Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Books
    • Book Chapter
    • Edited Volume
    • Monograph
  • Theses
    • Bachelor Thesis
    • Doctoral Thesis
    • Habilitation Thesis
    • Master Thesis
  • People
  • Projects

Designing your own model

When using a different entities model, the new model has to be configured an loaded into your repository

Thinking about the object model

First step: identify the entity types

  • Which types of objects would you want to create items for: e.g. Person, Publication, JournalVolume
  • Be careful not to confuse a type with a relationship. A Person is a type, an author is a relationship between the publication and the person

Second step: identify the relationship types

  • Which relationship types would you want to create between the entity items from the previous step: e.g. isAuthorOfPublication, isEditorOfPublication, isProjectOfPublication, isOrgUnitOfPerson, isJournalIssueOfPublication
  • Multiple relationships between the same 2 types can be created: isAuthorOfPublication, isEditorOfPublication
  • Relationships are automatically bidirectional, so no need to worry about whether you want to display the authors in a publication or the publications of an author

Third step: visualize your model

  • By creating a drawing of your model, you’ll be able to quickly verify whether anything is missing

Image Added

Configuring the object model

Configure the model in relationship-types.xml

  • Similar to the default relationship-types.xml, configure a relationship type per connection between 2 entity types
  • Include the 2 entity type names which are being connected
  • Determine a clear an unambiguous name for the relation in both directions
  • Optionally: determine the cardinality (min/max occurrences) for the relationships
  • Optionally: determine default behavior for copying metadata if the relationship is deleted

Configuring the metadata fields

Determining the metadata fields to use

  • Dublin Core works for publications, but not for a Person, JournalVolume, …
  • There are many standards which can be easily configured:, eurocris, datacite, …
  • Pick a schema which suits your needs

Configure the submission forms

Configuring the item display pages

  • The metadata configuration is not specific to configurable entities.
  • Similar to other customizations to the item display pages, configure in Angular which metadata fields to display and their label. A template per entity type can be created
  • The relationship display is similar to the metadata configuration
  • Similar to the metadata configuration: configure in Angular which relationship to display and their label

Configuring virtual metadata

  • The isAuthorOfPublication relationship can be displayed for the Publication item as
  • The isOrgUnitOfPerson relationship can be displayed for the Person item as organization.legalName
  • This can be configured in virtual-metadata.xml

Configuring discovery

  • Configure the discovery facets, filters, sort options, …
    • The facets for a Person can be job title, organization, project, …
    • The filters for a Person can be person.familyName, person.givenName, …