12:10:30 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: Woohoo! Way to go, Pilot participants!! 12:10:58 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: So impressive! 12:11:29 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11Rn2fpffTZ_SsnkNtbeghgu2vJg2K2IjMIenMzFRuWA/edit#slide=id.p 12:11:42 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: Pilot resource: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/Pilot_Resources 12:11:53 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: Campaign: https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/campaigns/pcc_wikidata_pilot/overview 12:13:44 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: If you need help getting your dashboard set up, you can email me at thorsenh@stanford.edu It’s only takes a few minutes to get started 12:15:36 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone: +1 to Adam 12:17:06 From Elizabeth Russey Roke to Everyone: I have a question…if this pilot continued, how does it relate to the LD4 Wikidata community? I wonder if some of this is less about PCC and more about library Wikidata practice that’s being explored in LD4. 12:17:30 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 Isabel 12:19:28 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: we had some in-house documentation/recommendations, but it wasn't tooled. 12:19:36 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone: Yes, we did for athletic coaches. 12:19:41 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone: We did at the University of Washington, as Adam pointed out. 12:19:42 From Adam Schiff to Everyone: We certainly did that 12:19:45 From Christine A DeZelar-Tiedman to Everyone: Yes, we had local best practices 12:19:47 From Joseph Angelo to Everyone: We created all our own data models from scratch 12:19:48 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: Meredith, we'd be interested in seeing/sharing that! 12:19:57 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: We created our own floor. As Adam said, I think we came up with our own MAPS by default. 12:19:58 From Allison Bailund to Everyone: We did and made a few property proposals too 12:20:17 From Jeannette Ho to Everyone: Yes we did, but it evolved over time as we discovered new elements and what information was readily available. 12:20:18 From Nicole Critchley to Everyone: Yes, we looked at other projects and what information we had to create ours 12:20:19 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone: Yale's application profiles were adapted from WikiProject Books 12:20:27 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone: Very minimal Ruth, but here’s the link - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/University_of_Tennessee_Libraries 12:20:29 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: One example -- making sure a composer is notable by adding an award and then the work that it was won for -- or just adding works by women composes and composers from other marginalized groups 12:20:31 From Robert Rohrbacher to Everyone: We did that for faculty members, academic departements, etc. during LD4P2. 12:20:47 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: Thanks Meredith! I'll see if I can get our person to write his up -- we only had one person really doing coaches 12:20:53 From Nicole Critchley to Everyone: Yes -Q Jeannette Ho. Constant learning process! 12:20:58 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone: Yes, New York University developed certain property lists, etc. for the various sub-projects we have. 12:21:05 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: +1 for assessment or finding out (if possible) how the data is used in or beyond wikidata 12:21:31 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone: We documented ours here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/University_of_Washington#Application_Profiles and are considering creating validation schemas based on them 12:22:14 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone: Ruth, I’d be interested in seeing what your institution has done with athletic coaches too! Feel free to have him/her share with mhale16@utk.edu 12:22:59 From Paromita Biswas to Everyone: I would be interested in knowing how Wikidata work could be incorporated into cataloging workflow; otherwise there always seems to be a tension between time devoted to Wikidata and time devoted to regular cataloging 12:23:36 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: +1 Paromita 12:23:42 From Chiat Naun Chew to Everyone: +1 Paromita 12:23:54 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: …to continue: we implemented some of our modeling decisions as Cradle forms and dashboards in addition to documentation. And to Crystal’s point: I definitely want to do more with schema for validation, which could be a useful area of shared work. 12:23:59 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone: +1 Paromita ; definitely that “tension” is something we continue to struggle with 12:24:00 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone: @Paromita: +1, we’ve struggled with side-project status versus regular work. 12:24:00 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 Paromita 12:24:52 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone: +1 Paromita 12:24:57 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: I am also interested in Darnelle's question 12:25:00 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone: Yes, the SPARQL potential is great! 