11:58:47 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Hello, all! 11:58:59 From Jim Hahn to Everyone : Hi! 12:12:38 From Jim Hahn to Everyone : https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/cce/db/ 12:16:01 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : My understanding is that qualifiers should not be included in labels and that the description is what is used to differentiate identical labels. 12:16:42 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone : Do you simply transliterate the serial title to get the English label? or is it transliterated on the serial? 12:17:38 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : There are language tags within the label "properties" in Wikidata. For instance, the English label will be the value of "Len" and the Spanish label will be the value of "Les" so including (English) or (Spanish) in the label itself doesn't make sense. 12:18:01 From Polutta, Melanie to Everyone : Are there WIkidata relationships that reflect the variety of earlier/later situations, such as merged/split, merged/continued, etc.? 12:18:08 From Alla Roylance to Everyone : +1 to Zoe’s question. If so, do you use the LC transliteration conventions? 12:18:38 From Clara Liao to Everyone : Do you need to manually input each journal entry or you have some template and can do batch uploading process? 12:19:08 From Jim Hahn to Everyone : We’re about to talk about the batch process… (next slide after this one) 12:19:22 From Honor M. Moody to Everyone : Have you encountered latest entry records in your catalog, and do you account for them in your process? 12:20:53 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : ­­@Melanie: if there aren't, these can be proposed as properties. For example, we proposed and had approved "supplement to". 12:21:06 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone : Yes, I have encountered a mix of treatments for Serial resources in Wikidata. Many follow what we think of as Successive Entry cataloging, others follow something more akin to Latest Entry cataloging. And some serial title sequences follow something of a mixed treatment(s) (smile!) 12:22:10 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Have you tried using this batch process on subjects/6xx fields? 12:25:00 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Have you all been able to get schemas in openrefine to work when you're starting with an item that is yet to be created? For example, if there's no item already existing for a serial, have you been able to use the schemas in OpenRefine to create one and then make statements about it based on the rest of the data in your csv? 12:25:11 From Polutta, Melanie to Everyone : @Adam, I know you can propose them. I was wondering if they already existed. If not, then that might need to be a project. 12:25:25 From Beth Guay to Everyone : It seems that not creating new items and instead working with what you find in Wikidata rather than revising those Wikidata items (as given in the example, https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5735536) sort of creates a mix of cataloging approaches, latest entry in some successive entry in others 12:26:24 From Polutta, Melanie to Everyone : +1 to Crystal's question 12:26:32 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : P7888 = merged into 12:26:37 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : P807 = separated from 12:27:07 From Pierre Godefroy (ISSN International Centre - Paris) to Everyone : Very interesting (ISSN International Centre in Paris here)! Our "ISSNBot" regularly tries to add automatically "authoritative" ISSN data to Wikidata records which already have at least one ISSN (key titles, "print ISSN", "e-ISSN", language, country, URL...). We hope this is useful for this project. 12:27:10 From Joseph N. to Everyone : Try reconciling on the entity you want to create an item for (e.g. title) and then creating new items in cases in which there's no match (check "create new item" option at bottom of OpenRefine cell with value after the reconciliation finishes). Then you can proceed with creating the schema. 12:27:16 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : @crystal I use a two-step process — first I use OpenRefine to generate the CREATE statements for new items (minimal — usually just Label, description, instance of) and load these via the QuickStatements API. Then I reconcile the new items in OpenRefine and add additional statements with references and qualifiers 12:27:22 From Iman Dagher to Everyone : any reason why you didn't add the specific place of publication of the serials in your application profile (in addition to the country)? wouldn't this be useful information in querying data/or visualize specific location of these serials? 12:27:55 From Alla Roylance to Everyone : It would be great if the chat can be saved and shared. 12:28:02 From J Shieh to Everyone : Even though, the Books project, https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Books seems to suggest for book, however, in U Penn scenario, if an ISSN-L is available, will you create 2 entities, one for the (serial aggregation) to include OCLC Word ID, and one for (likely manifestation piece) to accommodate OCLC Rec#? 