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Proposal notes for London Committers' Meeting, Feb. 23-24, 2010:

  1. Refinements in the scope of the Fedora 3.3 Service Mapping
    1. Tweaking the ServiceMapper class
      1. More robust port-to-method binding
      2. Define and Implement a pluggable interface
      3. FCREPO 619: ServiceDeployment WSDL cannot specify relative URIs in http:address
    2. More input parm binding options
      1. bind to DC element
      2. bind to object of RDF triple
      3. bind to a system or environment property
    3. Improving documentation and validation
      1. Documenting the role and relationship of similar structures in SDef/SDep
      2. A trouble-shooting/analysis tool to identify problems (perhaps part of an EZService bundle)
  2. WSDL Descriptions: Front-end and back-end
    1. WSDL 2 support
    2. Delivery of composed WSDL for clients at service endpoints
    3. FCREPO-52: WSDL Should Declare Faults 
    4. FCREPO-500 ; writeable disseminators, REST-as-service, POST support for (hopefully) idempotent services?
  3. FCREPO-16: SDeps with SOAP Bindings
    1. Back-end with Datastreams (SOAPInputParm? DSInputParm@passBy='VALUE'?)
    2. Front-end as service (follow-on to FCREPO-500?)

3.2 Notes


  1. Only supports one wsdl:service definition (contra WSDL 1.1), multiple wsdl:service elements will override previous
    • This is dependent on the WSDLParser, which only allows a single service; as well as the ServiceMapper, which only expects one
  2. FCREPO-16: Does not support SOAP message bindings
  3. Effectively limited to one port (operations are all mapped to the first port with an HTTP binding)
    • see ServiceMapper.merge();
    • Consequence: Operations can't be grouped according to http:address, so different service hosts mean only LOCAL addressing can work
  4. FCREPO 619: ServiceDeployment WSDL cannot specify relative URIs in http:address
    • Does allow local.fedora.server variable as location
  5. Effectively limited to a single portType (WSDLParser has one Service, Service class has one PortType)
  6. Appears to require all portTypes to include all abstract message types? (still looking into this)
