12:04:21 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : https://boston-public-library.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUucu2vqD0pH91YbeOjAfZpH7uFfRNCyl8Y 12:04:57 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Event description here: https://bpl.bibliocommons.com/events/6082feae428df5450011f1a8 12:21:25 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : That is really wonderful, Chris! 12:21:28 From Lori Robare to Everyone : Chris, have you had any issues with WIkidata items being questioned or deleted due to notability? 12:22:19 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone : Terrific project, Chris! Thank you! 12:22:31 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : I’d love the hear more about the process of disambiguating the “A Lady” authors or other generic pseudonyms 12:22:36 From Dave to Everyone : A question for Chris, what do the Wikidata URLs look like as you feed them back into your collection? 12:22:40 From Violet Fox (she/her) to Everyone : There are no notability requirements for people in Wikidata! 12:23:23 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Hooray for P5008! 12:23:41 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : The P5008 property didn't stop this issue from happening to us several times so far. 12:24:06 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Question for Mollie and Alex: can you share a link to the documentation that you showed, related to living persons! It looked so well-organized and thoughtful. 12:24:09 From TJ Kao (UCD) to Everyone : We at UCD did have a couple of Wikidata entries being deleted due to notability issue. So, it IS an issue 12:24:10 From Amy Eoff - Texas State University to Everyone : As a former student of Victorian literature, I salute your team and your dedication to dis-ambiguation! Huzzah! 12:24:11 From Alex Whelan (he/him) to Everyone : Fair point Adam! 12:24:29 From Stephen Hearn to Everyone : Is there a way to link an OCLC bib record to a Wikidata item for the person, i.e., in the Wikidata description? especially if there's no NACO person record to link to. 12:24:30 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone : (I vaguely recall some discussions on notability being relevant for living people who might wish to stay private, but I don’t have links to hand on that) 12:24:52 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : There are some editors who seem to think they are the notability police, I think. 12:24:54 From N C to Everyone : Alex and Mollie, with oral histories, are you linking to the finding aid or using has works in collection (P6379) or archives at property? 12:25:33 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Thanks for your answer, Chris! 12:25:39 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : Having LCNAF and VIAF IDs in the items helps a lot I think 12:26:21 From Susan Hoover to Everyone : We linked ours to P5008 as soon as we created/enhanced them, to try to avoid deletion for non-notability. Also LCNAF and VIAF where possible. 12:26:27 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : Maybe we need a new property "oral history at"? 12:26:50 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : +1 Amy Eoff — having worked on a project involving 18th c. literature, I’ve seen that disambiguation of this sort is a lot of work, when it’s even possible 12:26:57 From Iman Dagher to Everyone : Chris, did you have to create wikidata items for the books/poems in your project? 12:27:09 From Zack Lane to Everyone : I like that idea, Adam 12:27:11 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Great question, Iman! 12:27:23 From Ken Robinson to Everyone : I think the more external IDs you put in a Wikidata record, the less it becomes an issue of notability. 12:27:32 From Alex Whelan (he/him) to Everyone : @Christine - our documentation is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BncEZCRShN9mvuO5mD6zfw9Kiw_C-AH-COPSuarElZ4/edit 12:27:53 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Alex, thanks! Requested access 12:27:54 From Mary Aycock to Everyone : I've wondered the same about a new property for oral histories Adam. 12:28:01 From N C to Everyone : Thank you so much! Tricky with item level legacy issues. 12:28:19 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : +1 Ken. And "described at URL" and OCLC WorldCat identifiers help too 12:28:43 From Alex Whelan (he/him) to Everyone : Oh sorry Christine! Permissions, agh. Here’s the project page too with all documentation, we’ll work on making all of those links accessible outside CUL: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/Participants/Columbia_University_Libraries 12:28:43 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : OCLC control number (P243) 12:29:11 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Thanks for the page link, Alex! 12:29:32 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : +1. Thanks again, Alex! 12:29:35 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : And OCLC work ID (P5331) for work records 12:29:40 From Violet Fox (she/her) to Everyone : https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/UNLV 12:30:13 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : We include the OCLC identifier on our thesis items, and they have not been questioned for notability 12:30:36 From hilary thorsen to Everyone : Thinking a best practice page with properties that seem to help with establishing notability might be useful for the pilot 12:30:45 From Michelle M. Durocher to Lori Robare(Direct Message) : I'd love some help mining the Chat for any unasked questions in case we have time to turn back to them at the end. Can you help? 12:30:52 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : That's a great idea, Hilary 12:30:55 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : That would be very helpful, Hilary! 