12:25:08 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 Darnelle! 12:25:15 From Elizabeth Russey Roke to Everyone: +1…also how do we as libraries promote use of this data? 12:25:21 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: I've been playing around with scripting things like -- authors who attended PEnn State and for whom we have holdings in our library catalog 12:25:27 From Christa Strickler to Everyone: +1 Darnelle. I still struggle with SPARQL and want to know how to use it better with the data I've added 12:25:35 From Christine A DeZelar-Tiedman to Everyone: Agree; we were not able to contribute as much as we wanted because our department shrank by 1/3 during 2021 and people took on new roles, making it difficult to carve out the time 12:25:40 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: ++ for SPARQL examples that explore the data we've created 12:25:49 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: Right now it's an asynchronous set of scripts for reasons but -- also, a pitch, I have an endowed position and funding so I could actually prototype stuff. 12:25:50 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Also thinking about seeing how our data can be used into a user-facing way, as proof of concept, with tools like this: https://wikxhibit.org/ 12:25:51 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: Andra Waagmeester who talked about schema validation on an LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call mentioned he could help out with schema creation if a group wanted to get together to work on one 12:25:59 From Darnelle Melvin to Everyone: I made this page to teach about SOARQL 12:26:01 From Darnelle Melvin to Everyone: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/UNLV#SPARQL_Examples_by_Concepts 12:26:03 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: Christine D-T -- wow, that sucks. :( 12:26:17 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: @Darnelle -- thank you for sharing your link! 12:26:39 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: I think at Penn State we're planning to continue in some way -- but we could affiliate with LD4/PCC/etc. 12:26:55 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: @Christine oooooh, thx for sharing the wikxhibit link! 12:27:52 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Gina, let me know if you do anything fun with it! I just saw this at Wikidatacon and haven’t (yet) had a chance to do anything with it 12:29:58 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: @Christine 👍🏼 12:30:31 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_LD4_Wikidata_Affinity_Group/Wikidata_Working_Hours/2021-December-6_Wikidata_Working_Hour#Resources 12:31:52 From hilary thorsen to Everyone: LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project page: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_LD4_Wikidata_Affinity_Group 12:33:41 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: Also, here’s a volunteer FAQ that Eric Willey put together! https://docs.google.com/document/d/15vMMqAAZJR9uIlRArvlojJ7_cy3zC9TqSFwMd5P4wLw/edit#heading=h.il2wsappz75 12:34:02 From Paloma Graciani Picardo to Everyone: +1 to all comments regarding SPARQL. We are very interested in leveraging our contributions to Wikidata for local discovery. That would be fundamental to show the value of our Wikidata efforts to our admin department and patrons. Thanks for sharing that link @christine! 12:34:24 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone: Thanks Susan and Hilary! It’s a great group to work with, especially since everyone shares the passion for Wikidata. 12:35:03 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 Mary 12:35:24 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: +1 Mary 12:36:00 From Iman Dagher to Everyone: Since working with Wikidata is one part of our workload, I feel we need more time than the one year to practice, explore and invest in the tools. 12:36:10 From Patricia Dragon to Everyone: +1 Adam. And not $800 training :) 12:36:11 From Nerissa Lindsey to Everyone: +1 Adam 12:36:45 From Tatyana Chubaryan to Everyone: +1 Adam 12:36:49 From Eric Willey (he,him,his) to Everyone: PCC endorsement definitely helped me convince admin it wasn't just a side project I think 12:37:07 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: +1 Adam, I also agree that PCC endorsement can be on different levels. 