Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


While we collectively prefer the high-priority tracker items (as determined by the user community and committers) to be worked on first, all contributions are appreciated.  Please only work on unclaimed items that exist in the FCREPO tracker in JIRA.  If you have verified a pre-existing bug in the Community Support tracker, please move it to the FCREPO tracker before starting the work.  If you have identified and verified a new issue, you may submit it directly to the FCREPO tracker.


Once you've found an issue to work on, simply assign yourself as the owner in JIRA.  This lets everyone know that you plan to begin working on the issue soon.  If you find that you cannot complete an issue, please remove yourself as the owner to give other developers an opportunity to work on it.

Coding Guidelines

  • Code Style
    The project's coding style is currently best described by the Eclipse settings in src/build.  Here are the major rules:
    • Four space indents, spaces, NO TABS
    • K&R style braces
    • Dont use wildcard imports
    • Write Javadocs for public methods and classes.  Keep it short and to the point.
    • Avoid public instance variables; use accessors.
    • Use public methods sparingly; implementation details are not public.
  • Logging
    We currently use Log4J for logging.  This may change in the future, but until it


  • does, please be consistent.  When writing log messages (especially INFO, FATAL, and WARN), think of your audience.  Don't over-use INFO; these are always logged by default.
  • Testing
    Use JUnit for unit, integration, and system tests.  When making changes, please take the time to write tests as needed.  We are not looking for 100% coverage here, but the developers will have a lot more confidence in your code if you can show that it works.  See the readme.txt in the root of the source tree as a jumping-off point for adding your tests to one of the suites.  Here's a brief description of the basic types of tests we run:
    • Unit - Tests a single class.  These tests are typically very quick to run, and therefore get the most use by developers.  Unit tests don't touch the disk or interface with classes other than mocks.  If you can cover a scenario adequately in a unit test, you should prefer implementing it as such (and not as an integration or system test)
    • Integration - Tests multiple classes working together.  May touch disk or interact with a "test" database.
    • System - Works against a running Fedora server in a given configuration.  These are "block box" style tests against the public APIs of Fedora.  These take much longer to run than unit or integration tests because they require significant setup.

Working in


a Branch

If you're a new committer, or you're working on a substantial body of code, you should create a branch to work on it.  Here's a guide to branching in subversionif you're not already familiar.


Sometimes it's convenient to work on multiple issues in a single development branch.  In these cases, you should make sure you've claimed each issue in JIRA, and create a "Code Task" in JIRA that links to each issue via the "addresses" relationship.  This helps us keep track of who is working on what, and where.

When it's time to merge your branch down to trunk, you may request a review by another committer.  Request a review via email, then assign them as the reviewer for the issue (or Code Task) in JIRA and click "Start Review".  When the reviewer is finished, they'll let you know so you can merge your branch down to trunk.

Committing to Trunk

Whether you're merging down from a branch or making changes directly to the trunk, you should be reasonably certain that your change won't break existing code.  One way to quickly check is to run "ant junit" prior to check-in.  If you're paranoid, you may also run several of the system tests as described in the readme.txt in the root of the source tree.

Soon after you commit a change to the trunk, a set of automated tests will begin running on our test server.  You should get an email within an hour indicating whether the test succeeded or failed.  If the tests failed, other developers will be notified via the codewatch list so that they know not to do a "svn update" until you have committed a fix.

Closing an Issue

Once the relevant code has been committed and passes the automated tests, you can resolve the issue in JIRA.  Prior to resolving an issue, double check to make sure the metadata is accurate in the tracker.