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  • News
    • Java 6 Survey results so far: FCREPO-621
    • Release Manager for 3.4: Steve
    • Repackaging to org.fcrepo can start: FCREPO-622
  • London Meeting Plans
    • Finalize dates: Feb 23rd-24th (who can make it)
      • Chris
      • Thorny
      • Steve
      • Ben (unsure of ability to attendhas had time off approved, unsure of funding)
      • Aaron (dates are free, checking into funding 90%, will walk if needed)
      • Dan (dates are ok, would like to attend, need funding)
      • Bill (dates are free, may be either Andrew or Bill)
      • Kai (need to check with Matthias)
      • Thorny: Got impression that Asger will be able to attend
    • Funding
      • Who might need it?
      • How can we get it?
    • Who else to invite?
      • Thorny: Sun, ATOS, folks from Andrew Traelor's group in Australia
      • Steve: Martin Dow
      • Dan: RODA folks? Interest in core changes/architecture?
    • Scope (possible topics, strong areas of interest)
      • Content Modeling (CMA objects, ECM, WSDL parsing, etc)
      • Storage pluggability and caching (Sun, Atos, iRODs interest)
      • Relationships, Triplestore
      • General: Integration, messaging, etc
      • "Fedora 4": OSGi/Spring, Fedora-as-war


Wiki Markup
\[11:00\] <cwilper> []
\[11:02\] \* barmintor ( has joined #duraspace
\[11:05\] <cwilper> having audio issues apparently...trying to reconnect
\[11:07\] \* birkland (i=183aa64b@gateway/web/freenode/x-bkefkmubtjkcrubu) has joined #duraspace
\[11:12\] <cwilper> []
\[11:22\] <cwilper> Action: Post response to mailing list, linking to patch. Add link to journaling docs for 3.3 also. Then create a 3.3 maintenance branch, applying the patch to it and trunk.
\[11:22\] \* bradmc ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
\[11:23\] \* kstrnad (i=4e2adf03@gateway/web/freenode/x-akcjzpbwdzyaudga) has joined #duraspace
\[11:23\] <cwilper> Since it's not a critical issue, but represents breakage, we'll wait on the decision to do a 3.3.1 release