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  1. Review where we are w.r.t sprint prep
    1. looking for volunteers for issues that need a little effort to wrap up
    2. FCREPO-2742 status
    3. Work completed
      1. some JIRAs closed, more commits on CTS
      2. no documentation activity this past week
    4. Items in review
      1. reopened FCREPO-2752 and FCREPO-2822
      2. Longshou Situ has been cranking through issues
      3. Andrew Woods will review FCREPO-2771
      4. FCREPO-2821 sooo close to being done, pending Jared double checking whether his questions were resolved
    5. FCREPO-2742 status
      1. needed support work about GET, PUT, PATCH of fcr:acl nodes
      2. should be able to get back to the authorization gathering algo impl
      3. Danny Bernstein is available for consult/assistance
    6. FCREPO-2798 is probably due to Shiro
      1. probably needs spring config from webac to be copied into webapp
      2. Danny Bernstein to work on resolving that
    7. Low-hanging fruit
      1. FCREPO-2801 probably just needs to be confimed; Bethany Seeger will look at it
      2. FCREPO-2838 documentation for external content allow list
    8. code reviews; would like to move PRs through a little faster
    9. test suite challenge: write up to 2 tests before the next meeting
      1. most areas are stubbed out
      2. Andrew will be continuing stubbing out of WebAC tests
      3. create GitHub issues to track the tests you are working on
      4. per test group makes sense, individual tests can be mentioned in the comments
    10. Upcoming work plans
      1. Kevin Ford will be working on a little bit of documentation
      2. Aaron Birkland is planning on getting Fedora time in the near future
      3. Bethany Seeger , Aaron Birkland , and Kevin Ford all out next week
      4. Ben Pennell will work on external content and documentation thereof
    11. spec compatibility of fcrepo-java-client and fcrepo-camel-toolbox
      1. Bethany Seeger : maybe mini-sprints to look at specific tools
      2. get to feature completion on Fedora 5 before testing the Java client
      3. prioritize WebAC now, focus on tools after a feature complete 5.0.0 RC
      4. possibly split into small groups to work on tools in sprint 2
      5. maybe remove dependency on Java client from the camel toolbox and have it speak pure HTTP
  2. Other items
    1. Andrew Woods : Policy - Long Term Support
    2. committers must decide what is an LTS release right now; probably 4.7
    3. how do we decide on LTS status for future releases
    4. looking for a community member to manage backporting security fixes to LTS releases
  3. DLF in October
    1. Danny Bernstein is going, looking to arrange a Fedora-related get-together
    2. Bethany Seeger is going
  •  Danny to explore inserting a macro into documentation for Fedora version.
  •  Send email to community seeing who is interested in reviving OAI
