10:18:53 From Rob Cartolano To Everyone: Thanks Doug for all of your service to the VIVO community! 10:19:34 From Anna Guillaumet To Everyone: Thank you very much Doug!!! Good luck in this new role!! 10:20:23 From Terrie Wheeler To Everyone: Doug, You have been amazing to work with, and we will certainly miss you! Thank you so much for all you have done to move VIVO forward!!! 10:37:39 From Rob Cartolano To Everyone: John Wilkin 10:40:35 From Rob Cartolano To Everyone: What is estimated cost? 10:42:42 From sonja.schulze To Everyone: where (in europe) will euroCRIS 23 take place? 10:42:50 From Dragan Ivanovic To Everyone: vienna 10:42:56 From Dragan Ivanovic To Everyone: austria 10:43:07 From Anna Guillaumet To Everyone: May in Brussels, November in Spain 10:43:16 From Dragan Ivanovic To Everyone: but not in 2023, it will be in 2024 10:43:20 From Anna Guillaumet To Everyone: but the conference is 2024 in Viena 10:46:31 From Hahn, Douglas C To Everyone: I captured this in the notes Terry motion to approve Seconded by Rob Motion passed.