12:28:05 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : place of publication is not a work property and doesn't go in work items, only in edition/version items 12:28:18 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : @Timothy that's the work-around I've figured on too, but it would be real cool to be able to do this in one click/process. 12:28:34 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : @crystal Agreed! 12:29:14 From Mary Grenci to Everyone : There is no work record for serials according to the Wikiproject Periodicals 12:29:21 From P Dragon to Everyone : To save the chat, click the three dots to the right of the chat typing area, and click Save chat. It saves to your documents folder. 12:29:39 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : @Mary ah! 12:30:12 From Steven Riel to Everyone : Have you considered switching from replaced by/replaces to followed by/follows? (To me, it seems more aligned with the meaning of successive titles. If you made a decision to do so, how difficult would that be? 12:32:38 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : I’m not sure if this is correct, but in my understanding replaced/replaces applies to a 1-to-1 relationship, whereas follows/followed by is more for mergers/splits 12:33:44 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Are you making use of specific transliteration properties at all, for titles? https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=transliteration&ns120=1&fulltext=Search+a+property&fulltext=Search 12:34:09 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : replaces definition: person, state or item replaced. Use "structure replaces" (P1398) for structures. Use "follows" (P155) if the previous item was not replaced or predecessor and successor are identical 12:34:11 From Alexandra Alisa Provo (she/her) to Everyone : Oh wow, I didn’t know about that transliteration property. Thanks, Christine! 12:34:33 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : It’s for titles rather than labels, but it seems potentially relevant here 12:34:52 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : replaced by definition: other person or item which continues the item by replacing it in its role. Use P156 (followed by) if the item is not replaced (e.g. books in a series), nor identical, but adds to the series without dropping the role of this item in that series 12:35:23 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone : +1 to J Shieh's question further up about serial works vs. editions, not sure how this works in Wikidata 12:35:29 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : Aliasas for follows/followed by in the Wikidata property statement: “ succeeds to previous is before was predecessor preceded by prequel is sequel of split from comes after successor to succeeds prev previous element” 12:36:15 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : Aliases for replaces/replaced by: “ forefather previous job holder replaced preceded by succeeds predecessor supersedes continues from continues" 12:36:22 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : followed by definition: immediately following item in a series of which the subject is a part [if the subject has been replaced, e.g. political offices, use "replaced by" (P1366)] 12:36:53 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : follows definition: immediately prior item in a series of which the subject is a part [if the subject has replaced the preceding item, e.g. political offices, use "replaces" (P1365)] 12:36:55 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : There’s a checkbox that says “new item” 12:37:06 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : It mystified me for _years_ 12:37:15 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Do you have to do something between "new item" and pulling it into the schema? 12:37:35 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone : it's also more complicated when you need that new item as the object for statements about another item, I guess that has to be a 2 step process 12:37:41 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Thanks, I've been struggling so hard with those "new items" in schemas especially when they're at the root of the schema 12:38:02 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : Thanks regarding “new” items — very helpful to know this! 12:38:12 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Yes, what Zoe says, when it's the first item and you need to then go and talk about it with more statements 12:38:13 From Joseph N. to Everyone : @crystal Not in my experience. Once you've created the new item post-reconciliation you can slip the column of values into your schema. 