(10:00:31) tdonohue: Hi all, welcome. It's time for our weekly DSpace Developers Meeting: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DevMtg+2015-12-02 (10:01:31) tdonohue: Today's concentration will be on 6.0 as usual (10:02:21) tdonohue: But, before we get into that, I did want to mention that I'll be out of the office next week. I won't be able to attend next week's meeting, but I'd recommend still having the meeting in order to continue going through 6.0 PRs, etc (10:02:56) tdonohue: So, if there is anyone willing to lead next week's meeting (Weds, Dec 9 @ 20:00UTC), please get in touch (10:05:04) tdonohue: Regarding DSpace 6.0, I will also note that, because of the large number of PRs, we seem to be running behind on our proposed "feature freeze" date (tentative for Fri, Dec 11). We may need to rethink that (today or next week) if we find it's really not going to be achievable given the number of feature-PRs. (10:05:24) tdonohue: Here's that 6.0 tentative timeline: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+Release+6.0+Status#DSpaceRelease6.0Status-ReleaseTimeline (10:07:38) tdonohue: Today I'd like to again spend a good amount of time discussing/reviewing feature PRs that we feel need to get into 6.0. But, before we do that, are there any other pressing topics/questions anyone has to bring up? (10:08:51) mhwood: Apparently not. (10:08:55) ***tdonohue feels things seem a bit quiet in here. Are people awake? :) (10:09:41) tdonohue: (just in case, pinging the Committers to wake up: helix84, hpottinger, KevinVdV, mhwood, peterdietz, terry-b) (10:09:46) KevinVdV: I’m here, but also doing other things so replies might not be instantanious (10:10:09) peterdietz: I vote to just merge everything (10:10:19) tdonohue: peterdietz: good luck with that :) (10:10:40) tdonohue: Ok. So, sounds like we jump into some PR reviews, since there's no other pressing topics (10:11:17) tdonohue: Here's our 6.0 PRs https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+milestone%3A6.0 (10:11:17) hpottinger: Sorry, distracted, people scheduled meetings during this time, I'm trying to cancel them (10:12:48) ***tdonohue is trying to remember how to filter github PRs by multiple labels (feature OR improvement)...coming up blank (10:13:04) DuraLogBot left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). (10:13:07) tdonohue: In any case, here's our features: https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+milestone%3A6.0+label%3Afeature (10:14:23) tdonohue: Just for fun today, I suggest we'll start at the *bottom*. As it may be we can reschedule some of these for post-6.0 (10:14:35) tdonohue: first up, DSPR#504 (10:14:57) tdonohue: oh, hey..no kompewter (10:15:04) tdonohue: https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/504 (10:15:36) tdonohue: As this is flagged WIP & has a merge conflict, I'd recommend we de-schedule for 6.0 (10:15:47) mhwood: Yes. (10:16:14) tdonohue: done (10:16:22) ***tdonohue just kicked kompewter (10:16:43) tdonohue: next up, https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/511 (10:17:01) tdonohue: same thing here. I recommend de-scheduling for now. It's not ready (10:17:05) hpottinger: maybe we just punt everything with a "merge conflict" label? (10:17:37) kompewter [~kompewter@ec2-50-17-201-82.compute-1.amazonaws.com] entered the room. (10:17:40) mhwood: Yes, 511 needs work. (10:17:49) ***hpottinger waves at kompewter (10:17:58) tdonohue: hpottinger: yes, assuming they still *do* have a merge conflict. It is possible that some could have been fixed but the label not yet removed (10:18:10) tdonohue: de-scheduled 511 (10:18:16) tdonohue: next, DSPR#704 (10:18:18) kompewter: [ https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/704 ] - Ds 2019 pr bulk list and change commands by akinom (10:19:14) tdonohue: ok, this one has a merge conflict too (and I see mhwood just added the label) (10:20:02) tdonohue: