Versions Compared


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  1. Drop the Single Subject Restriction and allow out of domain subjects
  2. Only enforce referential integrity on server generated triples
    1. No automatic enforcement or cleanup of user supplied RDF
  3. Add Archival Group interaction model
  4. Permissions are checked on staging content but not on commit.  
    1. Implications
      1. User can commit anything that they were permitted to write when they staged it.  
      2. Thus it is possible that a userA would start a transaction at 10:00,  update some resources at 10:01, subsequently find they no longer have permission to write at  10:03 because of a restrictive ACL change by userB at 10:02.  userA's attempt to commit the transaction  at 10:04 will succeed.
    2. This behavior is consistent with Fedora 4.7.x and 5.
  5. Search service should be synchronous
  6. For a request made within a transaction, access control decisions will be made against the state of WebACs as they exists within that transaction.
  7. OCFL versions  will map directly to Fedora versions
  8. past versions will be deleted (at some point) when the OCFL client supports deleting versions. 
  9. Unversioned changes will be stored in the Mutable HEAD.
  10. Transactional state will be stored in a scratch space and will not be rebuildable.

 Nearly Decided

  1. Drop support for import of historic mementos in OCFL via the API
    1. Allow or disallow in other backends?
  2. 1:1 mapping between Fedora info URIs and LDP paths
    1. This means fedora 3 objects migrated to single OCFL objects would inherently have LDP path${pid}
  3. Containment and membership relations will be interpreted from repository structure and indexes, not persisted to disk.
    1. See Containment/Membership triples management


  1. Refactor FedoraResource and its sub-classes to serve primarily as data encapsulation objects.
    1. Refactor modification operations into separate service classes.

Open Questions


  1. Will past versions be able to be deleted?


  1. What representation should be used for resources on disk?
    1. Some examples here
  2. Automatically generated checksums
    1. If the user does not supply any digests, should Fedora generate any automatically like it has done with sha1's in fcrepo4?
    2. OCFL will generate a digest automatically for storage reasons (not necessarily always the same algorithm), should this be surfaced in Fedora?
    3. Should the digests included in existing OCFL objects be surfaced in fedora?
  3. Canonicalization of RDF,  checksumming metadata, and the possibility of byte-for-byte I/O of metata resources.
    1. Is this of use:
  4. Converter framework:  should it stay or should it go?
  5. Should we evaluate a "Minimal" Fedora 3 migration, where all datastreams from a fcrepo3 object are placed into a single OCFL object with no modifications?
  6. Autoversioning -
    1. Configurable repository wide?
    2. Or configurable by object, similar to fedora 3? REST API#modifyDatastream (versionable param)
  7. Is there a use case for minting multiple versions within a transaction?  Are the technical challenges for supporting that worth the effort?
  8. Tombstones handling:
    1. If you delete an AG, does the whole OCFL object go away?
    2. We will continue to support Tombstones no? In that case, the OCFL Object would only go away once all the tombstone's were deleted.
    3. If /my-ag is deleted, would we expect /my-ag/binary1/fcr:tombstone to exist?
    4. Then if we delete /my-ag/fcr:tombstone would we expect all tombstones of the children also to be deleted, ie /my-ag/binary1/fcr:tombstone?
