once they hit "get" or "reserve" button. After they hit either of those buttons, the focus stays on the loading area and the state is communicated, ex. "Requesting". Once the book is reserved or checked out and the buttons change, the focus should stay on the new "Read" button. It should also be announced the number of days that the user has until the book is returned.



Patron clicks 'Get' from the details page:

  • 'Listen' button replaces 'Get'
    • number of days left displays
    • Accessibility: focus stays on the button and new button state is announced
    • with focus still on the button, number of days left is announced (just on the immediate state change)
  • 'Return' button displays
  • message in banner: "Your audiobook is ready!"

For screenreaders:

The focus should stay on the area of the selected book. It should announce a loading message, like "Requesting". Then when the request has been put through, the updated text should be announced, which will be "Title, author, buttons." The buttons will either be "Remove" if the book has been reserved or "Listen" button and "Return" button if the book has been checked out.

There are issues in focus movement when user actives download.

Download progress needs to be announced to users of screenreaders.

Screenreader users need to be notified when Download is complete.

Text display needs to include format.

3patronviews 'my books' page after borrowing an audio book

Borrowed audiobooks display:

  • cover image
  • title
  • audio badge/icon
  • 'Listen' button
  • number of days left



Text display needs to include format.

4. Patron views detail page for an audiobook  

Description: Patron views details page for an audiobook

Main Flow

iOS Design
Android Design
Alternate Flow
1patronclicks on a title that has NOT been borrowed or reserved

System displays details page for an audiobook:

  • cover image
  • title
  • audio badge/icon
  • 'Get' OR 'Reserve' button
  • Message shows: "This book is available to borrow." (with Get button) OR "All licenses of this book are currently checked out." (with Reserve button)
  • Description
  • Information about audiobook including:
    • Published: (date)
    • Publisher: (name of publisher)
    • Category: (mystery, horror, romance, etc...)
    • Distributed by: (distributor)
    • Narrated by: (name of narrator, if available) (Out of scope for 3.0 delivery)
  • Recommended audiobooks (Out of scope for 3.0 delivery)
    • Books by the same author
    • Recommended
   Needs to include visible text of format, not just badge/icon.
1patronclicks on the title to view 'Details' page for an audiobook that IS borrowed OR reserved

System displays details page for a borrowed audiobook:

  • cover image
  • title
  • audio badge/icon
  • 'Listen' button (if borrowed) 'Remove' button (if reserved)
  • Message shows: number of days left (if borrowed) OR 'Available for checkout in less than 5 weeks. #__ in line for __ copies." (if reserved)
  • Description
    • Title
    • Author name
    • Format: (ebooks or audiobooks) (Question - can this fit into the regular view as well? Nice to have for the 3.0 delivery)
    • Narrated by: (name of narrator, if available) (Out of scope for 3.0 delivery)
  • Information about audiobook including:
    • Published: (date)
    • Publisher: (name of publisher)
    • Category: (mystery, horror, romance, etc...)
    • Distributed by: (distributor)
  • Recommended audiobooks (Out of scope for 3.0 delivery)
    • Books by the same author
    • Recommended

*What happens if the connection is lost? or if the download is lost?

Jack will give us a download state on the player view.

would this just be a message in the banner "Click Listen."

Needs to include visible text of format, not just badge/icon.


5. Patron reserves an audio book in SimplyE  

Description: Patron reserves an audio book

Actor: Patron

Preconditions: Patron logs in with an active library account and navigates to an audio book that is not available for borrowing, but is available to be reserved.

Postconditions: Patron successfully reserves audio book and views reservation in "Reservations" 

Main Flow

iOS Design
Android Design
Alternate Flow
1patronviews an audio book that is available to be reserved

Audio books displays with

  • 'Reserve' button active
2patronclicks 'Reserve'

System reserves book

System displays 'Remove' button

3patronviews 'Reservations' page after reserving an audio book

Reserved audio books display:

  • cover image
  • title
  • author
  • audio badge/icon
  • 'Remove' button


6. Patron listens to an audio book in SimplyE

Description: Patron listens to the audio book they have borrowed

Actor: Patron

Preconditions: Patron has borrowed an audio book

Postconditions: audio book plays on patron's device

Main Flow

iOS Design
Android Design
Alternate Flow
1patrontaps 'Listen'

System displays audio player with:

  • Top or bottom nav with icons for: TOC, speed, sleep
  • Title and cover image
  • Scrubber bar showing progress through book
  • Play button

Note: user must tap the play button to begin playing book. UX feedback is that the book should not begin playing automatically.


this will be replaced by design


Audio cannot play automatically. Violated WCAG.