I'm going to de-schedule this as well....I'll add a comment on this one though, as it's a newer merge conflict (10:20:13) mhwood: OK (10:20:46) tdonohue: done (10:20:50) tdonohue: next DSPR#706 (10:20:55) kompewter: [ https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/706 ] - [Ds-2099] Request correction by arvoConsultores (10:21:26) mhwood: Looks like this one is in discussion? (10:21:48) tdonohue: oh, this was one that seemed to not get major approval from DCAT. Yes, it also probably shouldn't have a version label on it. It's under discussion (10:22:09) tdonohue: (hmmm..maybe we need an "under discussion" label) (10:22:47) tdonohue: or rather "needs discussion" (similar to JIRA). I'll add it (10:23:07) peterdietz: It seemed to be too basic... (10:24:02) mhwood: I think I agree. It's a special case of feedback, as noted. (10:24:25) tdonohue: de-scheduled. Flagged "needs discussion" (10:24:52) tdonohue: next up, DSPR#801 (10:24:59) kompewter: [ https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/801 ] - DS-1262 CSV export of search results in XMLUI by wwelling (10:25:40) tdonohue: Looks like helix84 wants/likes this feature (10:25:59) KevinVdV: Yeah but upon reviewing the code I see some things that could be handled in a better manner (10:26:31) KevinVdV: Perhaps I should take this one (10:27:02) tdonohue: sure, if you want to provide feedback on it, please feel free. I'm just now skimming the code, and I see what you mean that it's a bit rough in areas (10:27:31) tdonohue: Thanks KevinVdV for being willing to claim it. Please feel free to assign the PR to yourself (10:27:36) hpottinger: I know our repository admins have requested something similar to this (10:27:54) tdonohue: I also think this sounds like a nice feature. The implementation may just need some cleanup (10:28:07) roeland: there’s a high risk that this doesn’t give the same results you’re seeing in the list you have (10:28:32) roeland: there’s quite a bit of work to be done (10:29:53) tdonohue: Once we have a more thorough code review here, I think we'll have a better idea of whether this needs rescheduling for more work or not. Either way, the developer deserves our feedback rather than just rescheduling it now (10:29:54) mhwood: Sounds like it's not ready but is gathering interest (and help). (10:31:07) tdonohue: For now, I suggest we leave this scheduled for 6.0 until we've given feedback on *why* it would need rescheduling. If we need to, we can reschedule later (10:31:12) peterdietz: it would be cool if XMLUI/JSPUI search results could link you to REST version of the same search (10:31:25) mhwood: OK (10:31:50) mhwood: peterdietz: go right ahead. :-) (10:32:12) tdonohue: KevinVdV: I've assigned 801 PR to you. roeland, you are also more than welcome to add your feedback too (10:32:34) tdonohue: next up, DSPR#804 (10:32:42) kompewter: [ https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/804 ] - DS-1028 - CAS and SAML implementation by tboinski (10:32:54) tdonohue: Still has a merge conflict. De-scheduling for now (10:33:23) tdonohue: next, DSPR#970 (10:33:25) kompewter: [ https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/970 ] - DS-2625 Extendable control panel by kosarko (10:33:34) hpottinger: peterdietz: I'm thinking "bookmarklet" to convert the criteria from a GET search in XMLUI/JSPUI to REST-API search (10:33:47) cknowles left the room (quit: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity). (10:34:44) KevinVdV: I would really like to move this config to spring instead of plugin system (10:34:45) mhwood: Mergeable, some questions about Mirage 2. (10:34:53) ChanServ left the room (quit: *.net *.split). (10:34:59) terry-b left the room (quit: *.net *.split). (10:35:10) tdonohue left the room (quit: *.net *.split). (10:35:12) awoods left the room (quit: *.net *.split). (10:35:13) cwilper_ left the room (quit: *.net *.split). (10:35:14) helix84 left