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  • This meeting is an opportunity to align our thinking along the lines of fcrepo6, make sure we're on the same page, open the door to pivoting if needed
  • Priority is getting Fedora 6 out the door
    • Monthly sprints with focal points highly informed by state of application and item 1b: Progress towards f6
      • Green checkmarks = validated/verified.
      • Blue question marks:  validated by developer
  • There has been a small core of regular contributors to the sprint.  For institutions that have not been able to contribute development effort:  is there any reason/blockers?
    • Q: Are you sending sprint progress reports to the tech list?  May this help drum up grassroots support
    • A: There are sprint summary videos that go out as appropriate.   We want to show progress, but don't want to demo half-baked features, though.
    • There are institutions that are fairly interested in fcrepo6, e.g. Northwestern University re: "Beyond the repository" interested in testing.  Michigan State interested in doing migration from f3 to f6.  Have eggs in f3 basket, but not a lot of resources.  Penn State has general interest in testing when f6 nears a 1.0 state.  Other institutions also interested when f6 near 1.0 as well.
      • Brown in a similar state, but has staff member Ben Cail who has been actively involved in calls, technical decisions, testing.  This has been quite valuable! 
    • For those who don't have capacity/time, is there anything we can do for engagement?
      • Maybe if there was a testing instance set up, so that institutional resources/setup aren't needed?
        • In a parallel fashion, David Wilcox & Danny Bernstein thinking about virtual workshops, using terraform to set up instances to use in a workshop.  Maybe some of the same techniques could be used for this?
        • Experience with cloud deployment itself can be valuable
    • Tech subcommittee also working on test plan for fcrepo6.  It would be ideal if this would run in parallel with fcrepo6 development.  If there's interest, we should channel the interest towards this test plan now vs when fcrepo6 is done.
    • A lot of people doing light lifting would be very helpful
    • For some features, if there are institutions particularly interested, it'd be helpful for those institutions to step in.  e.g. WebAC.  Some institutions use it, some don't.
    • Should this be kicked over to the communications group, to get the word out of where help/engagement is needed?  Rosalyn Metz happy to bring this conversation to that group.  
      • so far, focus of communications group has been increasing awareness of fedora 6 generally, so this new direction may be in good to take up.
    • Has documentation been keeping up with development?  There's interest from University of Wisconsin for helping there
      • Documentation has been a struggle.  There is a wiki space, but it lags due to limited capacity.

Action Items 

  •  David Wilcox add Fedora 6 delivery timeline topic to Feb. 4 Steering meeting
  •  Andrew Woods Danny Bernstein make a list of Fedora 6 development priorities with estimates on resource requirements (ideally before Feb. 4 Steering meeting)