10:04:33 From Ann Beynon to Everyone: Sorry to hear that Mic. Good luck. 10:08:23 From Laurie Arp (she/her) to Everyone: agenda also at: https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/VIVO/2022-03-23+Leadership+Group+Meeting 10:17:55 From Ann Beynon to Everyone: Great idea- Ukraine statement 10:27:29 From Hahn, Douglas C to Everyone: Laurie, If we wanted to put something like this up would we need approval from Lyrasis? Since the VIVO stuff kinda falls under them? Do you know? 10:27:41 From Hannah Sommers (she/her) to Everyone: From IFLA: 10:27:54 From Laurie Arp (she/her) to Everyone: I wouldn't think we need approval but it doesn't hurt for me to ask just in case 10:28:00 From Michele Mennielli (he/him) to Everyone: + one to Dragan. There was a similar discussion in the DSpace Steering Group. There were people from institutions with Ukrainian as well as Russian employees who suggested something along the line of what Dragan suggested: recognising peace and supporting all the people who will suffer the consequences of this war on both sides. 10:29:29 From Terrie Wheeler to Everyone: Hannah, All I see in the chat is “From IFLA” 10:29:33 From Hannah Sommers (she/her) to Everyone: Sorry, the whole message didn’t paste, but here is the link to IFLA’s statement: 10:29:35 From Hannah Sommers (she/her) to Everyone: https://www.ifla.org/news/ifla-response-to-the-situation-in-ukraine/ 10:31:28 From Ann Beynon to Everyone: Here is Clarivate's statement: https://clarivate.com/ukraine-resources/ 10:38:21 From Ann Beynon to Everyone: Maybe add something like this: We support scientists and scholars around the globe who work toward Open Science principles during this challenging time. 10:42:06 From Laurie Arp (she/her) to Everyone: • https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACE/Governance+Documents?preview=/197919592/230823117/DRAFT%20DSpace%20Conflict%20of%20Interest%20Policy20220316.pdf 10:47:58 From Hahn, Douglas C to Everyone: I think we got 7 10:55:24 From Dragan Ivanovic to Everyone: Here is a wiki page (and subhierarchy of pages) about task forces - https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/VIVO/Task+Forces 10:56:37 From Christian Hauschke to Everyone: Did I mess up the summertime Switch again? Are you Meeting already since one hour? Sorry. 10:57:43 From Dragan Ivanovic to Everyone: I have to leave the meeting, apologies. Hope to see some of you next Thursday at VIVO Dynamic API demo meeting, I will send an announcement for that