12:08:08 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Sounds like a great event! Thanks, Christine! 12:09:01 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Thanks! Pasting the date here, in case anybody wants to mark it on their calendars: 12:09:05 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Perspectives on Wikidata A forum sponsored by PCC Linked Data Advisory Committee 12 November 2021 1-2:30 EST 12:18:48 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Excellent list of topics for any forum. 12:24:41 From Adam L. Schiff to Everyone: I think we will need to decide if all catalogers at our institution will have to do some Wikidata in addition to their other tasks 12:24:44 From Tyler Rogers to Everyone: I think it would be cool to see how WikiData could be a gateway to other linked data systems we might use in the future on our campuses. 12:24:55 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: I'd love to know how many PCC Pilot particpants are NOT PCC members -- I'd like to echo the survey results which suggest that this has been a positive way for catalogers at non-PCC libraries to have interaction with PCC activities. 12:24:55 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: I like your framing of the crossroads image, Hilary. 12:25:05 From Adam L. Schiff to Everyone: We trained everyone at first, but then only some people volunteered to participate in the pilot 12:27:03 From Diane Shaw (she/hers) to Everyone: The PCC pilot has made me more aware of various identifiers (VIAF, ISNI, national libraries) etc. and how they work, or don't work so well, for authority control 12:27:30 From John Riemer to Everyone: Last time the Identity Management Task Group checked, approx. one-third of pilot participants were from non-PCC institutions. 12:28:06 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: @John, thanks! 12:28:30 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone: @Susan: Good question! 12:28:58 From Joseph Angelo to Everyone: If working in Wikidata is adopted by the PCC, I'm curious to see how things play out between the Wikidata community and PCC standards... it seems like some type of culture clash is possible. 12:29:17 From Frank, Paul to Everyone: Wikidata can serve as a reconciliation service and we do not need to then make the NACO file serve that purpose. 12:29:19 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Thanks, John! 12:30:04 From Melanie Wacker (she/her) to Everyone: Beyond efficiency, Wikidata is helping us to highlight our collections and the agents connected to them 12:30:04 From Iman Dagher to Everyone: I would like to know whether administration would continue to support adding wikidata to staff workflows in addition to the challenges of other workload 12:30:07 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Thank you for clarifying and expanding on my question, Isabel. 12:30:25 From Diane Shaw (she/hers) to Everyone: +1 @JosephAngelo 12:30:38 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: +1 @Melanie 12:31:31 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone: +2 @JosephAngelo but I think some kind of reconciliation/meeting in the middle between PCC standards and Wikidata should happen sooner rather than later 12:31:59 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: I completely agree, Hilary that we can create a good basic WIkidata item, and then others can add to it. 12:32:17 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 Hilary 12:32:19 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone: Adding extra information to the Wikidata records seems much more valuable and accessible than adding that same information to the NAR for that person. 12:32:34 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Thank you, Hilary! 12:32:40 From Joseph Angelo to Everyone: @Zoe Dobbs definitely! I completely agree 12:38:48 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: This is so fascinating. 12:39:29 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Data modeling is so important in being able to make things clear in Wikidata. 12:42:20 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Have you talked to the folks in the Wikidata Telegram channel Wikidata Ex Música? They’ve seemed very knowledgeable when I’ve consulted them about existing practices and property proposals (with the caveat that my questions were more focused on popular music and recordings of live performance). 12:42:49 From Adam L. Schiff to Everyone: Fascinating project! 12:44:01 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone: Besides minor textual changes, hymn verses (particularly after the 1st) are often written separately, and different instances may add, subtract, and reorder them. (I’ve seen that with Amazing Grace.) Is that something you’ve needed or tried to model? 12:44:27 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Hooray for OpenRefine! 12:45:07 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: Fantastic project, Christa! 12:45:12 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: So exciting to see your data used by other projects! 12:45:13 From ERICA ZHANG to Everyone: Great project, thank you for this lightning talk! 12:45:22 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Thanks for a great presentation! 12:45:29 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: This was awesome. 12:45:31 From Iman Dagher to Everyone: great presentation! 12:45:51 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: wonderful presentation. Thank you Crista! 12:46:05 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone: Thank you! Definitely interesting to think about hymns as both text and music (and as two different Wikidata items) 12:46:24 From Susan Hoover to Everyone: Wow, very interesting! As a child, I used to explore the various indices in the back of the Methodist hymnal so can appreciate the reuse of tune. 12:49:24 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: The buildings/gender query is great. 12:52:57 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Thanks for this great presentation! 12:53:01 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Very exciting to see how a year of Wikidata engaged so many! 12:53:09 From Tim Thompson (he, him) to Everyone: Yes, great work and presentations! 12:53:11 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: Very interesting, Paromita. Thanks for sharing. 12:53:23 From Susan Hoover to Everyone: Interesting to see how many different topics the pilot teams tackled. 12:53:26 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: I'd love to hear more about the slide that showed connections between UCLA collections & other institutions 12:53:39 From Tim Thompson (he, him) to Everyone: +1 Gina 12:53:39 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone: Thank you presenters! 12:53:39 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 12:54:26 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: I am so interested to see how this integration will be achieved, Michelle. 12:56:02 From ERICA ZHANG to Everyone: @Gina That came from a query to see what people were connected to our special collections, and then from those people, seeing what other collections or archives those people are connected to. Here is the query for that particular visualization: https://w.wiki/4CmB (used the dimensions view) 12:56:26 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: @Erica, thanks! 12:57:15 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Excellent point, Paromita. 12:57:30 From Tim Thompson (he, him) to Everyone: +1 12:57:33 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 12:57:41 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone: That's been one of the most interesting things about this project to me, collaborating with the Wikidata community and discovering projects like Wikidata Books etc. 12:57:45 From Christa Strickler to Everyone: In answer to Christine's earlier question about Wikidata Telegram channel Wikidata Ex Música. I haven't tried that! I'll have to look into it, because I could use some consultation 12:58:42 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: This pilot group is such a valuable chance to share information and experience. 12:58:48 From Christa Strickler to Everyone: In answer to John's earlier question about verses written separately and reordered or omitted in different instances: I've seen that and have wondered what to do, because those differences would be interesting for scholars. No solution yet, I'm afraid. 12:58:54 From Iman Dagher to Everyone: I would be interested what librarians other than catalogers see wikidata ? 12:59:10 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Christa: They’re definitely very friendly and helpful. But sometimes the answer is that folks within the Wikidata community don’t yet agree to what best practice is. 12:59:11 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: Submit your proposals to WikidataCon!: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikidataCon_2021/ Program/Day_2_and_3_-_Community_tracks 12:59:14 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikidataCon_2021/Program/Day_2_and_3_-_Community_tracks 12:59:26 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: You’ve all done such great work! 12:59:46 From Amy Eoff - Texas State University to Everyone: This was very interesting, on many levels. Thanks to ALL the presenters for the valuable additions to our WikiData experiments! 12:59:53 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone: Thank you! 12:59:56 From Lori Robare to Everyone: Thanks so much to the presenters! 12:59:56 From Eric Willey to Everyone: Thank you all! 12:59:59 From Paromita Biswas to Everyone: thank you! 13:00:00 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: Thank you to the presenters today!! 13:00:02 From Pete Steadman to Everyone: Thanks everyone! 13:00:06 From Angela Yon to Everyone: thank you : ) !! 13:00:06 From Tyler Rogers to Everyone: Thank you! 13:00:07 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone: Thank you! 13:00:10 From Caroline Miller to Everyone: Thank you! 13:00:12 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Wonderful session, thanks! 13:00:30 From Iman Dagher to Everyone: Thanks to all presenters