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  • (15 mins) Developer Stand Up - Developers give brief updates on their effort (or their team's effort).

    • Update/see "Current Work" section below based on your status. Please feel free to update prior to meeting.
    • Please highlight any new work (needing reviews/testing), any blockers (for you), and any discussion topics you may have.
  • (30 mins) General Discussion Topics
    1. Edit Homepage News:
      1. Reporting back on implementation suggestions/ideas.  Do we implement as metadata on the Site object (similar to Community/Collection news sections)?
    2. Concurrency in DSpace 7 (or 8).  What do we want to do when multiple editors are editing the same object?
      1. REST Contract notes on ETags:
      2. REST PATCH method also defines a "test" operation: , however we do not yet support it in the REST API
    3. What do we want to call the Spring Boot Webapp (now that all webapps are merged into one, see PR#2265)?
      1. Some examples: "dspace-web-services", "dspace-server", "dspace-backend", "dspace-web-api"
      2. The name of this webapp will also require changes to configuration names.  For example "dspace.url" would need to be renamed similarly (e.g. "dspace.webservices.url" or similar)
    4. Search as you type capability for discovery.
    5. (add a discussion topic)
  • (15 mins) Planning for next week
    • Daylight Savings Time begins in USA on March 10 (Europe begins March 31).  
      • Do we keep this meeting at 15:00UTC or move it to 14:00UTC?
    • Assigning PRs for Review
    • Next tasks from Development Planning Spreadsheet


  1. (Angular) Context sensitive admin menus (Art Lowel (Atmire) ) (work in progress)  (Timeline: Should be ready by March 7)
  2. (Angular) Adding Accessibility via Travis CI (work in progress) (Lower priority)
  3. (Angular) MyDSpace UI (work in progress) (Timeline: Should be ready by Feb 28, delayed  5th Marchdelayed  12th due to unexpected issue with Search March need to run against the updated MyDSpace REST API PR)
  4. (REST Contract) Edit Homepage news: (Additional input has been included, requires new review from Tim Donohue  & Andrea Bollini (4Science) ) (Lower priority)
  5. (REST) MyDSpace Endpoint (Andrea Bollini (4Science) - EARLY Reviews Needed. Reviewers: Ben BosmanTim Donohue  (IT missings - previous Discover IT fixed ) on the 4Science repo against the 2312 PR (Timeline: Should be ready by Feb 28delayed, ITs ready by the end of week 3rd March)
  6. (REST) Updating Owning Collections: (Kevin Van de Velde (Atmire)  - changes requested. Implementation doesn't align with contract) (Timeline: Should be ready a week after the entities are merged)
  7. (REST) Item Mapper functionality:  (Kevin Van de Velde (Atmire)  - changes requested. Implementation doesn't align with contract) (Timeline: Should be ready a week after the entities are merged)


  1. (REST) Scripts & Processes endpoint:
  2. Discussion of deletion of EPeople for GDPR compliance (from Pascal)
    1. NOTE: item.getSubmitter() will return null if EPerson deleted.
  3. (Angular) MyDSpace UI

Priorities for Preview Release