12:31:15 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : +1 Hilary 12:31:48 From Lori Robare to Michelle M. Durocher(Direct Message) : Yes! I'll peruse the chat. 12:31:53 From Susan Hoover to Everyone : As a reminder, the WD notability guidelines are here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Notability and you can see the bar is set pretty low. 12:31:53 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : Violet: we just proposed an identifier for the Newspaper Genre List, and we have created numerous new items for specific genres that are on that list 12:32:01 From Michelle M. Durocher to Lori Robare(Direct Message) : thanks so much! 12:32:14 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Violet, have you had any issues with forms loading slowly or not at all? I’ve mostly found them reliable, if occasionally slow, but I’ve struggled to troubleshoot this for others 12:32:38 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : Even though the bar is set low, some editors who propose deletions don't follow those guidelines :( 12:33:05 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : +1 Christine. 12:33:50 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone : I appreciate the work Violet and her colleagues have been doing! The other day, I found myself adding Penn’s copyright info property (from our PCC project) to a Las Vegas newspaper item create in her PCC project. PCC Wikidata synergy! 12:34:11 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : This looks awesome, Violet! 12:34:13 From P Dragon to Everyone : Are there particular situations when you found quickstatements most useful? Did you mostly add single properties to a bunch of items? 12:35:17 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : We are using quickstatements to create items for our theses and dissertations. We start with the MARC records and end up with WD items 12:35:27 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Great presentation! 12:35:30 From Violet Fox (she/her) to Everyone : https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/UNLV 12:35:37 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : Very cool Violet! 12:35:39 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone : Great project, Violet! 12:35:51 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Great presentation! 12:36:23 From Ho, Jeannette A to Everyone : We are using OpenRefine to batch upload data to Wikidata to generate new or enhance exising items. Are there advantages to using Quickstatements to do this? 12:36:27 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Thanks, Violet! 12:36:28 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Aha — that might be a factor with Cradle slowness! 12:36:40 From Susan Hoover to Everyone : Great question, Jeannette! 12:37:15 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Thank you so much for recording these sessions. I will be rematching these presentations! 12:37:29 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : rewatching! 12:37:54 From Paul Burley to Everyone : Jeanette I'm not aware that the OpenRefine batch upload allows some qualifiers and... some other things that I forgot. 12:38:36 From Paul Burley to Everyone : I've defaulted to using both, but I'm not sure why! 12:38:55 From Alexandra Wong to Everyone : At University of Toronto Libraries, we have used both QuickStatements and OpenRefine - OpenRefine allowed us to use the qualifiers we wanted to use, but it does have a bit more of a learning curve than QuickStatements! 12:38:57 From N C to Everyone : Openrefine is really nice for data that varies widely, vs QuickStatements is nice for creating new entries that has many similarities (ex, departments in a university) 12:39:19 From N C to Everyone : And agree with @Alexandra Wong about the learning curve! 12:40:08 From Christa Strickler to Everyone : I would love to hear more about how to use qualifiers in Open Refine. I haven't figured that one out yet! 12:40:29 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone : Hi everyone! Thanks to Alex for presenting on behalf of our PCC group here at U of T :) 12:41:28 From Susan Hoover to Everyone : I’ve been able to use OpenRefine to add statements with qualifiers (start time / end time) and references. Maybe there are specific qualifiers that don’t work? 12:42:10 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone : I think it's that QS ignores qualifiers when matching statements 12:42:34 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone : I’m interested in the indigenous subject headings. Thanks, Alex and UofToronto for working on these projects. 12:42:57 From P Dragon to Everyone : What are you looking for in an assessment for your projects? Greater traffic to your resources? Other things? 