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Has been working with Clover, a coverage.  Dan is looking at licensing.  Will have clover running during the build process.
Outstanding q: how we get a bunch of per-machine licenses at once.  And how to distribute them to committers.

Eddie: does it work with ant?  Has seen with maven.  Andrew: yes.

Experimenting with Derby.  Two ways: one is standalone, the other is embedded.  Main interest is in doing it in embedded mode.  Working on DDLConverter, looking at installer next.

Bill - testing discussion w/sun

Admin UI work: continuing.  Lately been stalled by issue with file uploads with flex.  Unfortunately a little different based on how browsers work.  With AuthN required, problems.  Off, things are ok.  Firefox and other non-ie browsers will send their ingest requests in a separate session.  Wondering if can pre-emptively authenticate.

REST API: already noted and fixed rest api issues.  objectproperties now includes state of the object.  URL for the datastream info... can request datastream.xml.  API-M getDatastream has been added to REST API.  CreateObject now returns PID in the response, in either case.

Will ping eddie and matt on the api changes.

Has been sitting in on discussions with Sun to set up test harness.  Current plan is to have 3 machines.  One running Fedora, one running MySQL, one running the test suite.  Goal is to get higher performance.  Try to determine where there are benefits to having certain types of hardware.  Also seeing what can change hardware-wise to optimize things.  Sun wants to know what the recommendations are for people using Fedora on Sun hardware.  32GB ram, 10-100TB disk.  Will have the lab accessible to Fedora Commons.  So far, tests have been on commodity hardware.Aaron - any
Andrew - recent experiments w/clover, derby status
Bill - admin ui work, related rest api updates, testing discussion w/sun

Chris -

On Friday, gave talk on Fedora basics and upcoming
features/interesting stuff.  Pointed to wiki (now publicly visible) to orient new
developers/committers:  With the
new website, this is where the link for "Fedora Developers" or similar
will go.
Asger Blekinge-Rasmussen (State and University Library of Denmark) gave a
presentation on his Enhanced Content Model work: and it looks very
promising.  They have also developed an interesting web-based object
builder tool (they contracted out to do the work, but will be making
it available via Apache2).  Want to help as much as possible on
getting the community's eyes on this and getting their feedback.  We
discussed the possibility of bundling this somehow, or making a link
to it prominent on a future Fedora release as a means to get more eyes
on it.  It probably won't be ready for any kind of bundling in time
for Fedora 3.2 (early spring), but likely sometime after OR'09.  Still
more discussions to come on this.  To aid in his development, Asger
has also written an improved set of documents on API-A and API-M and
is now helping to port it over to our site so others can benefit.
Matt Zumwalt gave a demo of MediaShelf's ActiveFedora.  This is
similar to Ruby's ActiveRecord concept, and the basic idea is that it
makes working with Fedora objects very easy for Ruby developers.  The
model of what you're working on is specified in ruby code, and the
idea is that it could be (but isn't currently) persisted in a Fedora
content model object as a description.  Matt has also had some
discussion with Ben O'Steen who is doing a similar thing, but with
Python (possibly using JSon as the format in which to describe the
model?).  They had been thinking that it may be possible to converge
on a single format (rather than making it Ruby-only or Python-only)
and will be investigating this more.  There was also some good
discussion on the differences between the ActiveFedora approach and
Asger's work.  It was noted that they came at it from very different
angles; Asger thinking more about adaptability and use in many
contexts, and MediaShelf thinking more about ease-of-use when putting
together UIs quickly.  Matt is also hoping to have a "Fedora-backed
Application in 15 minutes" demo for OR'09.


Tracker - needs verified status.  Then move existing items to "verified" state.

Recent bugfixes:

Eddie - word+sword/dev8d update, mulgara lib update
Gert - any
Kai - any- likes the public committer notes, mostly listening today
Kai -main interest is in performance.

bottlenecks?  wondering about xacml.  there is one sql query that's triggered, runs for each authentication 8-10 times.  could be optimized to run only once.

Kai: provide URL to wiki writeup of above.

Kai: Fedora triggers garbage collection after each ingest.  Has done large ingests and monitored heap.  Gets much better without explicit triggering.  The 1.5 JVM really does a much better job at GC.  No problems.  Action: Add to tracker. Added Added