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Postconditions: Filtered view displays

Main Flow

enters a title
ActorActionResultAlternate FlowiOS DesignAndroid Design
patronlogs in and navigates to the library catalog
  • displays tabs for:
    • Books
    • Audio
  • ebooks tab is selected by default
  • ebook covers are displayed


patronselects "Audio" tab
  • audio books tab displays in selected state
  • audio book covers are displayed
  Image RemovedpatronImage AddedImage Added
patronwith 'Audio Books' selected, clicks 'search' fieldkeyboard displays and search field becomes active Image Added 
patronmakes and entry in the search field and clicks 'return' or 'search'displays audiobooks that match search parametersIf no results are found displays a message.Image Added    

Alternate Flow

Precondition: patron has audiobooks set as their default tab setting

ActorActionResultAlternate Flow