12:38:31 From Lucas Mak to Everyone : @Adam: I think P807 can only be used for items which are "organization", "administrative territorial entity", or "software" per its property constraints. We can probably change it though 12:38:41 From Alex Jung to Everyone : @crystal: echoing Joseph N.. selecting "create a new item" is considered reconciliation TO a new item 12:39:02 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : I wonder if OpenRefine/Quickstatements/new items might be a good topic for a “working hour” style zoom 12:39:16 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Right, but then pulling it into the schema as the first thing in the schema is difficult. I would love a working hour on this! 12:39:21 From Chiat Naun Chew to Everyone : To save others looking for it, this must be the Wikiproject Periodicals that Mary Grenci mentioned: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Periodicals 12:39:23 From Alexandra Alisa Provo (she/her) to Everyone : @Christine, I think Hilary did do one of those a while back 12:39:37 From rmeja to Everyone : https://github.com/CIEPS/ISSNBot 12:39:53 From Beth Guay to Everyone : It seems that there's a perception - you have to work with what you find" (@Beth) that you can't edit/expand a given item in a latest entry style by creating new items in a successive entry style and adding your relationships ... I might be misunderstanding here 12:39:57 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : @Alexandra: that doesn’t surprise me! If there isn’t a recording, maybe we can dig up notes or something 12:40:17 From rmeja to Everyone : https://github.com/CIEPS/ISSNBot/wiki/ISSN-Bot-data-model 12:40:32 From Jim Hahn to Everyone : This might be helpful for adding new items in reconciliation: https://docs.openrefine.org/manual/reconciling/#reconciliation-actions 12:40:49 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : +1 Thanks Jim! 12:41:24 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Thanks Jim! And thanks Alexandra! I'll look through the notes on the working hours to see if I can find it. 12:41:27 From Jim Hahn to Everyone : e.g. if you want to add all as new use the “Create a new item for each cell” 12:41:35 From Jim Hahn to Everyone : :) 12:41:56 From Mary Grenci to Everyone : To see what the wikiproject has defined for periodicals see https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Periodicals 12:42:10 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone : So a serial title is a "venue item" according to the periodicals WikiProject?? serial modeling is an adventure... 12:42:42 From Alexandra Alisa Provo (she/her) to Everyone : @Crystal + @Christine: here is the LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call that was about using OpenRefine to add to Wikidata: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rxo5dF5q6AVJ4xvBkBwCsy2nXdSqYdGHudZxPmSqKfk/edit 12:42:42 From Mary Grenci to Everyone : There is no work vs edition for periodicals. 12:43:02 From Mary Grenci to Everyone : @Zoe correct 12:43:08 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : Thanks @Alex for finding the Affinity Group Call information! 12:43:33 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : @Alexandra: Thank you! 12:44:15 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone : Wanted to add +1 to Christine’s suggestion for an OpenRefine/Quickstatements working hour 12:44:50 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Extremely retro 12:45:35 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : I find that particular UI pretty finicky, and I wonder if it works better in some browsers than others; if anybody has tips, that would be welcome 12:45:41 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Thank you! 12:46:08 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone : @Mary thanks for mentioning/linking, interesting how periodicals seems almost more fleshed out than the books project 12:46:12 From J Shieh to Everyone : In my experience working with Schema in OpenRefine, when a column has not gone through reconciliation process, the data would not respond to drag/drop. It would be great to see how it words differently in your environment! 12:46:43 From hilary thorsen to Michelle M. Durocher(Direct Message) : I just joined, so I’m here if needed for best practices :) 12:47:17 From J Shieh to Everyone : The green bar indicates column data has gone through recon WD process. Were you able to pull the columns that do not have green bar? 12:47:30 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Thank you, this has been so difficult to get them into that first "root" item spot in the schema. 12:48:22 From Violet Fox (she/her) to Everyone : If it's helpful to anyone, I've created an introductory guide to QuickStatements (for those without command line experience) https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_PCC_Wikidata_Pilot/UNLV/QuickStatements 12:48:35 From Joseph N. to Everyone : Have found that saving the schema after adding each property prevents weird OpenRefine errors. 