# Based on official MODS 3.6 to BF 2.0 mapping (except where noted) from http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/modsrdf/mods-bibframe-mapping.html (accessed 2/2018) @prefix bf: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix edtf: . @prefix bflc: . _:Work_1 a bf:Work ; bf:instance _:Instance_1 . _:Instance_1 a bf:Instance ; bf:item _:Item_1 . _:Item_1 a bf:Item . # Local identifier # druid # {druid} _:Item_1 bf:identifiedBy [ a bf:Local ; rdf:value "{druid}" ] . # Local identifier # sourceId # {sourceId} _:Item_1 bf:identifiedBy [ a bf:Local ; rdf:value "{sourceId}" ] . # Title # ti1:title # # {ti1:title} # _:Instance_1 bf:title [ a bf:Title ; bf:mainTitle "{ti1:title}" ; rdfs:label "{ti1:title}" ] . # Name # naX:namePart # naX:type # naX:usage # roX:roleText : artist (work), architect (work), author (work), director (work), publisher (instance), sculptor (work), theater company (n/a) # roX:roleCode # roX:authority # roX:authorityURI # roX:valueURI # # {naX:namePart} # # {roX:roleText} # {roX:roleCode} # # # if roX:roleText = theater company _:Instance_1 bf:contribution [ a bf:Contribution ; bf:agent [ a bf:Organization ; rdfs:label "{naX:namePart}" ] ; bf:role [ a bf:Role ; rdfs:label "{roX:roleText}" ] ] . # else if naX:type = corporate _:Work_1 bf:contribution [ a bf:Contribution ; bf:agent [ a bf:Organization ; rdfs:label "{naX:namePart}" ] ; bf:role <{roX:valueURI}> ] . # else if roX:type = personal _:Work_1 bf:contribution [ a bf:Contribution ; bf:agent [ a bf:Person ; rdfs:label "{naX:namePart}" ] ; bf:role <{roX:valueURI}> ] . # Type of resource # ty1:typeOfResource : mixed material, still image, text, three-dimensional object # {ty1:typeOfResource} ### diverges from LC # if ty1:typeOfResource = mixed material _:Work_1 a bf:MixedMaterial . # if ty1:typeOfResource = still image _:Work_1 a bf:StillImage . # if ty1:typeOfResource = text _:Work_1 a bf:Text . # if ty1:typeOfResource = three-dimensional object _:Work_1 a bf:Object . # Genre # ge1:genre # ge1:authority # ge1:authorityURI # ge1:valueURI # {ge1:genre} _:Work_1 bf:genreForm [ a bf:GenreForm ; rdfs:label "{ge1:genre}" ; bf:source <{ge1:authorityURI}> ] . # Origin info - date created # dt:dateCreated # dt:dateCreatedKeyDate # dt:dateCreatedEncoding # dt:dateCreatedQualifier : approximate # dt:dateCreatedPoint # dt:dateCreated2 # dt:dateCreated2Qualifier : approximate # dt:dateCreated2Point # pl:placeText # # {dt:dateCreated} # {dt:dateCreated2} # # {pl:placeText} # # ### confirm qualifiers when new EDTF standard published # if dateCreated2 and no qualifiers _:Work_1 bf:originDate "{dt:dateCreated}/{dt:dateCreated2}"^^edtf:EDTF . # if dateCreated2 and qualifiers _:Work_1 bf:originDate "{dt:dateCreated}~/{dt:dateCreated2}~"^^edtf:EDTF . # if no dateCreated2 and qualifiers _:Work_1 bf:originDate "{dt:dateCreated}~"^^edtf:EDTF . # if no dateCreated2 and no qualifiers _:Work_1 bf:originDate "{dt:dateCreated}"^^edtf:EDTF . # if pl:placeText _:Instance_1 bf:provisionActivity [ a bf:ProvisionActivity ; bf:place [ a bf:Place ; rdfs:label "{pl:placeText}" ] ] . # Origin info - date issued # dt:dateIssued # dt:dateIssuedKeyDate # dt:dateIssuedEncoding # dt:dateIssuedQualifier # dt:dateIssuedPoint # dt:dateIssued2 # dt:dateIssued2Qualifier # dt:dateIssued2Point # pl:placeText # # {dt:dateIssued} # {dt:dateIssued2} # # {pl:placeText} # # ### confirm qualifiers when new EDTF standard published # if dateIssued2 and no qualifiers _:Instance_1 bf:provisionActivity [ a bf:Publication ; bf:date "{dt:dateIssued}/{dt:dateIssued2}"^^edtf:EDTF ] . # if dateIssued2 and qualifiers _:Instance_1 bf:provisionActivity [ a bf:Publication ; bf:date "{dt:dateIssued}~/{dt:dateIssued2}~"^^edtf:EDTF ] . # if no dateIssued2 and qualifiers _:Instance_1 bf:provisionActivity [ a bf:Publication ; bf:date "{dt:dateIssued}~"^^edtf:EDTF ] . # if no dateIssued2 and no qualifiers _:Instance_1 bf:provisionActivity [ a bf:Publication ; bf:date "{dt:dateIssued}"^^edtf:EDTF ] . # if pl:placeText ### diverges from LC _:Instance_{druid} bf:provisionActivity [ a bf:Publication ; bf:date "{dt:dateIssued}~"^^edtf:EDTF; bf:place [ a bf:Place ; rdfs:label "{pl:placeText}" ] ] . # Language # la1:text # la1:code # la1:authority # la1:authorityURI # la1:valueURI # # {la1:text} # {la1:code} # _:Work_1 bf:language <{la1:valueURI}> . # Form # ph1:form # #
_:Instance_1 bf:carrier [ a bf:Carrier ; rdfs:label "{ph1:form}" ] . # Extent # ph1:extent # # {ph1:extent} # _:Instance_1 bf:extent [ a bf:Extent ; rdfs:label "{ph1:extent}" ] . # MIME type # ph1:internetMediaType # # {ph1:internetMediaType} # _:Instance_1 bf:digitalCharacteristic [ a bf:DigitalCharacteristic , bf:EncodingFormat ; rdfs:label "Internet media type: {ph1:internetMediaType}" ] . # Abstract # ab:abstract # {ab:abstract} _:Work_1 bf:summary [ a bf:Summary ; rdfs:label "{ab:abstract}" ] . # Production credits note # no1:note # no1:type : creation/production credits # {no1:note} _:Work_1 bf:credits "{no1:note}" . # Date note # no2:note # no2:type : date # {no2:note} _:Work_1 bf:note [ a bf:Note ; bf:noteType "{no2:type}" ; rdfs:label "{no2:note}" ] . # Copyright note # no3:note # no3:type : copyright # {no3:note} ### not in LC mapping _:Work_1 bf:note [ a bf:Note ; bf:noteType "{no3:type}" ; rdfs:label "{no3:note}" ] . # Subject # su1:value # # {su1:value} # _:Work_1 bf:subject [ a bf:Topic ; rdfs:label "{su1:value}" ] . # Repository # lo:repository # # {lo:repository} # _:Item_1 bf:heldBy [ a bf:Organization ; rdfs:label "{lo:repository}" ] . # Persistent URI # lo:purl # # {lo:purl} # ### diverges from LC mapping _:Item_1 bf:electronicLocator [ a rdf:Resource ; bflc:locator <{lo:purl}> ; bf:note [ a bf:Note ; bf:noteType "URL usage" ; rdfs:label "primary display" ] ] . # Administrative metadata # rc:languageOfCataloging # rc:languageOfCatalogingTerm # rc:langAuthority # rc:langAuthorityURI # rc:langValueURI # rc:contentSource # rc:contentSourceAuthority # rc:contentSourceAuthorityURI # rc:contentSourceValueURI # # # {rc:languageOfCatalogingTerm} # {rc:languageOfCataloging} # # {rc:recordContentSource} # _:Work_1 bf:adminMetadata [ a bf:AdminMetadata ; bf:assigner <{rc:contentSourceValueURI}> ; bf:descriptionLanguage <{rc:langValueURI}> ] .