12:43:43 From Christa Strickler to Everyone : I haven't figured how to use qualifiers for multiple authors of a scholarly article, such as for first author, second author, etc. 12:43:47 From Susan Hoover to Everyone : Yes, if you have a statement about property Pxxx with no qualifiers, and your upload has a statement about property Pxxx with or without qualifiers, I think the upload will create a new duplicate-ish statement instead of enhancing an existing one. 12:44:40 From Dave to Everyone : https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/campaigns/pcc_wikidata_pilot/programs P Dragon, there's a dashboard that tracks certain outcomes (not that that's the end goal for everyone.) But I think it's pretty neat to see metrics and article views. 12:44:50 From May Chan to Everyone : @Joy, we had to put on hold our explorations with subject headings due to a vocabulary developed by another community we were hoping to use not being ready for widespread use. But we can talk about separately about lessons there in that process. 12:46:02 From Lori Robare to Everyone : I see different institutional levels used with "archives at": the university, the library, the archives department. I'm curious about how people think through that choice. 12:46:43 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone : Nice use of Wikidata and Wikipedia hooks! Do you add the “Archives at” box on Wikipedia articles manually? (If so, is that part of your standard workflow? Or, if it’s automatic, how did you manage that?) 12:47:15 From Elizabeth Russey Roke to Everyone : Lori, if your institutional entities are set up properly to link to each other, it shouldn’t matter which level the archivesAt property is used. We use the archive, which is partOf the Univ library which is partOf the university. 12:47:42 From Lori Robare to Everyone : Thanks, Elizabeth! 12:47:47 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone : John - yes, it is manual right now 12:47:57 From Ho, Jeannette A to Everyone : I also found that if you later upload a statement with new qualifiers, it duplicates it in Wikidata instead of replaces it. So some manual cleanup is involved. 12:48:01 From Alex Whelan (he/him) to Everyone : Yes, the “archives at” is interesting. As I mentioned, our oral history interviews are technically accessed through the rare book and manuscript library, but single interviewees in a larger project wouldn’t necessarily be considered someone with “archives” at Columbia…nor are the OH collections controlled archival. Yet we’re interested in linking these back to Columbia somehow. It’s a question that’s come up but we don’t have a solution necessarily. 12:48:20 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone : I’m just in the Archives Association of Ontario annual conference at the same time as this call chatting about “Archives At” infobox Wikipedia edit-a-thon ideas :) 12:48:27 From Ho, Jeannette A to Everyone : But we haven't run into any situations yet where OpenRefine won't allow us to add certain qualifiers. 12:48:42 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone : Thanks! (The other infoboxes I’m familiar with are also added manually, but I wanted to check to be sure.) 12:48:45 From Kristin Anderson to Everyone : Any difficulties with "Archives at" boxes being removed? 12:48:57 From Eric Willey (he,him,his) to Everyone : @Lori, We use "archives at" the archives dept. because it's at a different physical address than the main library. I don't know that anyone has ever tried to get there via Wikidata address, but it seemed to make sense. 12:49:02 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone : @May thanks. We are monitoring other projects related to this issue as well. 12:49:23 From Dave to Everyone : RE: outcomes for the pilot, I think it would be great to see another round of lightning sessions on what sort of SPARQL queries people are running. (Or more from the visuals like Violet presented!) 12:49:33 From Alex Whelan (he/him) to Everyone : +1 Dave 12:49:45 From Joy Panigabutra-Roberts to Everyone : I have to leave earlier to prep for another meeting. Thank you all for your work and presentations! 12:49:46 From Christa Strickler to Everyone : +1 Dave 12:50:03 From Paul Burley to Everyone : "Archives at"... that's been a challenge to find consensus. Our archives & special collections recently reorganized so it made it more difficult. 12:50:13 From N C to Everyone : For oral histories at Texas State University, we chose to use "Has works in collection" vs "Archives at" so we could link to an oral history collection entry, which is then linked to the University Library. I use archvies at for full finding aids that I can link to 12:50:14 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone : Ditto to Elizabeth on the structure of our institution in “archives at”. We link to the holding institution, and their Wikidata item is linked within our overall U of T Libraries org structure in Wikidata. More info on org structure: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_University_of_Toronto_Libraries/Data_Model_for_Libraries_and_Archives 12:50:34 From Alex Whelan (he/him) to Everyone : @N C interesting, we might take a look at that. Thanks! 