Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • (Aaron) I think the changes in FCREPO-487 may have fixed this.  Also note that running system tests with alternate configs has changed slightly.
    • If fedora app server context is non-default (i.e. not 'fedora'), need to set environment variable "WEBAPP_HOME" to the new context name in order for tests involving commandline utils to succeed.  (Same technique enables the validator, rebuilder, etc to work without editing file).
    • Wiki Markup
      Conversion of demo objects or passing additional properties is not necessary any more.  Just run ant juit \-Dtest=\[system test class A, B, Q\], and it should work automatically.
  • My tests are passing now (Eddie)
  • (tick)


ISSUE-4: fedora-ingest-demos doesn't work with non-fedora context and usage message is incorrect.


STATUS: (Aaron) env-server.bat has been modified as part of FCREPO-487 to use environment variable WEBAPP_HOME (if defined) to set alternate context.  If WEBAPP_HOME is not set, it defaults to 'fedora'.  If that is incorrect, then the error message is the same.. I didn't change any messages

(Kai) changed error message so that it is more meaningful in case the wrong context is set.



ISSUE-6: Some commandline scripts not covered by tests (Kai noticed)


java.lang.RuntimeException: Error getting Fedora Client<br/> at fedora.test.api.TestManyDisseminations.<clinit>(<br/>Caused by: Request failed 500 Internal Server Error : http://localhost:8080/asdf/describe?xml=trueImage Removed

Stacktrace yields Broken pipe that traces back to fedora.server.access.FedoraAccessServlet.getDissemination(


DOC-4: New doc: "Web-Based Admin UI"

WHO: Bill

STATUS: (tick) Removed


DOC-5: Release Notes
- Take things in from JIRA
- Make 2.x support announcement with 3.2 release
