Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. First, you need to login as an Administrative user and visit the homepage of the latest
  2. Visit the Confluence Dashboard, and create a new Space for this new releaseSelect a new Space Name and Space Key (ID) for this brand new space.
    1. Select "Documentation Space" option
    2. Space Name: DSpace #.x Documentation (e.g.
  3. Under the "Tools" side-menu, select the "Copy into New Space" option (should be at the bottom)
    1. "DSpace 6.x Documentation")
    2. Space ID: DSDOC#x (e.g. DSDOC6x for DSpace 6.x documentation) 
    1. Make sure to follow our recommended Space ID naming conventions
    1. as described above.
  4. Space Name Format: "DSpace #.x Documentation" (e.g. "DSpace 4.x Documentation")
  5. Space Key (ID) format: "DSDOC#x" (e.g. DSDOC4x for 4.x Documentation)
  6. Update new Space permissions to the following:
    1. "confluence_users" can only view or add comments
    2. "dspace-committer" have full (Admin) rights
    3. "dspace-docgardener" have full (Admin) rights
    4. "anonymous" has view only rights
  7. Copy the latest release documentation into this new Space
    1. Go to the latest release documentation homepage (e.g. DSDOC6x)
    2. Select "..." → "Copy Page Tree" option
    3. Select Destination to be the newly created Space
    4. For "Parent Page" option, select default homepage (as a parent page is required)
    5. Ensure "Copy Attachments", "Copy Permissions" and "Copy Comments" are all checked.
    6. Update all "Page Title" options to be blank.
    7. Start Copy
  8. Once the content has been copied to the new Space, visit the new Space.
    1. Delete the default homepage.
    2. Go to "Space Tools" → "Overview".  Change the "Home page" to be the newly copied content homepage.
    3. Edit new homepage
    Once the new Space has been generated, visit the new Space. You'll need to change the main page name
    1. to match the new version number (e.g. "DSpace
    1. 7.x Documentation").
    2. The various sections may end up resorted alphabetically. Check the last version and reorder the sections to the proper order (Using "View in Hierarchy" option).
  9. Next you'll need to tweak several Space settings to get it formatted similar to the rest of our Documentation. We'll start simple by tweaking the "Space Description"
    • Go to "Browse Space Tools -> Space AdminOverview" and change the "Space Description" to have the correct version number (e.g. "Official docs for DSpace 3.x") and click "Save".
  10. Now, change the "Documentation Space Header" so that we have the "Unreleased Documentation Header" in place. The full instructions can be found below in the #Documentation Space Headers section.
  11. Now, change the Left Sidebar to load up the _DocLeftSidebar shared content (this displays the DSpace logo and list of recent versions). The full instructions can be found below in the #Documentation Shared Sidebar section.
  12. Modify the All Documentation wiki page to list this version of the Documentation, and make sure to note that it is UNRELEASED.
  13. Let's check/update the Space permissions / access rights
    • Go to "Browse -> Space Admin" and click on "Permissions"
    • On the Permissions page, assign these permissions to these groups:
      • 'confluence-users' group -> "View" and "Add Comments" permissions only
      • 'dspace-committer' group -> Full permissions (select all options, including Admin)
      • 'dspace-docgardener' group -> Full permissions (select all options, including Admin)
  14. Finally, to ensure everything was copied properly (and no links were "broken" in the process), you may want to look at these reports:
    • "Orphaned Pages" Report (Go to "Browse -> Advanced -> Orphaned Pages") : This is a list of all pages in the space which are not being linked to from another page (no incoming links)
    • "Undefined Pages" Report (Go to "Browse -> Advanced -> Undefined Pages") : This is a list of all broken internal wiki links within the space (and the page the link appears on). Confluence sees a broken link as leading to an "undefined page". Therefore you can use this report to determine if any links are now broken in the Documentation, and fix them appropriately.


  • Space Headers can be edited only by a Wiki Space Administrator
  • Visit "Browse -> Space Admin"Click on "Themes" (Under "Space Tools → Look and Feel" section)
  • Click on "Configure Theme" (for the current Documentation Theme)Sidebar, header and footer"
  • You'll see a "Header" field that you can fill out and click "Save"


titleUnreleased Documentation

This documentation is unreleased and still in development. It may describe features which are not yet released in DSpace.
(if it exists). Looking for another version? See all documentation


Code Block
{warning:title=Unreleased Documentation}
This documentation is unreleased and still in development. *It may describe features which are not yet released in DSpace.* \\ {spacejump:DSDOC5x|alias=View this same page in the current documentation} (if it exists). Looking for another version? [See all documentation|DSDOC:All Documentation]