12:37:23 From Christine A DeZelar-Tiedman to Everyone: I like the idea of PCC-endorsed recommendations on how to do identity management work in Wikidata, as opposed to having an expectation that all/most PCC institutions contribute 12:37:30 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone: +1 Eric, very much true for us too. 12:37:33 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: It definitely helped 12:37:36 From Sarah Osborne Bender (she/her) to Everyone: The PCC alignment also made it feel more essential to catalogers, not just an LOD lark. 12:37:54 From Joseph Angelo to Everyone: +1 Sarah 12:38:00 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: I think the LD4 alignment can also help -- as might maybe both PCC/LD4? 12:38:22 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: ++ Nancy 12:38:24 From Melanie Wacker (she/her) to Everyone: +1 Nancy 12:38:32 From Darnelle Melvin to Everyone: Agreed 12:38:34 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone: As someone coming from a non-PCC institution, I think people were actually a little confused about the work (that it would need to be as particular as NACO etc.) 12:38:40 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 Nancy (and others’ comments on this point) 12:38:49 From Brandie Pullen to Everyone: I can see benefit in having both a PCC group that helps make standards and trainings etc for Wikidata as well as having us be more engaged with the community. 12:38:55 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone: I’d be interested in seeing how Wikidata and NACO work would be integrated. That’s one way to legitimize those of us in purely cataloging to integrate Wikidata into our workflow formally and accepted by our institution 12:39:10 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: +1 Joy 12:39:33 From Nancy Lorimer to Everyone: +1 Isabel! 12:39:53 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: The PCC affiliation brings clout, but the LD4 wikidata affinity group inspires action. 12:40:00 From Eric Willey (he,him,his) to Everyone: I don't know if it was strictly necessary but it definitely lowered the bar I think. PCC is known and well respected by admin, and Wikidata isn't as well known and may have some baggage carry-over from Wikipedia. Also agree with Isabel and Nancy's comments. 12:40:02 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone: +1 Isabel; absolutely!! 12:40:07 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: +1 Gina! Exactly. 12:40:08 From Christine A DeZelar-Tiedman to Everyone: Yes, I agree with Isabel 12:40:14 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: +1 Gina! 12:40:19 From Paromita Biswas to Everyone: +1 Isabel 12:40:23 From Cory Lampert to Everyone: +1 Gina 12:40:23 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone: And +1 Isabel, too! 12:40:29 From Brandie Pullen to Everyone: Developing some sort of round-trip tool that can help do NACO and Wikidata work side by side would be great 12:40:42 From Christine A DeZelar-Tiedman to Everyone: +1 12:40:44 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone: And also something that our system can ingest into our main database and searchable as well 12:41:07 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone: So this maybe a conversation with our vendor 12:44:42 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: Tatyana raises an interesting idea to use ISNI for X group/subject area, WIkidata for X group, etc. (i.e. use the source that will have the most identities) 12:45:01 From Xiping Liu to Everyone: Wikidata can be a good supplement to the LC authority file. If we can take advantage of that and incorporate it into our cataloging, that would be some real incentives of contributing to Wikidata. 12:45:43 From Brandie Pullen to Everyone: If we do try to put more information into Wikidata than into the NACO records what would that mean for searching to find works created by one person for users? There's a disconnect from Wikidata to library services and I would like to see how we can search Wikidata to help users 12:46:01 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: All great points, Darnelle. 12:46:08 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: Xiping - yes! Not everything in Wikidata might work in NACO especially because of connections 12:48:48 From Tatyana Chubaryan to Everyone: Thank you! 12:48:56 From Charlene Chou to Everyone: In addition to NACO, I’d be interested in seeing how Wikidata and SACO work together or complement each other. Hope to see that SACO Wikidata pilot meetings will be resumed. 12:49:11 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone: I’m using Wikidata for my research on scholarly communication and as an ongoing process. It’s trying to use Wikidata for my main workflow in cataloging is another issue. 12:49:57 From Iman Dagher to Everyone: +to Charlene 12:50:00 From Susan Radovsky to Everyone: I think that’s a fascinating idea, Isabel. Very much looking forward to PCC training and operationalization re Wikidata in a NAF context. 