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Documentation about StorageRegions, StagingStorage, and Fixity and their purpose in the Ingest Server


Storage Region

A region where staged data may live

idLongThe id of a StorageRegion in the database
nodeStringThe namespace of the node which uses a StorageRegion
noteStringA note accompanying the StorageRegion to further identify it
capacityLongThe amount of capacity which an Intake Service is allotted for a StorageRegion
dataTypeDataTypeThe type of data to be stored on a StorageRegion

The type of storage of the StorageRegion

replicationConfigReplicationConfigThe configuration information used when creating Replications for a StorageRegion

Replication Config

regionLongThe StorageRegion associated with the ReplicationConfiguration
pathStringThe path to use when creating a Replication
serverStringThe fully qualified domain name of the server which clients will connect to
usernameStringThe user which a client should connect as; if left empty it will default to the clients node namespace

Staging Storage

Staging Information about where content is stored and fixity information for that data

sizeLongThe total size of the staged data
pathStringThe relative path to the staged data (can point to either a file or a directory)
regionLongID of the StorageRegion which the data is staged on

Boolean flag showing if the data is still staged


The number of files staged

fixitiesSet<Fixity>Fixity values of the staged data


Fixity Information for validating staged content

valueStringThe computed digest
algorithmStringThe name of the algorithm used

The time of creation of the digest


An enumeration of possible Data which can be stored on a StorageRegion

  • BAG: The BagIt Bag
  • TOKEN: The ACE Token Store


An enumeration of Storage Architectures which Chronopolis Supports

  • LOCAL: A local (ideally POSIX) filesystem

Ingest Usage

Storage Region

The StorageRegion is used in the Ingest Server mainly as tracking for how much space is currently used on a given filesystem. Note that it is only an approximation as other files may exist which Intake clients do not know/care about. In general an Intake client should not exceed the usage of the capacity defined in the StorageRegion, though that must be handled in their implementation.

StorageRegions also contain Replication Configuration information used when distributing a Bag to different Nodes in Chronopolis. At the moment this is limited to rsync, and the final result should be expected to look like:


Note that if a username is not supplied in the Configuration the namespace of the Node will be used in its place.

The Ingest Server also requires that a Token StorageRegion is defined which it can write to. This is because the Ingest Server will write TokenStores for all bags into said StorageRegion. This is included in the application.yml with


Staging Storage

The StagingStorage entity is used in the Ingest Server to track when a Bag has been staged for distribution. It contains a flag which marks if it is active, which can be used to determine if the space it uses on a filesystem may be freed. The Fixity information alongside the StagingStorage is used in order to validate any Replication which occurs. At the moment, for a Bag the tagmanifest is used and for a Token the TokenStorage is used.

Intake Usage

Storage Region

During configuration of an Intake Service, a StorageRegion must be set in order for it to tell the Ingest Server which Region a Bag is staged in. This is set in the application.yml with


In the future more types of Regions may be supported, depending on the implementation needs.