Users should be able to adjust volume of audiobook independent of system volume.

2patrontaps 'Play' button

System plays audio book

System displays:

  • 'Pause' button replaces 'Play' button
  • Scrubber bar moves as book plays
  • Timer count-up (left end of the scrubber bar) updates as book plays
  • Timer count-down (right end of the scrubber bar) updates as book plays
  • Remaining hours and minutes (above scrubber bar) update as book plays
  • "Part ___ of ___" displays the correct track.

Stream/download fails (is this the step in which it will fail?)

3patrondrags scrubber bar while audio is PLAYING
  • The playhead displays at the new scrubber position
  • Timer count-up and count-down reflect new scrubber position
  • remaining hours/minutes display reflect new scrubber position
  • The audio plays audio corresponding to new scrubber position

drags scrubber bar while audio is PAUSED

All behavior described in the main flow should work the same except that the player should not begin playing again until user taps "Play" button.

Functionality needs to work for screenreader with feedback on where user is. If moving the scrubber causes audiobook to read very quickly at corresponding place in audio, that may present conflict with screenreader so need to discuss.
4patrontaps 'pause'
  • System stops playing audiobook
  • Scrubber bar stops moving, timer stops advancing
  • 'Play' button replaces 'Pause'
   Need to discuss this interaction with scrubber bar. 
  skips forward or backward while      
    5patrondrags scrubber bar while audio is PAUSED
  • The playhead displays at the new scrubber position
  • Timer count-up and count-down reflect new scrubber position
  • remaining hours/minutes display reflect new scrubber position
  • When patron taps play, audio will begin playing at the new scrubber position
       Functionality needs to work for screenreader with feedback on where user is. If moving the scrubber causes audiobook to read very quickly at corresponding place in audio, that may present conflict with screenreader so need to discuss. 
    75patronnavigates away from the player

    when patron gets a phone call, or starts using another app, behavior should be as it is for any app, but need to describe it here.
    Question: does it pause for all apps or does it let you listen while you are doing other things. How are we controlling this?

    When audio is playing and user navigates away from the player to another page within the app, a mini player can be shown so that user can continue listening while browsing another content. (UI TBD)



      skips forward or backwardQuestion: A skip feature is described in the acceptance criteria, but is not shown in the designs. Is this a feature that we will offer?   ???

    7. Patron uses Table of Contents

    Description: Patron uses that table of contents (TOC) in an audiobook

    Main Flow

    iOS Design
    Android Design
    Alternate Flow
    1patrontaps 'Listen' for an audio book they have borrowed

    System displays audio player with:

    • icons for: TOC, speed, and sleep settings
    • Title and cover image
    • Scrubber bar showing progress through book
    • Play button


    Is the cover image being used to convey the author info? This should be conveyed as alt but presents an issue for patrons with low vision and/or color blindness.
    2patrontaps Table of Contents icon

    System displays:

    • Header: Table of Contents
    • menu showing title of chapter, section, or sub-section
      • if chapter has finished downloading, length of track displays
      • if chapter is still downloading, progress wheel displays
    • UI indicates track/chapter that is currently selected or playing

    Note: Chapters still downloading can't be selected


    How is this announced to screen readers, all apiece? Ie "Forward 24 minutes 12 seconds"

    The indication of the current chapter needs to be communicated to screen readers.

    The downloading icons/whatever that grey circle is both need to have alts for screenreaders.

    3patronselects a different chapter/track from the TOC menu
    • System recognizes new selection
    • Menu disappears, and player is displayed
    • Scrubber for new chapter displays
    • Selection begins playing

    Question: should the chapter begin playing as soon as it is selected or does the listener have to click the "play" button?

       Audio should not play automatically.