the room (quit: *.net *.split). (10:35:21) KevinVdV: But was wondering if this is a hard recommendation from us ? (10:35:56) hpottinger: KevinVdV: you're on the RT, you get to make that call, yes? (10:36:25) KevinVdV: Yeah but then we need to enforce it accross all pull requests & all of us need to be on board (10:36:56) mhwood: I see changing the configuration as "nice to have" but not essential. It can be done later, perhaps in a patch that moves *all* plugins over. (10:37:10) peterdietz: Reading the CAS PR.. I think this the 3rd, 4th, 5th attempt at adding this, and this one still needs some cleanup (10:37:36) mhwood: (We do need to resolve the PluginManager/ServiceManager muddle at some point.) (10:37:38) peterdietz: I'm not sure what the mention of SAML is about.. I don't know anything about CAS (10:38:01) peterdietz: (oops, I see I'm out of sync) (10:38:23) KevinVdV: So we prefer it, but it isn’t mandatory & we will clean it up later ? (This is fine for me, just need to know what to tell him/her) (10:39:17) mhwood: KevinVdV: that would be my recommendation, but I hope that the netsplit will be cured soon and we'll have a few more opinions. (10:39:39) hpottinger: mhwood's proposal (move all plugins over to Spring or "resolve the PluginManager/ServiceManager muddle") should probably be a ticket? (10:39:57) mhwood: hpottinger: yes. (10:40:15) mhwood: It may actually be one. (10:40:21) mhwood: I don't recall. (10:40:51) hpottinger: it sounds like mhwood is in charge of making that happen? :-) (10:41:03) mhwood: OK. I'm noting it. (10:41:43) mhwood: I'll make certain that it is ticketed. (10:43:45) mhwood: Anyway, DS-2625 sounds like a useful thing, and it seems to be a couple of tweaks away from satisfactory? (10:43:46) kompewter: [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2625 ] - [DS-2625] Extensible Control Panel Feature - DuraSpace JIRA (10:43:52) DuraLogBot [~PircBot@webster.duraspace.org] entered the room. (10:43:52) DuraLogBot: (notice) This channel is logged - http://irclogs.duraspace.org/ (10:45:35) KevinVdV: Yes, claimed it (10:45:42) mhwood: Thank you.\ (10:46:51) DuraLogBot left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection). (10:46:53) kohts left the room (quit: ). (10:47:06) hpottinger: wow, unstable netowrks today (10:47:13) mhwood: Yes. (10:49:36) KevinVdV: I need to run, if there are pull requests that require my attention please email me about them. (10:49:38) KevinVdV: Until next week (10:51:38) KevinVdV left the room (quit: Quit: KevinVdV). (10:51:42) hpottinger: http://www.internettrafficreport.com/ says everything is fine... (10:51:43) kompewter: [ Network Overview /// Internet Traffic Report ] - http://www.internettrafficreport.com/ (10:52:22) mhwood: So it's an IRC-only disaster. (10:54:49) roeland left the room (quit: Quit: roeland). (10:55:14) peterdietz: okay, we any other interesting tickets to look at? Otherwise, I'll post my ticket in front of everyone (10:56:05) mhwood: If that is DS-79, I would like to see that finished off. (10:56:05) kompewter: [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-79 ] - [DS-79] Pluggable storage / S3 - ID: 2561561 - DuraSpace JIRA (10:56:15) peterdietz: yep: https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/1159 (10:56:16) kompewter: [ DS-79 Assetstore to support different implementations, including S3 by peterdietz · Pull Request #1159 · DSpace/DSpace · GitHub ] - https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/1159 (10:56:30) peterdietz: I refactored it to be wired via Spring (10:57:01) peterdietz: https://github.com/LongsightGroup/DSpace/commit/67540cc3c42ea85969ce45a748e28024fcf9adea (10:57:01) kompewter: [ Move assetstore configuration to bitstore service spring beans · LongsightGroup/DSpace@67540cc · GitHub ] - https://github.com/LongsightGroup/DSpace/commit/67540cc3c42ea85969ce45a748e28024fcf9adea (10:57:14) peterdietz: Having spring do