12:50:00 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone: +1 Charlene on SACO Wikidata project 12:50:20 From Susan Radovsky to Everyone: And, especially, best practices. 12:52:58 From Keiko Suzuki to Everyone: +1 Charlene especially for entity management point of view. 12:53:10 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: There was no way to indicate whether PCC membership would be required (for that last question) :-) 12:53:17 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone: Many pilot projects focused on name authority control, but I hope bibliographic entities in Wikidata can also be part of future discussions since bibliographic metadata modeling on Wikidata is still pretty inconsistent. 12:53:41 From Ruth Tillman to Everyone: Matt Miller might have that # 12:53:52 From jimhahn to Everyone: +1 yes 12:53:55 From Christine A DeZelar-Tiedman to Everyone: Good point, Zoe! I certainly struggled with this when creating work items in the pilot 12:54:04 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Not exactly, but this was useful: https://ejournals.bc.edu/index.php/ital/article/view/12959 12:54:30 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: ^To Darnelle’s question 12:54:31 From Honor M. Moody to Everyone: Keyword search for wikidata? 12:55:05 From Adam Schiff to Everyone: keyword would also retrieve $2 wikidata in other fields as well as 670s that cite Wikidata 12:55:17 From Honor M. Moody to Everyone: Returns 17,620 records in Connexion 12:55:37 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: I think Matt Miller also had a relevant presentation at last year’s SWIB 12:55:46 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone: +1 Zoe, regarding inconsistent treatment of Bib entities in Wikidata; we (NYU) continue to struggle with that too 12:55:47 From Chiat Naun Chew to Everyone: Because NACO skews heavily toward book publishing, and in some fields people don’t publish primarily in books? 12:56:52 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone: +1 Naun ; especially in many of the STEM fields. That definitely surfaced during NYU’s Faculty Identifiers Project 12:57:04 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone: Matt Miller: “id.loc.gov and Wikidata, one year later.” https://swib.org/swib20/programme.html#abs17 12:57:20 From Susan Radovsky to Everyone: Thanks for those links, Christine! 12:57:51 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone: We add ORCID ids to our ETD authors and advisors and some of these ORCIDs may also be in Wikidata 12:58:20 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: +1 Joy, we do the same. 12:59:28 From Susan Radovsky to Everyone: Thanks to Michelle and to all the participants in this pilot. It’s been so informative and thought-provoking! 12:59:34 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone: Thank you Michelle, for soliciting our input, and thanks to all for their insights, and for all their wonderful work on the pilots! 12:59:39 From Melanie Wacker (she/her) to Everyone: Thanks for all the great work and Michelle for leading us through this! 12:59:40 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone: Thank you Michelle for all the organizing! 12:59:41 From Gina Solares (she/her) to Everyone: Big thanks to Michelle for leading these meetings! 12:59:50 From Christa Strickler to Everyone: This has been a great pilot! I greatly appreciate the opportunity to participate. 12:59:56 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone: Thank you for leading these meetings and bringing this group together! 12:59:59 From Eric Willey (he,him,his) to Everyone: Yes, thank you everyone! 13:00:01 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone: Thank you Michelle and all colleagues in this project! 13:00:10 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone: Excited for future developments! 13:00:10 From Nerissa Lindsey to Everyone: Thanks! 13:00:12 From Paromita Biswas to Everyone: thank you! 13:00:13 From Sonia Agnew to Everyone: Thank you! 13:00:14 From Diane Shaw (she/her/hers) to Everyone: Thank you Michelle & other participants; this has been a great experience 13:00:15 From tyler.rogers to Everyone: Thank you very much! 13:00:16 From tmdousa to Everyone: Thank you! 13:00:17 From ERICA ZHANG to Everyone: Thank you for this great pilot! 13:00:19 From Soo Bae to Everyone: Thank you so much! 13:00:19 From Pete Steadman to Everyone: Thank you everyone! 13:00:19 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone: Thank you so much, Michelle! This has definitely been a wonderful pilot and really helpful for us!! Thank you! 13:00:20 From Angela Yon to Everyone: thank you everyone :) 13:00:23 From Sarah Osborne Bender (she/her) to Everyone: Thank you! 13:00:23 From Tatyana Chubaryan to Everyone: Thank you for everything you are doing, Michelle!!! 13:00:24 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone: Thank you! 13:00:25 From Nicole Lewis to Everyone: Thanks! 13:00:25 From Iman Dagher to Everyone: thank you 13:00:31 From Joseph Angelo to Everyone: Thank you so much!