    8. Patron adjusts sleep and speed settings on audiobooks in SimplyE

    Description: Patron adjusts the settings on an audio book

    Actor: Patron

    Preconditions: Patron has borrowed an audio book

    Postconditions: Settings for speed, sleep, device are adjusted

    Main Flow


    iOS Design
    Android Design
    Alternate Flow
    1patrontaps 'Listen' for an audio book they have borrowed

    System displays audio player with:

    • icons for: speed, and sleep settings
    • Title and cover image
    • Scrubber bar showing progress through book
    • Play button

    Is the cover image being used to convey the author info? This should be conveyed as alt but presents an issue for patrons with low vision and/or color blindness.
    2patrontaps speed setting icon

    System displays:

    • speed icon in selected state
    • menu with speed-of-play options
    • UI indicates currently-selected setting

    Note: UI will be as per iOS and Android players


    The placeholder mockup is depending on context of the list items and color to communicate which menu this is. I would prefer if the sleep icon was not shown, to reduce possible confusion. What is this going to be like for a screen reader? What's the order of the page?

    3patronselects different speed setting
    • System recognizes new setting
    • Menu disappears, and player is displayed
    • New selection displays in UI
    4patrontaps 'Sleep' icon

    System displays:

    • sleep icon in selected state
    • menu with sleep timer options
    • UI indicates currently-selected setting

    Note: UI will be as per iOS and Android players

    Out of scope for initial release: Would be nice to be able to turn off the timer if user changes their mind (or can't go to sleep and wants to listen longer)

    Out of scope for initial release: Would be nice to display the sleep timer on the UI when it is active.

     Current setting needs to be indicated to screen reader. See notes in speed menu section about styling.
    5patronselects different sleep setting
    • System recognizes new setting
    • Menu disappears, and player is displayed
    • New selection displays in UI
    6patronlistens until sleep timer goes off
    • System recognizes that sleep timer has gone off
    • System puts the device into a "sleep" state:
      • Player stops
      • Player is grayed out
      • Sleep icon displays 'sleeping' state
    • Note: A true "sleep state" is probably not what's desired.
      This basically turns the phone off, which most people don't do overnight.
      Confirm with Greg or Winnie that this is how the feature should work.




    There are a couple accessibility threads we need to confirm for this.

    Open Questions

     QuestionRelated toAsked byResponses
    1If the user opens an audio book player, opens the table of contents, starts one or more parts downloading, closes the table of contents, closes the player... Are the parts still downloading? If the parts are downloading, this implies that there are one or more instances of the `AudioBookType` that is living somewhere globally in the app, independently of any particular activity, and that parts of the app can get references to them to control them. Mark

    Kim: Looking at how Overdrive/Libby does this. If I stop playing the book before it is downloaded I get a "download paused," message. Seems like we should do something similar. Here is a screenshot of how Libby displays a paused download. Will ask Jack to weigh in on this.

    Mark: It looks as though that screenshot is from something analogous to our "book detail view" in the SimplyE catalog section. If so, then that definitely does imply that `AudioBookType` instances exist outside of the player activity; if they didn't, then there'd be no way to display the current download status in the catalog.

    2If book parts are allowed to continue downloading in the background, how is error reporting actually implemented? Do we just pop up a dialog box anywhere the user happens to be, whenever a book part publishes an error event? That's awkward to implement on Android. Mark 
    3How do we implement tabs in the catalog? Last time i looked, the catalog was activity based instead of fragment based... How does this work with tabs?Use Case 1a & 1bMark 
    4The requirements talk about being able to "close" the player view and still have the book playing, possibly with a small player view that appears in the catalog. How can this be achieved? If the player instance (not the view) is instantiated in an activity (and the activity "owns" the player), then we lose the reference to that player instance when the activity is closed. References to players are not serializable and can't be passed between activities. Mark 
    5When the user borrows an audio book, it's necessary to fetch the book manifest so that an `AudioBookType` instance can be instantiated from it. When exactly is this manifest fetched? Manifests appear to be able to expire (Findaway books in particular have session IDs), so fetching them eagerly and saving them to disk might not be a good idea. Are manifests saved on disk? Mark 

    Out of Scope Items

    1. Supporting the web app is out of scope for the October release, but for a later release: need to implement an alternate flow for the web app. so that it displays a message to go to SimplyE to listen. This would be the same downloading most ebooks. Need a design, including accessibility requirements.
    2. After launching 3.0, test whether users expect to see last tab selected when they view catalog.
