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Wiki Markup
h3. Attendees:


* Present: Aaron, Andrew, Bill, Chris, Eddie, Kai


* Regrets:





h3. Group:

* Review [issues in Recieved state and updated since last meeting|]
* Agenda for on-site meeting (March 14-16):


h3. Aaron:


  • Update


  • Update


  • Update


  • Update


  • Update



* Update

h3. Andrew:

* Update

h3. Bill:

* Update

h3. Chris:

* Update

h3. Eddie:

* Update

h3. Kai:

*Status update:*

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* Still working on the hardcoded path issue (FCREPO-406) and I have now fixed all involved java classes, xslt, xml and jsp files (also found an affected class in the rest library)
* There is now a new option in the installer providing the ability to choose the name of the application server context Fedora is to be deployed under.
* Some tests are still failing and I am currently working on fixing them.
* Another issue is the presence of the hardcoded path in some of the test objects. I think I will write a style sheet transformation for this, so it can work dynamically as well