the heavy lifting made it quite a bit simpler. (10:57:37) mhwood: It often does. I like the changes. (10:59:12) kompewter is now known as 32NAAD27A (10:59:13) kompewter [~kompewter@ec2-50-17-201-82.compute-1.amazonaws.com] entered the room. (10:59:13) terry-b [~chrome@75-165-57-218.tukw.qwest.net] entered the room. (10:59:43) peterdietz: the only thing i need input on is: https://github.com/LongsightGroup/DSpace/commit/67540cc3c42ea85969ce45a748e28024fcf9adea#diff-549a1c1b4a3942a7487c5dead7ab27d5R45 (10:59:44) 32NAAD27A: [ Move assetstore configuration to bitstore service spring beans · LongsightGroup/DSpace@67540cc · GitHub ] - https://github.com/LongsightGroup/DSpace/commit/67540cc3c42ea85969ce45a748e28024fcf9adea#diff-549a1c1b4a3942a7487c5dead7ab27d5R45 (11:00:13) peterdietz: I removed from core-dao-services.xml (11:00:39) mhwood: Yup, it moved to the new bitstore.xml. (11:01:28) hpottinger: I'm lurking, not qualified to provide input on Spring config magic (11:03:21) mhwood: I sorta don't like having a core service move out of the core-*-services.xml files, but I also don't like the thought of splitting it from the configuration of the store(s). (11:04:11) mhwood: I'd say: if it works, leave it like it is for now and we can rearrange the XML later if anybody is passionate about it. (11:04:41) mhwood: There *is* a comment left behind to guide people to the proper file. (11:05:39) mhwood: I feel that this is one of those things that won't be fully tested until we merge it and we're *all* using it daily. (11:06:01) peterdietz: If I left it as-is, it explodes, because you need to have the DSBitStore / S3Bitstore injection, and/or you get double declaration. We could otherwise pollute the core-services, and add the configuration there (11:06:40) peterdietz: Then, I think we have the previous problem where core-service is the new dspace.cfg, but with xml syntax, its 10 times the length (11:07:50) mhwood: Hm. Maybe Spring configuration merging can help. IIRC you can declare the same bean more than once, and Spring will merge the values of aggregate properties. (11:08:30) mhwood: So the service could (I think) be declared alongside the other services, and the stores configured elsewhere. I *think*. (11:09:23) kohts [~kohts@] entered the room. (11:09:31) kompewter left the room (quit: *.net *.split). (11:09:32) terry-b left the room (quit: *.net *.split). (11:09:33) mhwood: Another approach is to inject the Service into the stores and have the stores' setters call the Service to register themselves. More code, less magic. (11:09:41) peterdietz: I commented the line out of core-services not because i wanted to, but because it wouldn't start with both (11:10:03) mhwood: Then I must be misremembering this merging thing. (11:11:22) ***kohts seeks badly for the jira backlog hour to discuss DS-2315 (11:11:26) 32NAAD27A: [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2315 ] - [DS-2315] export without bitstreams - DuraSpace JIRA (11:12:08) mhwood: kohts: you found it. We just kept talking. (11:12:20) kohts: Hello (11:12:30) kompewter [~kompewter@ec2-50-17-201-82.compute-1.amazonaws.com] entered the room. (11:12:33) mhwood: peterdietz: search for "spring collection merging" to see what I'm blathering about. (11:13:10) hpottinger: is this the backlog hour? we're in the wrong room (11:13:19) mhwood: We're discussing DS-79 at the moment, but your topic is noted. (11:13:20) 32NAAD27A: [ https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-79 ] - [DS-79] Pluggable storage / S3 - ID: 2561561 - DuraSpace JIRA (11:13:44) mhwood: We never formally adjourned the previous meeting since the chair has disappeared into a netsplit. (11:14:16) mhwood: Do we want to move discussion over to #dspace? (11:15:02) peterdietz: sure, we can move to #dspace. Wrap up assetstore, and move the the export issue (11:16:05) mhwood: Let's do that then. Jira backlog discussion moving to #dspace.