12:48:48 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : There are instances where the column data doesn’t need to be reconciled to be included in the schema — it depends on the range of the property 12:49:07 From Alex Jung to Everyone : Tomorrow's working hour (1-2pm) is slated to be on adding buildings. If you'd like to try using OpenRefine to do it (vs manually), we can always help troubleshoot? 12:49:09 From Alexandra Alisa Provo (she/her) to Everyone : Ryan, would that be properties that have literals as their range? 12:49:12 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : So some properties expect a number, or a date, and these values don’t need to be reconciled 12:49:22 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : Yes, literals would be another 12:49:23 From Jim Hahn to Everyone : +1 yes it varies a little 12:50:06 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone : I really appreciate the efforts to document the copyright in a JSON record - thanks for sharing this! 12:50:07 From Michelle M. Durocher to hilary thorsen(Direct Message) : perhaps only a brief comment on this before we end? 12:50:12 From Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him) to Everyone : But fortunately the Schema validator will only accept correctly formatted data 12:50:15 From Beth Guay to Everyone : Thank you, Beth PC! 12:50:17 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone : Websites (such as used in sources) also don’t have to be reconciled. 12:50:21 From hilary thorsen to Michelle M. Durocher(Direct Message) : Sure! 12:51:01 From Alexandra Alisa Provo (she/her) to Everyone : thanks! 12:51:41 From John Mark Ockerbloom to Everyone : https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/cce/db/ 12:51:53 From Beth Guay to Everyone : Yes! people can come in later on! Thank you John Mark Ockerbloom! 12:52:54 From Alexandra Alisa Provo (she/her) to Everyone : https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Label#Labels_can_be_ambiguous 12:53:17 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : +1 12:53:20 From Joseph N. to Everyone : schemaschmema 12:53:27 From Stephen Hearn to Everyone : Or it was about adding (Latin) to the title 12:53:52 From Deanna White (ISSN International Centre) to Everyone : The ISSNbot will add the key title to Wikidata, and this will include the qualifier 12:54:23 From Jeff Young to Everyone : The “(Latin)” parenthetical wasn’t actually in the string, it’s just an artifact of the UI materializing the language code. 12:54:27 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : @Beth: yes that was what prompted the question, the Japanese publication with an English qualifier 12:54:46 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : yes those are correct for titles but not for labels 12:54:52 From Stephen Hearn to Everyone : ah, thanks 12:55:16 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : It was a descriptive qualifier for that title, which I think is not standard 12:55:23 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone : I've found it difficult sometimes to distinguish things automatically done by Wikidata vs. manually added 12:56:10 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : Thanks for a great presentation — many thoughts were provoked! 12:56:18 From Iman Dagher to Everyone : Thank you! 12:56:20 From Jim Hahn to Everyone : Thanks everyone! :) 12:56:20 From Beth Guay to Everyone : Thanks so much, John Mark, Beth and Jim! 12:56:21 From Joseph N. to Everyone : Thank you. 12:56:24 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Thank you! 12:56:25 From Soo Bae to Everyone : Thank you! 12:56:26 From Melanie Wacker (she/her) to Everyone : Thank you! 12:56:31 From Lori Robare to Everyone : Very interesting presentation -- thank you John Mark, Beth, and Jim! 12:56:37 From Alexandra Alisa Provo (she/her) to Everyone : Thank you! 12:56:39 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone : Thank you all - this presentation had so many interesting aspects 12:56:43 From Mary Aycock (she/her) to Everyone : Thank you! 12:56:52 From rmeja to Everyone : Thank you ! 12:56:53 From Zoe Dobbs to Everyone : Thank you this was really helpful especially demonstrating the schema in OpenRefine! 12:57:14 From Isabel Quintana to Everyone : Thanks to all the presenters. This was very interesting. 12:57:16 From Julian Everett Allgood to Everyone : Very interesting! Always thrilled to hear more about serials descriptive practices. Cheers! 12:59:11 From Susan Deborah Radovsky to Everyone : That sounds great — it can be like these amazing chats! 12:59:28 From Meredith Louise Hale to Everyone : Separating things out so that they have a talk page sounds really good 12:59:29 From Adam Schiff to Everyone : Sounds great, thanks Hilary 12:59:30 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : Thanks Hilary looking forward to that discussion 12:59:45 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Sounds great. Separate pages/talk pages makes sense. 12:59:46 From Crystal E. Clements to Everyone : +1 Meredith, talk pages 12:59:47 From Paloma Graciani Picardo to Everyone : That is a great idea, Hillary! 13:00:13 From Christine Fernsebner Eslao to Everyone : Thank you! This was all great