12:51:59 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : Have you considered a property like we set up: Archives West finding aid ID. Do you have a similar finding aid website with unique IDs? 12:52:01 From Iman Dagher to Everyone : we add "archives at" for our special collections items as well, that can help to increase visibility to our institution 12:52:13 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone : I haven’t seen any “Archives at” inboxes removed so far, too. 12:52:44 From Paloma Graciani Picardo to Everyone : For folks using "archives at", are you also adding the property if you have a portion of the archival collection? And if so, are you adding other institutions that hold larger portions of the collection as part of your workflow? Trying to figure out best practices for that 12:52:50 From Elizabeth Russey Roke to Everyone : One thing that we’re really careful about when we use archivesAt is to also add other institutions that holds papers of that entity, especially if we don’t hold the predominant collection. 12:53:19 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone : Paloma - we are only doing top level collections/fonds. So if we have a file-level record for someone notable we are not adding that to Wikidata right now. 12:53:44 From Lori Robare to Michelle M. Durocher(Direct Message) : An earlier question I'm not sure was answered, from DAve at 9:22: A question for Chris, what do the Wikidata URLs look like as you feed them back into your collection? 12:54:32 From Paul Burley to Everyone : I wish I'd seen these different approaches to "archives at" before I'd started our project. 12:54:44 From Paloma Graciani Picardo to Everyone : Thanks Kelli and Elizabeth. It really helps to hear what other institutions are doing 12:54:49 From Jiyun Jung to Everyone : on the multiple institutions point (by Elizabeth), just noting that the Wikipedia infobox is currently limited in displaying results for more than one institution 12:55:37 From Lori Robare to Michelle M. Durocher(Direct Message) : Other earlier questions were answered/discussed in chat: Is there a way to link to the OCLC bib? (Adam answered); maybe we need a new property for "oral history at" (agreement in chat); Hilary suggests a best practices page for properties that help with notability (much agreement). 12:56:15 From Paloma Graciani Picardo to Everyone : Also very interested in this conversation about assessment. We are currently discussing this at University of Texas at Austin. Maybe it would be a good topic for future PCC Wikidata Pilot meeting? 12:56:55 From hilary thorsen to Everyone : Dashboard 12:56:56 From hilary thorsen to Everyone : https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/campaigns/pcc_wikidata_pilot/overview 12:57:27 From hilary thorsen to Everyone : https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/Pilot_Resources 12:57:41 From Michelle M. Durocher to Lori Robare(Direct Message) : any questions that you found earlier on that you think we should ask? 12:58:52 From Paul Burley to Everyone : A great topic Paloma. I'm not interested in the number of items we've created. I'm interested in assessing Wikidata skills & competencies of the members of our pilot project team. 12:59:04 From Lori Robare to Michelle M. Durocher(Direct Message) : Just this one -- I didn't hear it answered but not sure: from DAve at 9:22: A question for Chris, what do the Wikidata URLs look like as you feed them back into your collection? 12:59:28 From Michelle M. Durocher to Lori Robare(Direct Message) : eek running out of time I think... 12:59:28 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Hilary, that was quick! 12:59:29 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone : ^I think we are in a similar spot as Paul. It’s more a “communicating benefits” or “defining value of this work” issue. 12:59:35 From hilary thorsen to Everyone : https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/Pilot_Best_Practices/Properties_Helpful_for_Establishing_Notability 12:59:38 From Lori Robare to Michelle M. Durocher(Direct Message) : I think it's fine! 12:59:40 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Thanks, Hilary! 12:59:51 From Kelli Babcock to Everyone : Thank you, Hilary! 12:59:53 From Amy Eoff - Texas State University to Everyone : These presentations have all been excellent -- great illustration on how varied and variously applicable WikiData is! Huzzah and merci beaucoup to ALL the presenters! 13:00:08 From P Dragon to Everyone : This was wonderful! Thanks! 13:00:10 From Paloma Graciani Picardo to Everyone : Our interest is to figure out how does it improve access to the collections, so we can get more buy in from our admin team 13:00:11 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : I’m glad there will be another session like this! 13:00:11 From Iman Dagher to Everyone : Thank you to all presenters, Michelle and Hilary! 13:00:19 From Paul Burley to Everyone : Thanks all, this was wonderful. 13:00:23 From Eric Willey (he,him,his) to Everyone : Thank you everyone these were great! 13:00:25 From May Chan to Everyone : Thank you to all the presenters! More creative inspiration! 13:00:26 From Paloma Graciani Picardo to Everyone : Thanks all presenters, this was great! 13:00:30 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Thanks for this! Great presentations. 13:00:30 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone : Thank you all; wonderful! 13:00:43 From Darnelle Melvin to Everyone : Great job everyone 13:00:43 From Rita Johnston (she/her) to Everyone : Thanks to all presenters, they were all really interesting! 13:00:45 From Soo Bae to Everyone : Thank you! 13:00:46 From Paromita Biswas to Everyone : Thanks all! 13:00:47 From Lori Robare to Everyone : Thanks to all presenters! 13:00:49 From Alex Whelan (he/him) to Everyone : Thank you! 13:00:56 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone : Thanks! 13:01:06 From Dakota Pereira to Everyone : Many thanks!